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Developing High-Quality, Functional IFSP Outcomes and IEP Goals

Developing High-Quality, Functional IFSP Outcomes and IEP Goals. presented in collaboration with. Developers. Anne Lucas ECTA Center / WRRC Kathi Gillaspy ECTA Center Mary Peters ECTA Center. With contributions from Naomi Younggren, Department of Defense/Army Early Intervention;

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Developing High-Quality, Functional IFSP Outcomes and IEP Goals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Developing High-Quality, Functional IFSP Outcomes and IEP Goals presented in collaboration with

  2. Developers Anne Lucas ECTA Center / WRRC KathiGillaspy ECTA Center Mary Peters ECTA Center With contributions from Naomi Younggren, Department of Defense/Army Early Intervention; Debbie Cate, ECTA Center; Megan Vinh, WRRC; Joicey Hurth, ECTA Center/NERRC; Christina Kasprzak, ECTA Center; and Grace Kelley, SERRC

  3. Goal Understand how to: • Apply functional assessment and writing meaningful IFSP outcomes and IEP goals through a case study

  4. SECTION 6___________________________________________________________Applying the Information: Practical Learning Experience

  5. Developing High-Quality, Functional IFSP Outcomes and IEP Goals ApplicationKim’s Story Tables work together in teams Select a recorder and a reporter for your team Review Kim’s Information (17 months & 35 months) Each IFSP team will complete worksheet steps 1-5 and select one child outcome for Kim and one family outcome Each IEP team will complete worksheet steps 1-5 and select two goals for Kim Complete steps 1-7 on page 2 of the worksheet (time permitting) Reflect on what you’ve learned, what you’ll use when you get home and how you’ll follow up with your teams Be prepared to share your team’s outcomes/goals and why you selected it

  6. Questions?

  7. Evaluate this training package online! We value your experiences and suggestions, which we use to improve our TA products and services. If you used this product, please consider evaluating it at: http://ectacenter.org/eval Your feedback is important to us. Thank you for your time and attention!

  8. Contact Information Firstname Lastname Title Organization email@address.org 555-555-5555 Firstname Lastname Title Organization email@address.org 555-555-5555 This product was developed collaboratively with staff from ECTA Center and WRRC in response to the need expressed from state and local providers to have specific information and resources about developing IFSP outcomes and IEP goals. The full training package, including a full reference list, is freely available online: http://www.ectacenter.org/knowledgepath/ifspoutcomes-iepgoals/ifspoutcomes-iepgoals.asp

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