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Dr Raymond Goh is a fully qualified Australia-trained specialist Plastic Surgeon (FRACS, ASPS, ASAPS), who performs both reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery. His time tested and straightforward approach to rejuvenating and enhancing the human form aims to produce natural, pleasing, and lasting results.<br>
PLASTIC AND COSMETIC SURGEON BRISBANE WELCOME TO OUR PLASTIC AND COSMETIC SURGERY PRACTICE IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING PLASTIC OR COSMETIC SURGERY, WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR OFFICE FOR A CONSULTATION. Ifyouarethinkingto goingforaplasticor cosmeticsurgery, then youmustconsultwithDr RaymondGohtheBest cosmeticsurgeonin Brisbane. Heisthehighly qualifiedAustraliabased specialistplasticsurgeon inBrisbane. Hewill answerallyourqueries anddoubtsrelatedtothe allsurgicalprocedures. Theymakesuretheclient isfullysatisfiedwiththeir servicesandclient’ssafety isalwaystheirfirstpriority. Dr. Gohperformsboth reconstructiveand cosmeticplasticsurgery. Hispracticalandclearcut approachtoreviveand improvethebodyparts givesnatural, satisfying andenduringresults.
Ourstaffare committedto deliveringthebest professionaland personalizedcareina relaxedsetting. We understandthatthe decisiontoembark uponplasticand cosmeticsurgerycan beamajorandlife- changingundertaking. Itisthereforeimportant foryoutobefully informedaboutany procedureyoumaybe considering. This websiteprovidesa wealthofinformation onthemostcommon proceduresperformed byDrGoh. Wearehere toanswerallyour questionsandconcerns regardingsurgical procedures, whatto expect, andtherisks involved. Yourultimate satisfactionandsafety areourpriorities. Experienced Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon in Brisbane
Facial Procedures Our face defines who we are. Its overall balance and dynamics contributes to our identity and conveys how we feel and how the world perceives us. A vastly greater understanding of the complex interaction of facial anatomy as well as what constitutes ideal aesthetics has opened up a broad range of facial enhancement options that will improve the natural beauty of your face. Talk to Dr Goh today about your goals for facial rejuvenation and enhancement.
Brow Lift A brow or forehead lift can be performed as an isolated procedure for the upper face, or as an adjunctive procedure to complement total facial rejuvenation. Horizontal lines on the forehead and vertical creases between the eyebrows (frown lines) can contribute toward a tired, sad, and angry appearance. Additionally, hooding of the brow over the eye can block off parts of the eye itself. These factors contribute toward accentuating a much older appearance than your actual age. A forehead lift can revitalize the entire face and make your face appear years younger by tightening and elevating forehead skin, creating a more well-defined shape to the eyebrows, softening lines, and opening up the eyes. The end result is a more revitalized and youthful you.
Chin Surgery Brisbane The chin is an often-neglected aspect in the overall assessment of facial harmony and balance. The lower one third of the face, defined skeletally by the chin, has to be evenly balanced with the upper and middle thirds of the face. A person with a small retruded chin may perceive that his or her nose is too big and may unknowingly ask for a nose reduction. In such cases, it is actually the lack of chin that makes the nose appear deceptively large. In contrast, an over-protruded chin can give an undesired masculine appearance. By correcting the profile appearance of the chin, a vast improvement in facial harmony and
Ear Surgery surgery of the ear, also known as otoplasty, is a procedure that helps reduce protrusion of the ear away from the head. Most often, ear surger performed on children between the ages of four to fourteen. Ears that “s out” are often the source of teasing and ridicule in young children. Thi teasing can have a devastating effect on the child’s psyche.
CONTACT INFO 51 Ballow Street, Fortitude Valley Brisbane QLD 4006. Australia Phone: (07) 3488 8118 Fax: (07) 3488 8119 Email: info@drraymondgoh.com