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Unit 3: Fingerprints (part 2). II. Classification of fingerprints: . A. Three basic patterns—loops, whorls, and arches. Whorl. Arch. Loop. 1. Loop a. = one or more ridges entering from one side, curving, then going out from same side entered b. contains a delta and a core
Unit 3: Fingerprints (part 2)
II. Classification of fingerprints: A. Three basic patterns—loops, whorls, and arches Whorl Arch Loop
1. Loop a. = one or more ridges entering from one side, curving, then going out from same side entered b. contains a delta and a core c. ~ 65% of all fingerprints have loops
d. Subcategories of loop i. Radial loop = opens toward the thumb, which is toward the radius ii. Ulnar loop = opens toward the little finger, which is toward the ulna (NOTE: need to know which hand print came from to determine radial or ulnar loop . . . ulnar loops are more common)
Ridges flow in the Ridges flow in the direction direction of the thumb of the little finger Radial LoopUlnarLoop Right Hand Left Hand Fingerprint Techniques Manual, page 13 --New Mexico Department of Health --http://dhi.health.state.nm.us/elibrary/cchspmanual/fingerprint_manual.pdf
2. Whorls a. = contains at least two deltas and a core b. ~ 20% of fingerprints are plain whorls, ~ 10% are composite or accidental whorls c. Subcategories of whorl i. plain whorl ii. central pocket loop whorl iii. double loop whorl iv. accidental whorl
Central Pocket Whorl Plain Whorl Whorls Whorls have at least one ridge that makes (or tends to make) a complete circuit. They also have at least two deltas. If a print has more than two deltas, it is most likely an accidental. Draw a line between the two deltas in the plain and central pocket whorls. If some of the curved ridges touch the line, it is a plain whorl. If none of the center core touches the line, it is a central pocket whorl. This slide: http://sciencespot.net/Pages/classforsci.html#fiingerprint
3. Arches a. = all ridges enter on one side and exit on the other b. contain NO delta or core c. least common d. Subcategories of arch i. plain arch ii. tented arch Fingerprint Techniques Manual, page 9 --New Mexico Department of Health --http://dhi.health.state.nm.us/elibrary/cchspmanual/fingerprint_manual.pdf
Fingerprint Techniques Manual, page 8 --New Mexico Department of Health --http://dhi.health.state.nm.us/elibrary/ cchspmanual/fingerprint_manual.pdf
B. Ridge classification (Individualization) 1. Minutiae = fine structure of ridge characteristics include . . . ridge ending bifurcation dot
short ridge island (enclosure) core delta http://shs.westport.k12.ct.us/forensics/04-fingerprints/handout.htm
AFIS and IAFIS The computer database uses minutiae to compare fingerprints and determine a match.
Identify Minutiae Circle using the Promethean pen
Just for Fun • http://ridgesandfurrows.homestead.com/pictures.html Extra Resources • http://dhi.health.state.nm.us/elibrary/cchspmanual/fingerprint_manual.pdf
It’s time to take some prints! Quick Tips • If a fingerprint has no deltas, it is an arch. • If a fingerprint has one delta, it is a loop. • If a fingerprint has two or more deltas, it is a whorl. This slide: http://sciencespot.net/Pages/classforsci.html#fiingerprint