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Death Penalty Worldwide: Religious Perspectives and Ethical Dilemmas

Explore global views on the death penalty - government responsibility, deterrent arguments, religious perspectives, and ethical considerations. Some support it for protection and deterrence, while opponents argue against it for moral, racial, and legal reasons. Discover how Buddhism, Christianity, and Utilitarianism contribute to the debate.

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Death Penalty Worldwide: Religious Perspectives and Ethical Dilemmas

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Death PenaltyWorldwide and Religious Views

  2. Arguments For… • The Government has the responsibility to protect citizens • Most criminals are likely to re-offend • Peace of mind for victim’s family • Preferable to life imprisonment for many • Deters crime

  3. Arguments Against… • Killing is wrong under any circumstance • Evidence is not always conclusive and mistakes are made • Minorities are more likely to be executed • Rehabilitation is preferable to death • The death penalty doesn’t always deter crimes.

  4. The death penalty is clearly inconsistent with Buddhist teaching. Buddhists place great importance on non-violence and caring for all life. Buddhists are required to not injure or kill any living creature. Under Buddhism if the crime is particularly serious, the person may be banished from the community or country ‘An action cannot be considered a good action if it causes physical and mental pain to another being.’ The Buddha

  5. Christians argue both for and against the death penalty. Some stick to the Old Testament idea of an eye for an eye and is the idea that whatever crime you commit you should have the same thing done to you. It also says in the Bible, ‘Whoever sheds the blood of another, by another will his blood be shed.’ Other Christians oppose the death penalty. They believe that forgiveness and not revenge is important and thatthe even a criminal is made in the image of God and could change for the better. In the Ten Commandments God said that we should not kill. Capital punishment is breaking this commandment. Also, Jesus taught Christians to forgive our enemies and not seek revenge.

  6. What would a Utilitarian think? • It might lead to the prevention of crime A Utilitarian could be for CP because– • It protects most people from criminal actions of a few A Utilitarian could be against CP because– • Innocent people might be executed and as most people are innocent it is better not to have it • If the law doesn’t respect human life then people may follow the example and not respect human life. This would be bad for society

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