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Detailed findings from a survey conducted in the Parish of Slaugham regarding the community centre, including usage patterns, satisfaction levels, and support for a new center.
Community Centre Survey Results A total of 1128 questionnaires were distributed to all households within the parish of Slaugham. 252 questionnaires were returned; of these, two were returned blank, so that 250 were included in the subsequent analysis. There was a response rate of 22%. However, there was considerable variation in the extent to which some questionnaires were completed, with many respondents not answering all questions fully. This may have been due to some people misinterpreting the instructions given for completing the questionnaire, as well as some respondents feeling that some questions were not relevant to them.
Question 1Please indicate in which area you live: The majority of respondents live in Handcross, with fewer responses from the other villages in the parish, reflecting population patterns
Question 2Pleaseindicate the number of people in your household in the following age groups
Question 3Have you used the hall in the past three years ? It was identified that 280 people had used the Parish Hall in the last three years, with 245 respondents stating they had not. Of these, female respondents aged 18-65 used the hall the most, with both males and females aged 13-17 years using it the least. Overall adult females of all ages currently use the Parish Hall the most.
Question 4If YES, please state what have you attended or used the existing hall for within the past three years A large number of uses for the Parish Hall were identified, the most popular being used for parties, which were attended by all age groups. A number of respondents indicated that the only occasions they had used the hall in the last three years was as a polling station. Respondents identified attending events organised by specific groups such as the Twinning Association, WI and Rosemary Club. Many people attended fundraising events including coffee mornings, cream teas and lunches. A number of respondents stated they had attended meetings but were not specific about the type of meeting or which organisation had arranged the meeting. A further survey was also undertaken of current user groups of the Parish Hall. There were 16 responses to this and included a diverse group of organisations and users, catering for a range of activities across the age range.
Question 5 Were you satisfied with the present facilities ? Almost 86% of respondents stated they were happy with the present facilities offered by the Parish Hall. In total there were only 190 responses to this question.
Question 6If you have answered No, or if you felt there were short comings when you did use the hall, please indicate why or how below. If you think there are any other shortcomings not included in the list below please record them in the “Other” line below. There were 133 responses to this question, showing that in spite of the majority of respondents being happy with the facilities provided currently, actually, there were some aspects they could find fault with, particularly toilet and kitchen facilities (see below). The hall user survey identified that all 16 respondents would require adequate provision of these in any new hall. Provision of sufficient and adequate parking was another factor highlighted in this additional survey.
Question 6 Con’td Additional reasons were given for not using the current hall, the most common one being that people had only recently moved to the area (10), whilst others were not aware that the facility existed, had not had any cause to use it, or had not been interested in anything that had been going on in the hall. A number of respondents living in Warninglid (5) stated that they had no need to use the Parish Hall because they currently use the Seaforth Hall in Warninglid. A number of comments were made about both the internal and external fabric of the hall, including the age of the building, parking facilities, the state of the car park and driveway, safety and security outside and the state and quality of internal furnishings
Question 7On the whole do the members of your household support a plan for a new centre ? There was overwhelming support for a new community centre amongst those people completing the questionnaire.
Question 7 cont’d Some respondents felt very strongly that money should not be spent on a new facility, particularly in the current financial climate, as there is a perfectly adequate hall in existence already. Views were expressed that the Hyde Estate is morally obliged to donate the current hall to the community. A number of people who were not in support of a new community centre did not go on to complete the questionnaire any further. The hall user survey indicated that all respondents would plan to use a new community centre for their groups/activities once built.
Question 8 How important is it that the centre is located in Handcross Village ? The answers given to this question demonstrate that 85% of respondents thought it important that a new community centre, is built in Handcross, with over half of these feeling that this is essential. Several residents of Pease Pottage commented that if the planned hall/community centre were built in Pease Pottage there would be no need for a new facility to be built in Handcross (or anywhere else). There was a suggestion that the questions were all about a hall in Handcross so as the respondent did not live in Handcross the rest of the questionnaire was not relevant to them.
Question 8 cont’dHow important is it that the centre is located in Handcross ?
Question 9How important is it that the centre is located on/ adjacent /very close to a sports/recreation ground ? The majority of respondents thought that it is important a new community centre is located close to a sports or recreation ground, with 26% feeling that this is not important at all. Although the current Parish Hall is almost adjacent to the recreation ground, from responses given to question 4, it does not appear to be used in conjunction with sporting activities, other than dance classes, although one respondent to the hall used survey runs Pilates classes
Question 9 cont’d How important is it that the centre is located on/adjacent /very close to a sports/recreation ground
Question 10What type of facilities would you like a new centre to provide ? Several options were given in this question and over half the respondents indicated they would like a main hall with both inside and outside sports facilities. This suggests that for some respondents, if a new community centre is to be built then it is important to maximise facilities provided. Conversely, some comments were made suggesting that this is a small community so there is no need for a large community centre with multiple facilities. There were also suggestions that it is important that financially it may not be viable to provide ‘an all singing all dancing ‘ facility. All respondents to the hall user survey indicated that they would use a main hall, with some planning to use smaller meeting rooms. None indicated the need for either an indoor or outdoor sports facilities.
Question 10 cont’dWhat type of facilities would you like a new centre to provide ?
Question 11 If it is possible would you like to see provision made for some of the following within the plans for the centre?
Question 11 Cont’d If it is possible would you like to see provision made for some of the following within the plans for the centre ? A number of options were given for this question and responses given were generally equally distributed amongst them. Other suggestions included provision for a stage and a rifle range. These facilities were also required by respondents to the hall user survey. The responses to the hall user survey also indicated that storage space for equipment was required by some groups. Some respondents attempted to rank their preferences for these options in this question, although were not asked to do so. All positive responses for each option were included for analysis
Question 12Please indicate if members of your household would be interested in joining/forming or are already members of any of the following groups. Please indicate J for joining, F for forming, M for member. A list of organisations and groups/activities were given in this question. Many respondents simply ticked against the options rather than indicating J for joining, F for forming or M for already a member, making interpretation of data for this question more difficult. There were also some inconsistencies in answers given, for example, a number of people indicated they were already members of a keep fit group but this was not reflected in their answers to question 4. However, the answers given do show that generally people are interested in taking part in various groups and activities.
Question 13 Which of the following would a member of your household be willing to organise /help run ? Although interest was shown in taking part in activities and organisations, far fewer respondents indicated they would be willing to help with the running of such groups. Some respondents went as far as commenting that they were too busy to do this, but from their responses, would have time to take part in many activities.
Question 14 Please indicate if members of your household would be interested in attending/using the centre for any of the following functions.
Question 15Which of the above would a member of your household be willing to organise or help run ? As with other questions, some respondents attempted to rank their answers to this question, but again, interest was shown in a wide range of activities. As previously, far fewer respondents indicated they would be willing to provide help with activities.
Question 16 Please indicate if members of your household would be interested in using the centre for any of the following indoor sports activities
Question 17Which of the above would a member of your household be willing to organise or help run ? Interest was shown in a variety of indoor sports activities. Other suggestions included exercise classes, dance classes, circuit training, winter football training and rifle club.
Question 18Please indicate if members of your household would be interested in using the centre for any of the following outdoor sports activities.
Question 19 Which of the above would a member of your household be willing to organise or help run? As with indoor sports activities, interest was shown in a range of outdoor sports. Interestingly, the two activities with the greatest number of responses, tennis and older persons outdoor fitness area, were the two with no one willing to help with organising them
Question 20Is there any particular help you could contribute towards the project? Although there was overwhelming support for a new community centre, relatively few respondents felt able to contribute help towards the project. However, this excludes those willing to offer particular knowledge or skills towards the project.
Question 21 It may be that the Parish Council borrows funds for a new centre and the loan is paid for in increased Council Tax. For example, £300,000 borrowed might cost the average household £3 per month. Would you support such an approach? The majority of respondents answered this question. However, some were very emphatic that they did not support this measure, whilst others wanted more information about timescales of the increase in council tax and the amount they would have to pay. However, just under half of those responding supported a rise in council tax to help fund this venture.
Would you support a rise in Council Tax to help for the new centre
Question 22Is there any particular expertise you could contribute to the project? • As with other questions asking for volunteers, there were very few responses to this one. However, a number of people were willing to offer skill and expertise in areas other than those suggested in the question. They include expertise in: • Building/construction • Electrician • IT • Administration • Fundraising and PR • Project management • Interior design
In Summary Overall from this questionnaire, respondents were supportive of a new community centre, which they felt should be located in Handcross, close to a recreation or sports ground. This facility should provide a hall with both indoor and outdoor sports facilities. There is interest in a variety of groups and organisations and sporting activities taking place in the centre, with few people willing to help organise them. Whether people support a rise in council tax to help pay for a new community centre is less clear cut with more information needed before they can commit to this.
The final question asked for suggestions for fundraising for the new community centre. A large number of suggestions were made from a relatively small number of respondents: • Flower Show • Plant Sales, sale of edibles, sale of garden produce • Dancing (line, sequence ballroom) • Masked Ball • Concerts • Quizzes • Sponsored events • Auctions • Coffee mornings • Buy a brick • Car boot sale • Fun run • Midnight walk • Outdoor challenges • Car washing • Investigate local grants, approach lottery for funding • Village fundraising days • Family sports day • Picnic in the Park • Treasure hunt at Nymans, special events at Nymans • Village bonfire night • Race night • Accept the offer from the Hyde estate • Three peaks walk • Local celebrity speakers • Barn dance and hog roast
Please enter any comments that you may have in the Comments Book provided. Thank you
Handcross Community Centre Survey Executive Summary
Executive Summary • A total 1,128 questionnaires were distributed to the households in Slaugham Parish • 250 (22%) questionnaires were returned and used in this analysis • 58% (145) returned from Handcross Residents • 23% (58) returned from Pease Pottage residents • 12% (30) returned from Warninglid residents • 7% (17) returned from Slaugham • Many respondents did not fully answer the questions in the questionnaire.
Executive Summary (continued) • Breakdown of ages for returning population • 57% (300) adults aged 18 – 65 (male & female) • 28% (148) adults aged over 65 • 10% (55) children aged under 12 • 5% (26) youths aged 13-17 • In the last three years: • 53% (280) said they had used the hall • 47% (249) said they had not used the hall • female respondents aged 18-65 used the hall the most, with both males and females aged 13-17 years using it the least.
Executive Summary (continued) • An additional survey was also undertaken of the current diverse “user groups” of the Parish Hall. 16 responses received (%) catering for a range of activities across the age range. • A large number of uses for the Parish Hall were identified, the most popular being for parties, which were attended by all age groups. • Almost 86% (190) of respondents stated they were happy with the present facilities offered by the Parish Hall. • However 133 of respondents stated they were not happy with some aspects of the parish hall/service including temperature (too cold) kitchen, toilet and parking facilities
Executive Summary (continued) • The hall user survey indicated that all respondents would plan to use a new community centre for their groups/activities once built. • Some respondents felt very strongly that money should not be spent on a new facility, particularly in the current financial climate, as there is a perfectly adequate hall in existence already. • Views were expressed that the Hyde Estate is morally obliged to donate the current hall to the community. • 51% of respondents felt it was either essential or important for the new community centre to be located on, adjacent or very close to a sports/recreation ground
Executive Summary(continued) • 85% of respondents thought it important that a new community centre, is built in Handcross, with over half of these feeling that this is essential. • 55% of respondents said they wanted the full facilities of a community centre (indoor and outdoor) • A very large majority of respondents stated they would not wish to help or organise any of the activities offered at the community centre – although they would participate if it were organised. • A42% of respondents said they would support a rise in Council Tax to help fund the new community centre. 37% said “Maybe” and 22% said “No”
Executive Summary (end) • Overall a majority of respondents were supportive of a new community centre, which they felt should be located in Handcross, close to a recreation or sports ground. • The community centre should provide a hall with both indoor and outdoor sports facilities. • There is interest in a variety of groups and organisations and sporting activities taking place in the centre, with • Only a few people are willing to help organise community centre activities. • It is not clear cut that people will support a rise in council tax to help fund the new community centre. A significant percentage of people require more information before they commit to this.
INDICATIVE BUILDING SIZE/SHAPE AND COST INCORPORATING SURVEY RESULT REQUIREMENTS. Floor area – 605 sqm (for comparison purposes, the existing hall and social club are about 540 sq m in total – the rifle range is an additional 110 sq m). Estimated build cost - £700,000 - £900,000 depending on materials used and excluding cost of the land.
NEXT STEPS • Capture comments from this drop in event: • Identify possible sources of funding: • Identify possible sites capable of housing the new facility: • Public meeting to be held in the autumn 2011 to discuss options: