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Protestant Reformation Part C. In Switzerland, what was the Ulrich Zwingli approach to Christianity? Like Luther, Zwingli rejected much of Catholic teaching Zwingli believed in justification by faith alone Zwingli believed that baptism and communion were largely symbolic
In Switzerland, what was the Ulrich Zwingli approach to Christianity? • Like Luther, Zwingli rejected much of Catholic teaching • Zwingli believed in justification by faith alone • Zwingli believed that baptism and communion were largely symbolic • Zwingli believed in iconoclasm, the destruction of religious paintings and statues
2. In what ways did Luther and Zwingli disagree? • They disagreed on what the sacraments did • They disagreed on the use of icons 3. What became of Zwingli? • In 1531, Zwingli was killed in a war between Protestants and Catholics
4. Who was John (Jean) Calvin, and what was Calvinism? • John Calvin was a French lawyer who became a Protestant theologian • Like Luther, Calvin believed in and taught justification by faith alone • Calvin taught that God determines whatsoever shall happen in history • Calvin’s system of theology became known as Calvinism
5. In Calvinism, God’s eternal decree was known as what? • Predestination • Calvin taught that God chose some to be saved, and chose that others would remain in sin unto damnation • Those chosen to salvation were known as the Elect, and the Elect would ultimately come to faith in Christ
6. Where did John Calvin gain power in the 1530s? • Geneva, Switzerland 7. What types of rules did Calvin eventually help to establish in Geneva? • In Geneva, strict moral rules rules were put in place, and activities such as dancing, dirty songs, drunkenness, cursing, and card playing were banned
8. To where did Calvinism spread? • France • The Netherlands (Holland) • Scotland • England • And eventually, North America
9. What was Calvin’s 1536 (first edition) book, Institutes of the Christian Religion? • A systematic explanation of Calvin’s view of Protestant Christianity