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15/05/2009 We joined IRB from 15/05/2009. We meet bhaskaran sir,They had told us “you people will continue with this Monday”.
18/05/2009 • Introduction of IRB its consist • Total length of construction • Nos of flyovers • Rail over bridges • Major bridges • Roads embankment • About hot mix plant
19/05/2009 Site visit with Bhaskaran sir Safety condition first mentioned before construction during day & night. For example-bypass road -diversion - sign -blinker Blinker-shows that road is narrow ahed during night. and is opreted with the help of solar power. They constructed chute drain at every 20.0m for drainage purpose. for drainage they applied 2.5%slope in main carraigwayand3.0% for shoulder.. They use ThaimusLighing at every flyover. We seen • Main carriageway with design speed of 100kmph,and width of carriageway is 14m(3*3.5+1.5+2) shoulder=1.5m. Earthen shoulder=2.0m. • Service road with design speed of 80kmph,and width of road is 10m(8m+2.0m) footpath=2.0m
20/05/2009 Site visit with Bhaskaran sir Interchange criteria Traffic leakage depending upon toll plaza • We also seen the construction of waiting length. they were done 3.0m width of waiting length. • For the protection of shoulder they done TURPING on both side of shoulder. It is a grassy plantation for protection of shoulder in rainy season. • Life of road is more when it have well drainage facilities
21/05/2009 Site visit of VAV HOT MIX PLANT with Mr. Kadam • Two feeder are there • D.B.M • W.B.M W.B.M D.B.M
Operation of hot mix plant Material transport through feeder with the help of belt conveyer Mat. Heating on horizontal drum temp. up to160 degree. Mixed with bitumen. Temp. heating up to 170 degree.
Sepretion done in two manner first at mixed and again separated from upper drum.
22/05/2009 VAV laboratory has following equipments • Atterberge limits appartus • Electronic balance • Extraction of bitumen • Impact test appartus • Elongated & flakiness appartus • Marshall stability • Seive analysis
Material • Bitumen-PMB of 40 grade as per IRC SP-2002. • Aggregate –crushed stone as per MORTH 507:32
25/05/2009 On this day we conducted GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS • Objective: Grain size analysis forms the basic property for identification of soils. Grain size analysis also known as mechanical analysis of soils is the determination of the percent of individual grain sizes present in the sample. • Procedure: It consists of two parts Determination of amount and proportion of coarse material by use of sieves.Analysis for the fine-grained fraction by sedimentation method. Measured quantity of material is passed through successively smaller sieves; the weight retained on each sieve is expressed as percentage of total sample. Sedimentation methods used for finer soils include two methods, hydrometer method and pipette method, however nature of application eliminates the need for test of finer particles.
26/05/2009 On this day we conducted FREE SWELL INDEX test • Objective: This test is done to determine free swell index of soil, i.e. to estimate behaviour of soil in presence of water. • Procedure: 2 - 10gm samples of oven-dried soil passing through 425-micron sieve is taken and filled in calibrated cylinders one filled with 100ml kerosene oil and second with 100ml distilled water. After removing entrapped air the readings are taken for height of soil top. It is allowed to settle for 24 hours, and then the readings are taken. The difference in the readings is noted.
27/05/2009 On this day we conducted LIQUID LIMIT AND PLASTIC LIMIT • Objective: To determine liquid and plastic limit of soil • Procedure: • Liquid limit: • About 150 gm of dry pulverized soil sample passing 425mm sieve is weighed and mixed thoroughly with distilled water in the evaporating dish to form a uniform thickness paste. The soil paste is then be transferred to the cylindrical mould of cone penetrometer apparatus and leveled up to the top of the mould. • The penetrometer is so adjusted that the cone point just touches the surface of soil paste in trough. The vertical rod is released so that the cone is allowed to penetrate into the soil paste under its weight(80gm) for 5 min. • If the difference in penetration lies 14 to 28 mm the test is repeated with suitable adjustments to moisture either by addition or more water or exposure of the spread paste on a glass plate for reduction in moisture content. • The test is repeated to have at least four sets of values of penetration in the range 14 to 28 mm. The exact moisture content of each trial is then determined.
Plastic limit: • The same sampled soil is taken and enough water is added and rolled manually into 3mmthreads. • The deciding factor here is the water content at which the threads are formed. • These are oven dried and moisture content is determined.
28/05/2009 On this day we conducted MODIFIED PROCTOR TEST (MDD/OMC) Objective: This test is conducted to determine the maximum dry density of the soil and optimum water content that is required to get the maximum density. Procedure: • A known amount of air-dried, mixed, pulverized and sieved through 20mm and 4.75mm sieve soil sample is taken for testing. • Specific amount of soil is taken and mixed with 4% water. This sample is then filled in a mould collar assembly in 5 increments and giving each increment 25 blows of 4.89kg from 45cm height. • This soil is than removed from the mould and oven dried for moisture content. • 2 % water is added to the processed soil and above-mentioned procedure is repeated until wet compacted density recorded becomes lesser than previous trial. Minimums of 5 trials are done.
01/06/2009 On this day we performed PENETRATION TEST on bitumen • Objective and Need: It is adopted on bitumen to grade the material in terms of its hardness. Depending upon the climatic conditions and type of construction, bitumen of different penetration grade is used e.g. 80/100 bitumen denotes that the penetration value ranges between 80 and 100. • Procedure: • Bitumen is softened to a pouring consistency and filled in the mould after removing the air voids. The sample is then allowed to cool at room temperature and then placed in temperature controlled water bath at a period of 25°c for a period of one hour.This prepared sample is then penetrated by a 100gm needle assembly. • The extent of penetration determines the grade of bitumen.
31/05/2009 LactureBhaskaran sir • Project-A project is composed of jobs, activities, functions or tasks that are related one to the other in some manner, and all of these should be completed in order to complete the project. Every project has one specific purpose: it start at some specific moment and it is finished when its objectives have been fulfilled.forcompletation of projects two basic things are required: • Material resources, • Manpower resources,
Tender In tender following two part is required. • Main part- • Prequlification required • Various machinary • Skilled staff • Qulified staff • Experiances 2. Financial part- • Party should have appropriate turnover • Company will send his annual report with fulfill detail.
This project is on BOT based. • Means IRB is self pay for this project and covered money 15 years on toll plaza • No liquidity period because IRB is self develop this project.
01/06/2009 We also conducted DUCTILITY TEST on this day. • Objective and need: • A certain minimum amount of ductility is necessary for a bitumen binder. This is because of temperature changes in the bituminous mixes and the repeated deformation that occur in flexible pavements due to traffic loads. • If bitumen has low ductility the pavement may crack especially in cold weather minimum ductility of 15cm is required. Value of ductility gets seriously affected by Pouring temperature Dimensions of briquette Improper level of briquette placement Test temperature Rate of pulling • Procedure: • Bitumen sample is melted to a temperature of 75 to 100°Cand this is poured in assembly and allowed to cool at room temperature; this is then placed in water bath at 27°C for 30 min. The moulds are leveled with a knife and again kept in water bath for 90 min. The sides of the mould are now removed and the two clips are pulled at a uniform speed of 50mm per minute. The distance at which thread of each specimen breaks is reported as ductility value.
02/06/2009 SOFTENING POINT TEST • Objective and need: Softening point is essentially the temperature at which the bituminous binders have an equal viscosity. Softening point gives an idea of the temperature at which bitumen attains a certain viscosity. Bitumen with higher softening points may be preferred in warmer places. • Procedure: The prepared bitumen sample is air cooled for 30 min and then in water bath at 5°C for 15 min. The assembly is prepared and balls are placed on the sample. The sample is gradually heated at a uniform rate of 5°C per minute until bitumen heats up and touches the bottom plate.
05/06/2009 • We again visited of VAV hot mix plant. • We seen working operation of feeder. • We took some photo of VAV hot mix plant.
16/06/2009 • We presented the momento to Bhaskaran sir and Duha sir.