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CSE 341 Lecture 29 b

CSE 341 Lecture 29 b. Course wrap-up slides created by Marty Stepp http://www.cs.washington.edu/341/. One view of languages. A broader view. Not all languages are functional or OO! logic languages (e.g., Prolog) scripting languages (Perl, Python, Lua) query languages (SQL)

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CSE 341 Lecture 29 b

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CSE 341Lecture 29 b Course wrap-up slides created by Marty Stepp http://www.cs.washington.edu/341/

  2. One view of languages

  3. A broader view Not all languages are functional or OO! • logic languages (e.g., Prolog) • scripting languages (Perl, Python, Lua) • query languages (SQL) • purely functional languages (Haskell; no ref or set!) • visual languages, spreadsheet languages, GUI-builders, text-formatters, hardware-synthesis, ... • languages with heavy support for parallel programming

  4. Why did we do this? • the time needed to "pick up" a new language will drop dramatically (though you have to learn its libraries, too) • use mutation for what it's good for; not to create brittle programs with unseen dependencies • syntax matters, but it's not everything • apply idioms in languages besides where you saw them • recognize that language-design is hard; semantics should not be treated lightly; more syntax is not always better

  5. Big ideas • code runs in environments; scope/resolution matters • recursive data is processed with recursive functions • without mutation, copying vs. aliasing is indistinguishable • closures have many powerful uses • (dis-) advantages of static typing (and what is checked) • when evaluation occurs is important (thunks/macros) • OO vs. FP: many similarities and a couple big differences • parametric polymorphism vs. subtyping • can embed a language in another via interpreters/macros

  6. Big picture questions • Which language we learned is your favorite? Why? • Least favorite? • What are the pros and cons of static/dynamic typing? • What are some benefits of coding in a functional style? • How does a functional language handle extensibility and reusable code, as opposed to how OO languages do it?

  7. What next? • learn more about the languages we covered • be careful/honest when listing them on your resume...! • learn a language similar to / inspired by ones we saw • Scala: functional/OO mixture that runs on Java VM • F#: Microsoft's ML clone; can interact with C# code • C#: Microsoft's Java clone • Clojure: Scheme/Lisp dialect that runs on Java VM • Scala/Ruby/Lua: dynamic and high-level, like JavaScript • take CSE 401 (Compilers) • learn much more about how compilers/interpreters work

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