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Frog Experiment Write-Up: Investigating Patterns and Predictions

Learn how to logically solve a problem with frogs, tabulate results, make predictions, and draw conclusions. This guide explains each step with examples and emphasizes the importance of clear explanations. Perfect for science projects!

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Frog Experiment Write-Up: Investigating Patterns and Predictions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Frogs Write Up Can you… Work logically to solve a problem Tabulate results Make predictions based on results Make generalisations based on results Extend a problem to include more than one variable

  2. Frogs Write Up Section 1: Introduction Write the problem you have been asked to solve in your own words. What are you investigating? What will you use to help solve the problem?

  3. Frogs Write Up Section 2: Results and Decisions • Write down all your thoughts and decisions throughout your report. • Draw diagrams to explain your thinking • Show all the tables of results • Write down your predictions, were they correct? • Did you find any patterns/formulae?

  4. Frogs Write Up Section 3: Conclusions • What did you find out? • Did your formulae work? • How did you test or prove your rule? • What would you do differently next time?

  5. Frogs Write Up Make sure you explain EVERYTHING! Nothing is too obvious Explain why you made your decisions.

  6. Frogs Write Up • Assessment • Is the write up clear and logical? • Have they tabulated their results? • Have they made predictions? • Have they found a pattern/rule? • Have they extended it to use more than one variable? • Peer Assessed by:

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