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Seminar on Qualitative Methods in Design

Seminar on Qualitative Methods in Design. Gunnar Stevens Alexander Boden. Gunnar Stevens Human Computer Interaction University of Siegen, Germany. Introduction. JProf . Dr. Gunnar Stevens ( gunnar.stevens@uni-siegen.de ) Background in Computer Science (University of Bonn)

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Seminar on Qualitative Methods in Design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Seminar onQualitative Methods in Design Gunnar Stevens Alexander Boden Gunnar Stevens Human Computer Interaction University of Siegen, Germany

  2. Introduction • JProf. Dr. Gunnar Stevens (gunnar.stevens@uni-siegen.de) • Background in Computer Science (University of Bonn) • Working in the field of CSCW since 1999 • Assistant Professorship on Human Computer Interaction • Alexander Boden M.A. (alexander.boden@uni-siegen.de) • Background in Cultural Anthropology (University of Bonn) • Working in CSCW/Software Engineering since 2006 • Dissertation on the role of coordination and learning in distributed software teams

  3. Aims and Scope • Introducing the role of qualitative methods in design research • Providing an overview on fundamentals, traditions and current discussions • Based on readings and discussions of key papers and book chapters • Focus on „Siegener Approach“

  4. What We Expect • Each of you will have to read the papers that are listed in the schedule as preparation for the discussions in each session • Each of you will have to present a summary of one paper or article in the course of the semester • Each of you will have to contribute to term papers on a topic related to this seminar

  5. The Summaries • Each summary presentation should be about 20 minutes and center around the following questions: • What is the author attempting to describe/argue? • What do you think the author is most concerned about regarding this issue, OR, what are you most concerned about regarding this issue? • What do you think the author is most optimistic about regarding this issue, OR, what are you most optimistic about regarding this issue? • We will discuss the paper after this presentation as a plenum (so again, it is necessary that all of you prepare the papers for the sessions)

  6. The Term Papers • We will assign you to groups for writing the term papers in the next session (26.10.) • We will organize two editorial sessions during the semester, where we will discuss the scope and progress of the papers • Term papers should be around 3000 words and follow the ACM CHI Extended Abstract Paper Template (see schedule)

  7. Schedule I

  8. Schedule II

  9. Questions?

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