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Drishti IAS Prelims Test Series 2020

Unique Features of Drishti CS Prelims Test Series<br>1. Comprehensive coverage of entire syllabus of UPSC CSP exam through UPSC standard MCQs.<br>2. Sectional Tests have been designed in a manner that students can cover each subject comprehensively in sufficient time and can evaluate his/her performance through our tests.<br>3.Strictly adhering to UPSC pattern, the nature of questions ranges from factual to conceptual, proportionally dividing in each of the Test Papers.<br>4.Options of MCQs have also been arranged in such a manner that elimination tactics can be applied by students while solving questions.<br><br>Phone : 011-47532596<br>Mobile : 8448485517 , 8750187501<br>Email Id: online@drishtiias.com<br>Website : https://www.drishtiias.com

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Drishti IAS Prelims Test Series 2020

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  1. UPSC Civil Services Prelims Test Series2020 DrishtiIAS.com

  2. Unique Features of Drishti CS Prelims Test Series Sectional Tests have been designed in a manner that students can cover each subject comprehensively in sufficient time and can evaluate his/her performance through our tests. Comprehensive coverage of entire syllabus of UPSC CSP exam through UPSC standard MCQs. Options of MCQs have also been arranged in such a manner that elimination tactics can be applied by students while solving questions. Strictly adhering to UPSC pattern, the nature of questions ranges from factual to conceptual, proportionally dividing in each of the Test Papers. DrishtiIAS.com

  3. 30 TESTS DURATION & STRUCTURE 25 GS (General Studies) Itincludes30Tests - 25GeneralStudies Tests and5CSATtests. 5 CSAT DrishtiIAS.com

  4. FOR MORE ENQUIRY ABOUT TEST SERIES PROGRAMME CONTACT OUR COUNSELOR: 8130392356 Contact Details Drishti The Vision Foundation 641, Ist Floor Mukherjee Nagar Delhi-110009 Phone:011-47532596 Mobile:8448485517,8750187501 EmailId:online@drishtiias.com Website:www.DrishtiIAS.com DrishtiIAS.com

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