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EART160 Planetary Sciences. Last Week – Icy Satellites. For icy satellites, main source of energy is tides – link between orbital and geological evolution Some show present-day geological activity (Enceladus, Europa, Io, Triton) Many show ancient geological activity
Last Week – Icy Satellites • For icy satellites, main source of energy is tides – link between orbital and geological evolution • Some show present-day geological activity (Enceladus, Europa, Io, Triton) • Many show ancient geological activity • Oceans are quite common – habitability • Titan is unusual because it has an atmosphere and an active “hydrosphere” (liquid methane) • Likely to be targets for future spacecraft missions
This week – Comets and the Kuiper Belt • Where do they come from? • What are they made of? • What do they tell us about the early Solar System?
Ion tail pointing directly away from the Sun. Note the slightly bluish color. Dust tail slightly curved, brighter
Why do we care about comets? • Pristine (or nearly pristine) samples of high volatile components of original nebula • Important source of volatiles and organic matter to inner solar system (astrobiology, atmospheres) • Orbits tell us about how the early solar system was assembled
Comet diagram Not to scale! Sun coma (a cloud of gas) (~104 km) tail (dust) nucleus (~10 km) tail (ions) ~107 km Note the two tails
Dust trail Larger particles are not affected by the Sun. Perseid meteor shower when passing through orbit of Swift-Tuttle.
Ison Earth for scale Nucleus = 2 km! ~100,000 km coma and tail of Ison – bound for a hyperbolic close encounter on Nov. 28 with the Sun (1 solar diameter ) at 600 km/s. Will it survive?
Comet Nucleus and Coma • Composition: Water ice is the dominant constituent. There are also methane and ammonia ices (CH4 and NH3) embedded in a rocky matrix. • The model is that of a very dirty snowball or dirty iceberg. However, the outer portion of Halley’s comet (visited by Giotto and Vega 1 & 2 s/c in 1986) was found to be very, very dark, a shell of “sludge” left behind as the vapors baked out. • The coma is a cloud of gas which has evaporated from the nucleus due to the Sun’s energy • It may contain nasty substances like cyanide (HCN) as well as water vapour. 3
Formation of the tail • As comet approaches the Sun, it is warmed by solar radiation and vapors are released, often carrying grains of dust with them. • The comet dimensions increase and it appears to brighten, develops a tail, and the tail grows longer. • Comets are seldom seen beyond 3 or 4 AU. The record is 11.5 AU. • Solar radiation pressure and solar wind ions interact with released dust and gases • The maximum diameter of a coma usually occurs when the comet is between 1.5 and 2.0 AU from the sun. • Most apparently have orbital periods of thousands of years (see later). 4
Finding Cometary Matter • Comets are weakly bound and the matter that produces the meteor showers doesn’t survive the trip through the atmosphere. • Microscopic particles have been collected at high altitudes with aircraft and rockets. Composition is similar to C1 carbonaceous chondrites (is this a surprise?). 17
Stardust mission • A spacecraft (Stardust) has returned to Earth dust samples collected from the coma of comet Wild 2. • Found some high-temperature minerals. Nebular mixing? • Suggests some asteroid-like component in comets.
Halley’s comet • Short period comet (76 years) Cuneiform tablet from 164 BC, Babylon (Iraq), describing comet.
Halley’s comet • Short period comet (76 years) Bayeux Tapestry (1066), England. Cuneiform tablet from 164 BC, Babylon (Iraq), describing comet.
Halley’s comet • Short period comet (76 years) • Visited by several non-US spacecraft • Will next return in 2062 • a = 17.8 AU, e = 0.967 (aphel. 35 AU, perhel. 0.6 AU) Image taken by Giotto during its closest approach Note the dark surface, and the jets of bright material coming off as the Sun heats the volatiles. These jets of gas can perturb the orbit of the comet and make exact prediction of its orbit difficult. 5km 19
Properties of Halley’s comet • The nucleus is irregularly shaped, 15 x 7 to 10 km.The color is dark, fairly neutral, gray.Its reflectivity is only 4%. Similar to black, volatile rich, carbonaceous asteroids beyond the outer asteroid belt. • Its composition (by number of molecules) is mainly ice: water ice 80% carbon monoxide 10% carbon dioxide 3.5% organic compounds 1-2% • It rotates slowly, period of several days, and it exhibits nodding or nutational motions. 20
Comets are apparently quite weak – perhaps more like an icy rubble pile than a snowball? Comet S-L 9 breaking up into fragments 23
Deep Impact (Comet Tempel-1) • Spectral features (H2O,C-H, CO2) seen • Impact crater not seen • Follow-on mission? 1km
Epoxi mission November, 2010, Hartley-2: 2 km by 0.4 km
Rosetta Mission • ESA Rosetta Spacecraft • Land on a comet in May 2014 See any problems in this picture?
Comets and their Origins • Two kinds of comets • Short period (<200 yrs) and long period (>200 yrs) • Different orbital characteristics: ecliptic Short period: prograde, low inclination Long period: isotropic orbital distribution • This distribution allows us to infer the orbital characteristics of the source bodies: • S.P. – relatively close (~50 AU), low inclination (Scattered Disk) • L.P. – further away (~104 AU), isotropic (Oort Cloud) • Also: single appearance comets (parabolic and hyperbolic orbits)
Short-period comets • Period < 200 yrs. Mostly close to the ecliptic plane (Jupiter-family, e.g. Encke); some much higher inclinations (e.g. Halley) • Most are thought to come from the unstable Scattered Disk, due to collisions or planetary perturbations (Neptune) • Form the dominant source of impacts in the outer solar system • Is there a shortage of small comets/KBOs? From Zahnle et al. Icarus 2003
Trans-Neptunian objects Kuiper Belt/Scattered Disk Unstable Scattered Disk objects (up to 100 AU) Stable, torodial Kuiper Belt • ~1000 objects known so far, occupying space between Neptune (30 AU) and ~50 AU • Discovered in 1992! • Largest objects are Pluto, Charon, Quaoar (1250km diameter), 2004 DW (how do we measure their size?) • Two populations – low eccentricity, low inclination (“cold”) and high eccentricity, high inclination (“hot”) “hot” ECCENTRICITY “cold” Brown, Phys. Today 2004 • Total mass small, ~0.1 Earth masses • Difficult to form bodies as large as 1000 km when so little total mass is available • A surprisingly large number (few percent) binaries
Eris: The 10th “planet” • Discovered by Mike Brown in 2005 • Diameter 2340 km • Largest body known beyond Neptune (comparable to Pluto) • a = 97 AU • Scattered Disk “dwarf planet” (2006) (plutoid) • Moon: Dysnomia Hubble Telescope Image
Building the Kuiper Belt From Stern A.J. 1996 Different lines are for different mean random eccentricities • Planetesimal growth is slower in outer solar system (why?) • Calculations suggests that it is not possible to grow ~1000km size objects in the Kuiper belt with current mass distribution Solar system age Growth time Disk mass (ME) • How might we avoid this paradox (see next slide)? • 1) Kuiper Belt originally closer to Sun • 2) We are not seeing the primordial K.B.
“Hot” population Present day Planetesimals transiently pushed out by Neptune 2:1 resonance “Cold” population J N U S Neptune stops at original edge Stable 3:2 SNeptune resonance (Pluto, plutinos) Stable 2:1 Neptune resonance A.ka. The Nice model Kuiper Belt Formation • Early in solar system • Disk interactions shift J + S to 2:1 resonance positions • Saturn shifts out, scatters U + N • U + N plow through disk, • switch places Ejected planetesimals (Oort cloud/Scattered Disk Objects) “Hot” population Initial edge of planetesimal swarm J N U S 1. 18 AU 30 AU 48 AU
What does this explain? • Two populations (“hot” and “cold”) • Transported by different mechanisms (scattering vs. resonance with Neptune) • Formation and (current) position of Neptune • Easier to form it closer in; current position determined by edge of initial planetesimal swarm • Small present-day total mass of Kuiper Belt for the size of objects seen there • It was initially empty – planetesimals were transported outwards • Any interesting consequences for the inner solar system?
Some vocabulary • Plutinos: Objects in 3:2 resonance w/ Neptune • Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs): Any object beyond Neptune: • Kuiper belt • Scattered disk • Oort cloud • Plutoid: TNO dwarf planet
Binaries • A few percent KBO’s are binaries, mostly not tightly bound (separation >102 radii) – Pluto/Charon an exception. Why are binaries useful? • Pluto has at least 5 satellites • How did these binaries form? • Collisions not a good explanation – low probability, and orbits end up tightly bound (e.g. Earth/Moon) • A more likely explanation is close passage (<~1 Hill sphere) (Goldreich et al. Nature 2002). Implies that most binaries are ancient (close passage more probable earlier)
Long-period comets • Periods > 200 yrs (most only seen once) e.g. Hale-Bopp • Source is the Oort Cloud, perturbations due to nearby stars (one star passes within 3 L.Y. every ~105 years). Such passages also randomize the inclination/eccentricity • Distances are ~104 A.U. and greater • Maybe 10-102 Earth masses • Sourced from originally scattered planetesimals • Objects closer than 20,000 AU are bound tightly to the Sun and are not perturbed by passing stars
Oort Cloud • What happens to all the planetesimals scattered out by Jupiter? They end up in the Oort cloud (close-in versions are called Scattered Disk Objects) • This is a spherical array of planetesimals at distances out to ~200,000 AU (=3 LY), with a total mass of 10-102 Earths. NEVER BEEN IMAGED! • Why spherical? Combination of initial random scattering from Jupiter, plus passages from nearby stars • Forms the reservoir for long period comets Oort cloud (spherical after ~5000 AU) Saturn Earth Pluto Kuiper Belt 100,000 AU 10,000 AU 100 AU 1,000 AU 1 AU 10 AU After Stern, Nature 2003
Sedna (2003 VB12) • Sedna discovered in March 2004, most distant solar system object ever discovered. • a=518 AU, e=0.85, period 11,400 years • Perihelion=76 AU so it is a SDO or an inner Oort cloud member (not a KBO) • Diameter =1000 100 km (how do we know?) • Light curve suggests a rotation rate of ~10 days (slow) • To date no satellite has been imaged
Kuiper Belt and SDO’s Plutinos Twotinos SDO’s Kuiper Belt
The fate of comets • Comets can break apart. • Lose their volatiles. • Extinct comets. • Impact planets/Sun • Ejected from the solar system. 73P/Schwassmann imaged with HST Shoemaker Levy 9
Comets and Earth’s water • D/H ratio has been used to infer that most of Earth’s oceans not provided by comets. • Test this on the Moon? Bezard, Science 1999
Summary • Comets are dirty snowballs with a dark crust • They provide samples of (hopefully) primordial, volatile-rich solar nebula material • SP comets come from the Scattered Disk • LP comets come from the Oort Cloud • The architecture of the Kuiper Belt/Scattered Disk is probably a result of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune moving around early in their history!