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Classical Roots Lessons 7 and 8. Separation. Lesson 7 Roots. ab - away from Abnormal Abolish Abrupt Absent Absorb Abdicate Abduct Abstract. Lesson 7 Roots. cerno, cernere, crevi, cretum - to separate, to sift, to decide Certain Concern Decree Secrecy discrete. Lesson 7 Roots.
Classical Roots Lessons 7 and 8 Separation
Lesson 7 Roots • ab - away from • Abnormal • Abolish • Abrupt • Absent • Absorb • Abdicate • Abduct • Abstract
Lesson 7 Roots • cerno, cernere, crevi, cretum - to separate, to sift, to decide • Certain • Concern • Decree • Secrecy • discrete
Lesson 7 Roots • frango, frangerem fregi, fractum - to break • Fraction • Fracture • Fragile • Fragment • Fracas • Fractious • Frangible
abrasive Jack must use several abrasive pads in order to smooth out the uneven parts of the boards.
abrasive adjective • Harsh, rough Can be literal or figurative
abound In a hungry rabbit’s dream, carrots abound.
abound Verb • To exist in great quantities or numbers • To be fully supplied or filled
abscond The burglar broke in while I was sleeping and absconded with my DVD-player.
abscond • To leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself
abhor • To detest or hate thoroughly
discreet • Showing tact, respect and restraint in speech or behavior
ascertain Nathan used a dictionary to ascertain the meaning of “defenestrate” so that he was certain to use the word correctly.
ascertain • To find out something for certain
Can you discern the characteristics of a grasshopper and a cricket?
discern verb • To perceive; to detect differences Sally is a discerning customer.
infraction The referee threw the flag to signal that an infraction had been committed by a defensive player.
infraction • A violation, especially of a law Related to “fracture” or to break.
infringe • To go beyond set limits
suffrage noun • The right to vote, or a vote itself Be careful! suffer is not related to suffrage suffering = bad suffrage = good
abrasive (adj.) abrasion (noun) • -harsh, rough • Can be literal or figurative
abhor (verb) -To detest or hate thoroughly abhorrent (adj.) abhorrence (noun)
discreet (adj.) discretion (noun) -Showing tact, respect and restraint in speech or behavior
ascertain (verb) -To find out something for certain
discern(verb) discernable(adj.) discerning(adj.) • To perceive; to detect differences
Roots from Lesson 8 • super - above • caedo, cadere, cecidi, caesum - to cut • luein - to loosen, to untie • lutos - capable of being untied • solvo, solvere, solvi, solutum - to loosen to untie
superlative By winning the Olympic gold medal, she proved her snowboarding skills to be superlative.
superlative(adjective) • The highest, above the rest, the best Superlative has a specific definition in language.
There are many superfluous products sold that are waste of money.
superfluous(adjective) • unnecessary, extra Pronounced: su-PER-flu-ous
Full Oxford English Dictionary The concise edition of a dictionary is much easier to use and takes up less space on the bookshelf.
concise • giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words
Useful root: -cide = to kill • homicide • insecticide • suicide • genocide • germicide • kill a human • kill insects • kill oneself • kill a whole group of people • kill germs
herbicide • A substance for killing plants, especially weeds
Bonus Round • fratricide • sororicide • matricide • patricide • amicicide • regicide • fungicide • omnicide • frater = brother • soror = sister • mater = mother • pater = father • amicus = friend • regis = king • fungus = fungus • omni = all
If you want a perfect cake, it’s important to be precise when measuring each ingredient.
precise(adjective) • Clearly expressed; exact; accurate in every detail precision(noun)
Before deciding to open a new restaurant, Margaret analyzed the data and her finances.
analyze(verb) • To look at something carefully by paying attention to its parts analysis(noun)
catalyst The ball is the catalyst in this chain reaction.
catalyst(noun) • A force or person causing action, especially without being involved or changed by the consequences “a catalyst for change”
Catholics confess their sins to a priest so that the priest can absolve the sin.
absolve(verb) • To relieve of blame or obligation; to pardon a sin absolution(noun)
Once a president makes a decision, he must be resolute and strive to convince others that he is correct.
resolute(adjective) • Determined, unshakable (Resolution comes from the word resolve) resoluteness(noun)