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This article discusses the prevalence of drug abuse in the Roma community, focusing on the social, economic, and healthcare factors involved. It explores the challenges faced in addressing this issue and emphasizes the need for intervention and support services. The article also highlights the role of government, NGOs, and individuals in combating drug dependency in the Roma community.
Drug dependency in the Roma community:Facts and responsibilities Hanna Dobronauteanu, M.D. Counselor of Minister, Ministry of Health, Romania
ContentsThinking skill on • Chance of intervention in social phenomena• What do we Know? What do we Do?
What do we Know? In Romania • Since 1990 increases yearly the prevalence of drug abuse • Social-economical motivation is the most frequent involved • Drug abuse started to affect members of Roma communities from big cities
What do we Know? • Drug abuse & situation of Roma people = two of society’s “health indicators” • In both of these problems information obtained from registered data are relative iceberg effect • Solution of drug abuse among Roma implies firstly the capacity to solve basic social phenomena
Chance of intervention in social phenomena Legislation Economy Sociology - Psychology
What do we Do? Starting a new age 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Government Strategy & Action Plan to improve Roma situation National Anti-drug Agency Government Strategy & Action Plan to combat drug Health mediators in Roma communities
Intervention in social phenomena Legislation Economy Sociology - Psychology
Who can influence society’s health indicators? • International organizations • Government & NGO • All of us – individually, one by one
Drug dependency in the Roma community:Can we Stop the Process? Yes, if we are able to offer • Information • Preventive services & medical care • Reason to live real life
“PEOPLE - not programs, plans, or technologies -MAKE THE FINAL CHOICESabout what to do and how to do it.”Bill Jensen(Simplicity: The New Competitive Advantage in a World of More, Better, Faster)