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cancer specialist in pune

Dr. Jaipalreddy Pogal is the Cancer Specialist in Pune Specialized in Surgical Oncology and Laparoscopic Oncology.Providing Surgical Treatment for cancers.

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cancer specialist in pune

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  1. Dr. JaipalreddyPogal Best Cancer specialist In Pune

  2. Preventive Health CareComplete physical examinations for study abroad, scholarships, sports or employment are available, as well as gynecological examinations and immunizations (e.g. required, routine and travel purposes).

  3. URGENT PROBLEMSStudents without an appointment and who have urgent problems will be offered an assessment by a nurse or clinician during office hours. Depending on the urgency of the problem.

  4. Our specialities • Specialist Referrals • If your condition requires referral to a specialist, the SHC clinician will make that assessment and provide the referral.

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