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Sentence Writing

Sentence Writing. Rectangle. Square. Circle. Triangle. This is a ____________________________________________. This is ______________________________________________. This _________________________________________________. ____________________________________________________.

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Sentence Writing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sentence Writing

  2. Rectangle Square Circle Triangle This is a ____________________________________________. This is ______________________________________________. This _________________________________________________. ____________________________________________________.

  3. Yellow hat Red hat Blue hat Black hat The hat is ___________________________. The hat _____________________________. The ________________________________. ____________________________________.

  4. Hair Nose Lips Eyes This is a ____________________________________________. This is ______________________________________________. This _________________________________________________. ____________________________________________________.

  5. Cherry Grapes Apple Mango This is an ____________________________________________. This is ______________________________________________. This _________________________________________________. ____________________________________________________.

  6. Tiffin box Pen Bag Chair This is a ____________________________________________. This is ______________________________________________. This _________________________________________________. ____________________________________________________.

  7. Word Unscramble: Antonyms 1) pu _____ X dwon _____ 2) ni _____ X uot ______ 3) lfet ____X rgith ______ 4) esat ____X ewst______ 5) poen _____X colse____ 6) og_____X cmoe_____

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