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厦门同永兴进出口有限公司 XIAMEN TOPUSING IMP.AND EXP.CO.,LTD. Ufuk Deniz TASCIOGLU Director. 厦门同永兴进出口有限公司 XIAMEN TOPUSING IMP.AND EXP.CO.,LTD. Single Soluble Fertilizers Soluble NPK Fertilizers Liquid Fertilizers Micronutrients Organic Fertilizers Compound NPK Fertilizers
厦门同永兴进出口有限公司 • XIAMEN TOPUSING IMP.AND EXP.CO.,LTD. Ufuk Deniz TASCIOGLU Director
厦门同永兴进出口有限公司 • XIAMEN TOPUSING IMP.AND EXP.CO.,LTD. • SingleSolubleFertilizers • Soluble NPK Fertilizers • Liquid Fertilizers • Micronutrients • OrganicFertilizers • Compound NPK Fertilizers • PlantGrowthRegulators • Pesticides Withmorethan 15 yearsexperience of activity, nowTopusing &Eastwaychembecomeone of themostefficientandreliablefertilizersandplantgrowthregulatorsmanufacturersandsuppliers. Ourproductshavebeenexportingtoover 80 countries; weselectsuperiorrawmaterials, manufacturedaccordingtothe top standards. Topusing not onlyprovidescustomerswithhighqualitycombinationproducts but alsotheexpertknowledge, as well as thebest service at any time.
The world is ours to build! «World wideorganisations of company « XIAMEN TOPUSING
Recent Developments in the Turkish Fertilizer Sector The Turkish fertilizer sector posted a strong growth in 2012 and grew by 13%, while reaching 5.3mn tons of consumption. Despite the jump in consumption, domestic production declined slightly to 3.6mn tons in 2012 from 3.7mn tons in 2011. We expect fertilizer consumption to contract by 2% in 2013 and decline to 5.2mn tons on front loaded demand in 2012. We think declining prices especially in urea and ammonia in 4Q12, pulled domestic demand forward. Despite the strong fertilizer consumption growth in 2012, we maintain our cautious view on Turkish fertilizers. Turkey’s annual fertilizer consumption is at around 5mn tons in growth periods and we see limited room for growth due to the agriculture sector’s inherent structural problems. Average fertilizer consumption per hectare in Turkey stands at 90-95kg and we set our mid-term per hectare consumption to 105kg, which is nearly 5.5mn tons.The Turkish agriculture sector suffers from certain structural problems, such as the low purchasing power of farmers, rising fertilizer prices, the need for land reform and inadequate information on soil fertility. Hence, we believe that due to these endemic structural problems, total domestic demand will be limited in the coming years. • 厦门同永兴进出口有限公司 • XIAMEN TOPUSING IMP.AND EXP.CO.,LTD. annualaverage of fertilizerusage 116 kg peronehectar ***Turkishagriculturalsectormustuse min. 7 mntonstoarrive World averageusagequantity
Despite decreasing compound fertilizer imports, raw material imports will continue… On the other hand, Turkey cannot source its fertilizer need from domestic production and imports 2.0-2.5mn tons of fertilizers per year. Turkey also lacks raw material resources like natural gas, phosphate rock and potassium salts required to produce compound fertilizers. In that sense, Turkey will continue to import raw materials in the coming years. On the margin front, Turkish companies have lower margins compared to their peers due to their non/semi integrated production structure. Turkish fertilizer companies have also been facing raw material price fluctuations, currency and inventory risks, which cause volatility in the margins. • 厦门同永兴进出口有限公司 • XIAMEN TOPUSING IMP.AND EXP.CO.,LTD.
AGRICULTURE IN MEDITERRANEAN REGION Agriculturallandbyprovinces TOTAL AREA: 24.648,042 decare • 厦门同永兴进出口有限公司 • XIAMEN TOPUSING IMP.AND EXP.CO.,LTD.
AGRICULTURE IN MEDITERRANEAN REGION 1-Greenhouses andtypes • 厦门同永兴进出口有限公司 • XIAMEN TOPUSING IMP.AND EXP.CO.,LTD. TOTAL: 4.507,000 tons
厦门同永兴进出口有限公司 • XIAMEN TOPUSING IMP.AND EXP.CO.,LTD. CONCLUSIONS • Increase of theprofessionalcompanies. • Increase of modern andtechnologicalproductionareas (greenhouses-especiallysoillescultures). • Increase of mechanisation in agriculture. • Increase of bank credits in agriculture. • Suitableclimateconditions • modern transport network • leadstoAgriculturaldevelopment of theregion. • Productivity increasesfromperunit • Exportin agriculturalproductionandexportationwillincreasedaybyday. • Mediterraneanregionwillkeepitsprimaryplaceaboutagriculture in Turkey(especiallyin greenhouses). AgricultureRegionalSalesManager / Ufuk Deniz TASCIOGLU