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4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET)

4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET). 4-H SET Initiative Plan of Action. Goal #1: Improve youth science literacy through educational programming that: Use high quality curricula based on UC ANR initiatives Prepare volunteer educators with effective professional development

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4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET)

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  1. 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET)

  2. 4-H SET Initiative Plan of Action Goal #1: Improve youth science literacy through educational programming that: • Use high quality curricula based on UC ANR initiatives • Prepare volunteer educators with effective professional development • Are designed to meet the needs of diverse youth audiences Goal #2: Advance the research-base of youth nonformal science education. Goal #3: Support the first two goals through effective resource development. Guided by the 4-H SET Leadership Team • Andrea Ambrose, Corporate and Foundation Major Gifts Officer, California 4-H Foundation • Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty, County Director San Benito County & 4-H Youth Development Advisor • Martin Smith, Associate CE Specialist, Youth Curriculum Development, UCD • Steven Worker, 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology Coordinator, YFC

  3. Key Accomplishments 2008-2014 • Professional Development: Prepared hundreds of 4-H staff and volunteers to facilitate high quality science education; e.g., hosted the 2012 Western Region 4-H Science Academy & numerous workshops. • Curriculum Development: Developed, tested, and disseminated over a dozen 4-H science-related curricula. • Research and Evaluation: Published over 20 research and evaluation studies in JOE, CalAg, Afterschool Matters, and others. • Partnerships: Strengthened collaborations with external stakeholders; e.g., Lawrence Hall of Science, California Afterschool Network. • Fund Development: Secured over $2.4 million in support for 4-H SET programs and activities from USDA, ANR, corporations, foundations, and cost recovery/program fee sources.

  4. Examples of Key Youth Outcomes • 91% of California 4-H members report liking science. • California high school students who participate in science-related 4-H programming take more and higher level science courses than their non-4-H peers. • 4-H members are 1.5X as likely to do well in science classes. • 4-H girls are 2X as likely to have plans to pursue science careers.

  5. Future Efforts 2015 and onward Program development in the areas of: • Water • Environmental/Ecosystem education • Animal science and bio-security • Plant science, gardening • Connections between science and engineering Capacity Building • Build 4-H professionals (staff & academic)capacity to provide effective professional development for volunteer educators • Build organizational capacity of the California 4-H for durability and sustainability.

  6. Linking to Water Quality, Quantity, and Security 4-H SET efforts have initiated programming for youth to learn about human interventions in the water cycle and then apply this knowledge through a service-learning project. “4-H efforts to improve science literacy in the area of watershed science not only provides youth with the opportunity to engage in a critical local issue, it also expands UC ANR's reach to the youth who will be responsible for developing and implementing water policies in the future.” - Darren Haver, Water Quality Advisor, South Coast REC and Orange County Director

  7. Linking to Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases ANR has a history of supporting 4-H youth in animal science projects where they care for, breed, grow, show and market their products. Recent efforts focus on help 4-H youth develop biosecurity practices that will reduce the risk of disease spread. Projects include: • publishing the Bio-Security in 4-H Animal Sciencecurriculum (Smith et al.) • conducting research funded by a 2013 ANR grant • planning the inaugural 2015 State Animal Science Symposium

  8. Linking to Sustainable Food Systems The Discovering Healthy Choices curriculum developed through a 2011 ANR Grant is a multi-component, school-based approach to supporting regional agriculture, promoting healthy behaviors, and reducing childhood obesity. Education Goal: youth learn about the nutrition in foods we eat and the connections with agriculture science, native plants and animals. Research Goal: Identifying promising practices for science and nutrition education.

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