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Comparative Study of Treatment Effects on Retina and Sclera in Myopia Patients

Examining changes in retina and sclera after 1 and 7 days of treatment with CTL, FDM, LIM, and LIH using molecular weights and protein profiles

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Comparative Study of Treatment Effects on Retina and Sclera in Myopia Patients

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Presentation Transcript

  1. After 1 day of treatment After 7 days of treatment 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 CTL FDM LIM LIH CTL FDM LIM LIH After 1 day of treatment After 7 days of treatment 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 CTL FDM LIM LIH CTL FDM LIM LIH • Fig. 1: • A: Example of STOP profile: Apo A1 * * • B: Example of GROW profile: Vimentin * * * *

  2. pH range 4.5 5.5 Molecular Weights 43 30 20 10 Vimentin Apo A1 After 1 day of treatment After 7 days of treatment • Fig. 2: • A • B After 1 day of treatment After 7 days of treatment

  3. pH range Molecular Weights 4 7 43 30 20 10 • Fig. 3: • Pooled retina samples • A • B • C • Pooled sclera samples • Individual retina samples • D

  4. A B C Fig. 4: Sclera Choroid Retina Fibrous sclera Ganglion cell layer Fibrous sclera Ganglion cell layer

  5. 125 100 • * • * 75 • Degree of myopia (%) 50 25 0 LIM Vehicle treatment LIM 63 µg of GW7647 LIM 189 µg of GW7647 • Fig. 5:

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