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1. Department of Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Sweden??? Zhi-Ping Ren MD PhD
3. Research Institute Program of Genetics and Genomic Biology
TMDT Building
101 College St. East Tower
15th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 1L7 Canada
4. New Progress of Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) ?????????????
5. What is cancer?How to treat cancer?Can cancer be prevented?
6. The accurrence of cancer is a very complicated process
7. Cancer is a disease of abnormal DNA Cancer is a somatic cell genetic disease
8. Any single step goes wrong, problems will come
10. Multiple steps carcinogenesis A series of events, initiation, promotion and progression, that leads to the development of an invasive cancer
14. Each different cancer has its own pathway from benign to malignant Inherited cancer (internal cause)
Sporadic cancer (external cause)
15. Incidence, mortality and cure rates of the most commonly diagnosed cancers
16. Risk factors Contact carcinogens: smoking, aflatoxin, nitrite, nitrisamine, radiation, UV light, etc.
17. The most important thing in cancer management is early detection Axiom: Early detection of cancer leads to cure
18. Techniques used in molecular pathology DNA level
Mutation analysis
Comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH)
Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH)
Mutation screening with arrays
RNA level
Gene expression-transcription
cDNA and oligonucleotide arrays
Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE)
Detecting mutations and polymorphisms with arrays
Differential display and representational difference analysis Protein level
Gene expression: translation-proteomics and mass spectrometry
Tissue arrays; functional genomics
Other techniques used in molecular pathology
Knockout and transgenic organisms
Quantitative and real-time PCR
Bioinformatics and data mining
Diagnostics, biomarkers and drug development
19. Microdissection
20. Microdissection History Laser capture microdissection. Emmert-Buck MR, Bonner RF, Smith PD, Chuaqui RF, Zhuang Z, Goldstein SR, Weiss RA, Liotta LA. Science. 1996 Nov 8;274(5289):998-1001
Sequence-based analysis of the human p53 gene based on microdissection of tumor biopsy samples. Hedrum A, Pontn F, Ren Z-P, Lundeberg J, Pontn J, Uhln M. Biotechniques. 1994 Jul;17(1):118-9, 122-4, 126-9.
22. Western ways to treat cancer Slash (operation)
burn (radiation)
poison (chemotherapy)
23. New development in the treatment of cancer New technologies used for operation:
Accurate positioning of tumor (MRI, CT, PET)
Lymph node tracking method (radiation blue dye injection and find sentinel lymph node)
Surgeon controls camera and robotic instruments through remote computer console
24. Other new techniques used Computer assisted imagining, functional imaging analysis, nanotechnology, bioinformatics
25. Radiation: new imaging system precisely positioning and aiming target cells, different radiation dosage and therapy
Chemotherapy (including hormonal therapy): new drug development, more specific and less toxic (find the specific pathways and blocking it specifically)
26. New methods in cancer treatment: Anti-angiogenesis, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) inhibitor
Immunotherapy: recognize cancer cell as foreign cell, attack the cancer cell
Interferon-alfa, interleukin-2
DNA vaccines
Hormonal therapy
27. Knowledge is strength
Knowledge is power
Knowledge saves life
28. You are the best doctor of yourselfYour knowledge will save your life Website:
www.plwc.org (people live with cancer)
www.asco.org (American Society of Clinical Oncology)
www.mskcc.org/aboutherbs (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)
29. Colon cancer ??? 1 in 17 men and women, 95% get it over the age of 50
About 75% are sporadic; the rest together is about 25%
Long nature history: from polyps to adenoma to carcinoma takes 20 years in average
Colorectal cancer can be prevented: Life style (good diet-more vegetables, fruits; exercises-strongest correlation to prevent colorectal cancer); screening (polypectomy-clonoscope, sigmoidoscopy- prevents cancer-best kept secret)
Risk factor: obesity, eating meat, smoking, alcohol.
5-FU, inhibit Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
30. Breast cancer ??? 1 in 8 women affected
212,600 cases diagnosed and 40,200 die of the disease in 2003
Screening: 1. BRCA testing. 2. mammography screening (false negative up to 20%)
Surgical prevention of breast cancer: Prophylactic mastectomy
Tamoxifen, raloxifene, herceptin (Trastuzumab)
31. Lung cancer ?? 85% to 90% caused by cigarette smoking
164,000 new cases in the U.S. M:F=1.2:1; Deaths 156,900 (96%) in 2000
CT screening is not sensitive enough
No demonstration of decreased mortality in screened population
Best treatment so far: surgery.
Unresectable stage: chemotherapy is worth the effort
Trial and Error
No good testing methods
32. Prostate cancer ???? Most common cancer in American men
320,000 new cases diagnosed 2005, 1/10 death anticipated in the U.S.
We do not have specific genetic testing in prostate cancer. PSA test is not specific.
Treatment options: watchful waiting, radical prostatectomy
Hormonal therapy + chemotherapy
Prevention? Beta-carotene 7 years clinical trial FDA not proved
33. Cervical cancer ??? 500,000 women worldwide die of cervical cancer annually
12,200 new diagnosed, 4,100 deaths in the US per year
Screening test: Pap smear test (collect cells) reducing mortality 70%
Sexually transmitted
Known causes HPV DNA found in 99.8% cervical cancer
Can be prevented by screening and follow-up
Can nearly always be cured if detected early
Cryotherapy, laser vaporization, conization, trahelectomy
HPV vaccine
34. Ovarian cancer ??? 1 in 57 women
25,580 diagnosed; 16,090 die in 2004 in the US
Risk factors: nulliparity: 30-60% increased; breast feeding decreased; oral contraceptives 30-60% decreased
Difficult detect, symptom is non-specific
35. Skin cancer ??? Melanoma, Non-melanoma
1 in 53 USA will get melanoma
Self observing, pay attention to your every parts of your body leads to early detection
Sun light, hair dye,
36. Head and neck cancer ???? 53,000 men and women diagnosed, 5% of all cancer in the US but ranks 6th for worldwide cancer diagnosis
Risk factor: Tobacco + alcohol = 90% exposed; poor or low amount of fruit and vegetable
Tobacco: contain over 40 different carcinogens
Persistent oral sore, screening leads to early detection
37. Brain tumor ??? Etiology is basically unknown
17,000 new primary brain diagnosed per year in the US (100,000 matastatic)
More than 100 types of brain tumor
Each has separate pathologic features
Distinct biology
Different treatment and outcomes
No good treatment methods
No good detection methods. No role for screening as in breast cancer
Early detection DO NOT leads to cure
38. Western medicine Based on scientific evidence focuses on find out the etiology, pathology and the external cause of the disease and seek to treat it accordingly
39. Western Medicine is clearly not the only way to treat cancer Tumor can not be resection
Metastatic tumors
Do not response to chemotherapy or radiotherapy
Too weak to be treated
40. Side effects and toxicity of western treatment Nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, acneiform rash, etc, etc
Many patients can not complete their treatment
Prophylactic ectomy is hard to accept
41. Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine are completely different both in theory and in practice, but both serve the same object the patient
42. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Absorbed Chinese philosophy, culture and science, and summarized the experience of the Chinese people in fighting against disease.
Based on observations and experiences accumulated over several thousands of years
Focuses on the patient and try to cultivate and activate the patients internal repair power (increasing immune response against the disease).
43. Western Medicine treat disease
TCM treat patient
Western Medicine and TCM will not interfere with each other
In many aspects, they help and support each other
44. Can TCM alone cure cancer? Not scientifically approved, but TCM can prevent it.
TCM play a very important complementary role in cancer treatment
45. Cultivate and activate the patients internal repair power is extremely important For example:
Likelihood of getting HPV infection has been estimated to be 75% or more in life time
In younger women, the bodys immune system fights off the virus with no ill effects
Cervical cancer occur most often in women 30 years of age or older
46. State of Dynamic Equilibrium
47. ???????? ???????????? with sufficient healthy qi inside the body, pathogenic factors will have no way to invade the body
if pathogenic factors invade the body, qi in the body must be deficient
Haungdi Neijing
48. ???????????????, ???????? If our immune system and repair ability is intact, we will not suffer from tumor
49. ?????????Good doctor treat disease, best doctor prevent it
50. Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine Holism
The Body, an Organic Whole
Unification of Human and Nature World
Treatment Based upon Syndrome Differentiation
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51. ????:????, ????, ????, ???? Therapeutic principles of TCM
Concentrating treatment on the root cause
Strenthening healthy qi and eliminating pathogenic factors
Regulation of yin and yang
Abidance by individuality, locality and seasons
52. Prevention Principles of TCM Prevention of the Occurrence of Diseases and Prevention of Progresses of Diseases
Physical Exercises
Taking care of the Body, Avoiding Over-exertion
Keep Optimistic
Regular life, variety of food, etc.
Herbs used for medicinal prevention
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58. Our body consist of maridians
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71. Enjoy Healthy Life ??????