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A classic game that is bound to create a fun, filled, and exciting environment.<br>The game does not require a lot of understanding, and a personu2019s expertise level increases with time and practice.<br>Children from 6-8 years absolutely love this game and also immensely enjoy it.<br>It can also help them in improving their mathematics skills as the game is based on the points system.
ADVANTAGES OF PLAYING BOARDGAMES 1) It helps in creatingbetterbonds among the family members asthey spend time havingfun. 2) It helps in enhancingthe communication skills of thechildren. As they interact more duringboard gamessessions. 3) Children also improvise theircriticalthinking abilities. They learn to analyzethingsmore productively and also developtheirproblem solving and decision-makingskills. 4) Working inteamsteaches children essentialskillslike leadership, teamwork,coordination, synchronization,etc.
1)CARROM A classic game that is bound tocreate a fun, filled, and excitingenvironment. The game does not require a lot of understanding, and a person’sexpertise level increases with time andpractice. Children from 6-8 years absolutelylove this game and also immensely enjoyit. It can also help them in improvingtheir mathematics skills as the game is based on the pointssystem.
2)MONOPOLY Now, this is that one boardgamethat can teach some real-life lessonstothe kids. Bargaining, earning,investing,etc. are a few things that thisgameinvolves us in. This game is not onlybrain consuming for the kids, butadultsalso have to use a lot of mind powerinthe same. This classic is one ofthemost popular family boardgames.Children learn about money handling, profit,and loss through thisgame.
3) CHESS One of the oldest board games around, chess definitely demands some thinking and decision- making abilities. This game is so influentialthat kids show a lot of interest in learning thegame. Although challenging, with regular practice, children can become proficient in thisgame.
4) JENGA When enjoyment isconcerned,this game tops the list. Jenga isoneof the most enthrallingfamilygames. The anticipationandconcentration of this game demandsarejust phenomenal. Thisgamehelps people and particularlychildrenin steadying their handmovementand also Improvingtheirconcentration skills. One needs to findoutwhich block will help the tower stayput,so that requires a thoughtprocess.