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BODY FLUIDS. About 70-90% of the total body weight of organism consist of body fluid . It acts as a solvent for the substances we need, such as K, glucose, ATP, and proteins. It is important for the transport of molecules and heat. Body buffering. Water source for animal. Water source :
BODY FLUIDS Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
About 70-90% of the total body weight of organism consist of body fluid. • It acts as a solvent for the substances we need, such as K, glucose, ATP, and proteins. • It is important for the transport of molecules and heat. • Body buffering Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Water source for animal • Water source : • Dietary intake • Metabolic processes (respiration) a small proportion. Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
1. Body fluid homeostasis Water Function Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Under normal condition water loss equals water gain and body’s water volume remains contans. • Dehydration term is when water loss in greater than water gain. This condition stimulates thrist reflex Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
2. Maintenance of body pH Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Buffering systems of the body Bicarbonate and Hemoglobin in the Red Blood Cell Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Intracelullar fluid : present within the cell which are responsible for metabolic reaction • Extracellular fluid : • appear outside cells and within tissues • Provide nourishment to the cells • Serve to eliminating waste products Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Compartement of body fluid • Intracelullar fluid (ICF) : 2/3 body fluid • Fluid found within the cells • Extracelullar fluid (ECF) : 1/3 body fluid • Fluid that found outside cell • Blood plasma (within blood vessels) (80%) • Interstitial fluid (found in mocroscopic space between cells) (20%) • Special fluid : lymph, cerebrospinal, synovial, joint fluid etc. Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Extracellular fluid 1. Lymph • Colourless fluid • Similar to the plasma of blood in composition • Contain of lymphocytes and granulocytes • In mamals, lymph node and lymph glands are present • Lymph node contain aggregations of lymphocytes which act as filternorgans • Prevent harmfull substance from reaching the blood vascular sytem • The lympocytes produced in lymph node are responsible for the destruction of foreign bodies and harnful bacteria • Produce antibody Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
2. Blood General properties of blood • Colour generally red. Depend on the nature of Hb • Venous blood less redness and more blueness than arterial blood • Liquid tissue mainly consisting of plasma and corpuscles • Human blood constitutes ±6-8% of the body’s weight. • 2/3 plasma and 1/3 corpuscles • Specific gravity • Depends on the number of red cells • May varry from 1.05 – 1.06 • Osmotic pressure about 28mm of mercury • pH 7.35 Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Element of Blood • erythrocytes (red blood cells) • In mammals circular, biconcave, no nukleus • Red blood cell (RBC) count in mm3 asindirect estimate of blood’s haemoglobin content Human 4,5-6 million/ mm3 • leukocytes (white blood cells) • Slightly larger than red cells • Type : neutriphils, Basofil, eosinophil, Lymphocytes, monocytes • thrombocytes (platelets) • Smallest element in blood, verry fragile, irregular shape, containing distin granule but no nucleus. Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Blood plasma composition : • An aqueous solution of electrolytes, nutrients, metabolites, proteins, vitamins, trace elements, and signaling substances. • The fluid phase of coagulated blood is known as blood serum. Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Blood fuction • Transport. • The gases oxygen and carbondioxide are transported in the blood. • Theblood mediates the exchange ofsubstancesbetween organs and takes up metabolic endproducts from tissues in order to transportthem to the lungs, liver, and kidney for excretion. • The blood also distributes hormonesthroughout the organism Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
2. Homeostasis. • The blood ensures that a balanceddistribution of water is maintained betweenthe vascular system, the cells (intracellularspace), and the extracellular space. • The acid–base balance is regulated by theblood in combination with the lungs, liver,and kidneys. • The regulation ofbody temperature also depends on the controlledtransport of heat by the blood. Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
3. Defense. The body uses both non-specificand specific mechanisms to defend itselfagainst pathogens. The defense system includesthe cells of the immune system andcertain plasma proteins 4.Self-protection. To prevent blood losswhen a vessel is injured, the blood has systemsfor stanching blood flow and coagulatingthe blood (hemostasis). Thedissolution of blood clots (fibrinolysis) is • also managed by the blood itself Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Erythrocyte metabolism • Cells living in aerobic conditions are dependent on molecular O2 for energy production. • On the other hand, O2 constantly gives rise to small quantities of toxic substances known as reactive oxygen species (ROS). • These substances are powerful oxidation agents or extremely reactive free radicals which damage cellular structures and functional molecules. • Due to their role in O2 transport, the erythrocytes are constantly exposed to high concentrations of O2 and are therefore particularly at risk from ROS. Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Reactive oxygen species • superoxide radical ( O2–) • hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) • peroxyl radicals (ROO•) • hydroxyl radicals (OH•) Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Erythrocyte metabolism • Erythrocytes also have systems that can inactivate ROS (superoxide dismutase, catalase, GSH) • They are also able to repair damage caused by ROS. • This requires products that are supplied by the erythrocytes’ maintenance metabolism, which basically only involves anaerobic glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) • The ATP formed during glycolysis serves mainly to supply Na+/K+-ATPase, which maintains the erythrocytes’ membrane potential • The PPP supplies NADPH+H+, which is needed to regenerate glutathione (GSH) from glutathione disulfide(GSSG) with the help of glutathione reductase Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
GSH, • the most important antioxidant in the erythrocytes, • serves as a coenzyme for glutathione peroxidase • This selenium-containing enzyme detoxifies H2O2 and hydroperoxides, which arise during the reaction of ROS with unsaturated fatty acids in the erythrocyte membrane. • The reduction of methemoglobin (Hb Fe3+) to Hb (Hb Fe2+) is carried out by GSH or scorbate by a non-enzymatic pathway; however, there are also NAD(P)H-dependent Met-Hb reductases. Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Erythrocyte metabolism Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Biological antioxidants • To protect them against ROS and other radicals, all cells contain antioxidants. • These are reducing agents that react easily with oxidative substances and thus protect more important molecules from oxidation. • Including vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q, several carotenoids, Bilirubin, Glutathione (Glu–Cys–Gly) Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Biological antioxidants Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Hemoglobin • The most important task of the red blood cells (erythrocytes) is to transport molecular oxygen (O2) from the lungs into the tissues, and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the tissues back into the lungs. • To achieve this, the higher organisms require a special transport system, since O2 is poorly soluble in water. • By contrast, the protein hemoglobin (Hb), contained in the erythrocytes, can bind a maximum of 220 mL O2 per liter—70 times the physically soluble amount. Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Hemoglobin • Complex of protein (globin) and iron. • Produce in red cells and sinthetized from acetic acid and glycine. • The product called porphyrin which combine with iron to produce a haeme molecule. • Hemoglobin is a heterotetramer consisting of two α-chains and two β-chains, each with masses of 16 kDa. • Each subunit carries a heme group, with a central bivalent iron ion. When O2 binds to the heme iron (Oxygenation of Hb) and when O2 is released (Deoxygenation). Oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ only occurs occasionally. The oxidized form, methemoglobin, is then no longer able to bind O2. Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Hemoglobin structure Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Gas transport • Most tissues are constantly dependent on a supply of molecular O2 to maintain their oxidative metabolism. • Due to its poor solubility, O2 is bound to hemoglobin for transport in the blood. This not only increases the oxygen transport capacity, but also allows regulation of O2 uptake in the lungs and O2 release into tissues. • Although hemoglobin is not an enzyme, it has all the characteristics of an allosteric protein. • Hemoglobin is also decisively involved in the transport of CO2 from the tissues to the lungs. Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Regulation of O2 transport Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Iron metabolism • Iron (Fe) is quantitatively the most important trace element, present in protein-bound form • Approximately three-quarters of the total amount is found in heme proteins, mainly hemoglobin and myoglobin • About 1% of the iron is bound in iron–sulfur clusters, which function as cofactors in the respiratory chain, in photosynthesis, and in other redox chains • The remainder consists of iron in transport and storage proteins(transferrin, ferritin)
Iron can only be resorbed by the bowel in bivalent form (i. e., as Fe2+) • Reducing agents in food such as ascorbate (vitamin C) promote iron uptake. • Via transporters on the luminal and basal side of the enterocytes, Fe2+ enters the blood, where it is bound by transferrin • Part of the iron that is taken up is stored in the bowel in the form of ferritin • Heme groups can also be resorbed by the small intestine • Most of the resorbed iron serves for the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow (erythropoiesis) Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM
Sekian Biokimia Ternak Lab. Biokimia Nutrisi Fapet UGM