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Statement of the ProblemThis study was designed to compare the level of farmer's learning skills through exposure to a video production program by using three techniques : exposure to the video program ; exposure to the video with subtitles and main point ; and exposure to the video program with
1. Farmers Learning Skills Obtained from Three Techniques of Video Program Production in Sanpatong District, Chiang Mai ProvinceWallratat IntaruccompornStudent Code 53..
2. Statement of the Problem
This study was designed to compare the level of farmers learning skills through exposure to a video production program by using three techniques : exposure to the video program ; exposure to the video with subtitles and main point ; and exposure to the video program with pointers / arrows. It sought to answer the following question:
3. 1.What are some of the personal characteristics of the farmers(sex , age , educational attainment , income , family size , distance from the urban centers farming systems used , and frequency of contacts with extension agents ) that influence their learning skills through the use of three techniques in cleft grafting of mangoes ?
2.Which video production techniques (s) (exposure to the video program , exposure to the video program with subtitles and main point , and exposure to the video program with pointers / arrows ) in enhancing the learning skills of the farmer ?
3.Which video production technique in cleft grafting of mangoes is more effective in enhancing the learning skill of farmer when classified according to sex , age , educational attainment , income , family size , distance from urban centers , farming system used , and frequency of contact with extension agents ?
4. Objectives of the Study
The study will be attempted to determine an effective technique of video materials preparation, using cleft grafting of mangoes as subject matter. Specifically, it attempt to:
1.Produce a video program on a specific topic for extension /
outreach activities ;
2.Determine the personal characteristics of the respondents sex ,
age, educational attainment , income , family size , distance from
urban centers , farming system used , and frequency of contacts
with extension agents;
3.Compare the learning skills of the farmers using three techniques
of video production program in craft grafting of mangoes ; and ,
4.Compare the learning skills of farmers subjected of mangoes when
farmers are classified according to sex, age, educational attainment,
family size ,income , distance from urban centers , farming systems
used , and frequency of contacts with extension agents.
5. Hypotheses of the Study
1.There is no significant difference among the farmers learning skills on cleft grafting of mangoes using three video production techniques.
2.Learning skills in cleft grafting of mangoes of farmers classified according to sex, age, educational attainment, family size, income, distance from urban centers, farming systems used, and frequency of contacts with extension agents do not differ significantly.
6. Significance of the Study
The effective use of video programs in the field of extension requires that the video programs be properly integrated into the overall educational plan. As with other technological advance in the field of extension, the qualifications of the instructors are important in attaining the effectiveness of implementation. The extension agent need not , in all case , be an export on all faces of the subject being presented on the tape in order to integrate the material into the extension plan.
In fact , one of the real benefits of video instruction is that it can be used to present complete topics when a truly component subject matter expert is not available.
Another advantage is the fact that visualization of the concept being taught can enhance she learning an retention process. Too often, videos are used by extension agents merely as fillers (or babysitters) rather than as part of a well integrated program of instruction, Use properly and effectively, video can be a valuable tool in the enhancement of the learning process.
7. Findings of this study may be valuable to communicators, educators, audio visual specialists, media planners, development planners, extension worker, and all other personal involved in the development of mass media for countryside development.
Since studies of this nature are still limited, finding of this study will provide a good beginning for more intensive research in the use of the multi media approach in development programs.
8. Methodology of Research
The conceptual model of the study consisted of two sets of variables : the independent variables studied were the personal characteristics and socio economic factors such as sex , age , education attainment , family size , income , distance from urban centers , farming system used , and frequency of contacts with extension agents. Video production program techniques / methods were exposure to the video program , exposure to the video program with subtitle and main points , and exposure to the video program with pointer / arrows.
The dependent variable of the study was farmers learning skills.
Educational attainment
Distance from urban centers
Farming system used
Frequency of contact with
extension agents
10. Operational Definition of Terms
Age refer to the respondents chorological age as of last birthday. Age of respondents were classified into three group : young , median , old . These were described as below the man, mean , and above the mean, respectively.
Sex refers to whether the respondents are male or female.
Educational attainment refers to the highest degree the respondents have attained. It was categorized as elementary school graduate (4 year ) , secondary school graduate (6 year ). high school graduate (12 year ) , and bachelor s degree.
Farmer are the persons who raise crops, animals or fish in Sanpatong District, Chiang Mai.
Family refers to the number of persons who are living with the respondents as dependents. This was grouped as 1) 1-5 persons (small) , 2) 6-9 persons (medium) ,and 3 ) 10 person or more (large).
11. Income refers to the estimated total income earned by the respondents family from all source. Incomes were grouped as 29,000 40,000 Bath, 40,301 -51,600 Bath and 51,601 53,000 Bath per year.
Distance from urban centers refers to the number of kilometers the farmers residence is from the urban centers.
Farming system used refer to whether the respondents practice monoculture , multiple cropping or integrated farming system.
Frequency of contacts with extension agents refers to the number of personal contacts that a respondent makes with agricultural extension workers , made regarding grafting as technique of propagation.
Farmers learning skill refers to the farmers ability to use his knowledge in cleft gained thru video program effectively.
Exposures to use the video program refer to the video program demonstrating cleft of mangoes without any written explanation.
Exposure to video program with subtitles and main point refer to the video program with is done by demonstrating how to do cleft grafting giving emphasis on main point down to the more detail ones with written procedures and visual aids.
Exposure to video program with pointers / arrows refers to the video program which is done by demonstrating how to do cleft grafting with emphasis on the techniques of doing it using arrows / pointers on points need emphasis.
12. Time and Place of study
The experiment will be conducted from October,2011 to November, 2012 in Sanpatong District, Chiang Mai
Sanpatong District was selected as the location of this study because no study has been conducted on the effects of techniques in video production on farmers learning skills in this district. The research can also avail the help of the co adviser, instructor, and friend in terms of suggestions, facilities, transportation, assistants, and interviewers during the process of data gathering and data analyses and interpretation.
15. Experimental Design
R O 1 (X) O 2 Control Group
R O 3 X 1 O 4 Experimental Group 1
R O 5 X 2 O 6 Experimental Group 2
Control Group only sound effects , dialogues and music were provided to back up the demonstration. Experimental Group 1 In addition to the provisions given to the Control group , 5 millimeter caption were provided for emphasis.
Experimental Group 2 In addition to what was done in the Control group , pointer / arrows were provide for more emphasis.
16. Production of the Video Script
1.Selection of the Topic ( Cleft Grafting of Mangoes )
While Sanpatong District is a rice producing area, mangoes are being popularized by the Department of Agriculture in this area. It is has a high demand both in the local and foreign markets. There is also a government price support for the commodity.
In order to help in the governments program of expanding the area planted to mangoes, asexual propagation has to be resorted to. In view of this , cleft grafting was selected as the topic for the video program production.
2.Writing the Script
After selection mango as the subject commodity and cleft as the asexual reproduction method, the script will be written by the researcher. The video script will be improve by a video production specialist of Kasetsart University Audio Visual Center who will be also act as the consultant through the research process.
3.A Specialist in cleft grafting will demonstrated the step by step procedure. While the respondents will be performing according to the script, the researcher, using a video camera and other accessories will be took all the shots and preparie the video program.
4.The video program will be edited by the video specialist to improve the dialogue, sound effects and other aspects of the video program production.
17. 5.Three versions of the video program will be produced , namely :
5.1 Control group. Only sound effects , dialogues and music will be provide to back-up the demonstration.
5.2 Experiment group 1. In addition to the above (Control group), 5 millimeter caption will be provided for emphasis.
5.3 Experiment group 2. In addition to the Control group, pointers 2 arrows will be provided for emphasis.
These will be originally done using the Digital system because of its clarity.
6. The video program will be finalized with the assistance of the specialist consultant. The final program will be 10.08 minutes long.
18. Pre testing of the Video Program
The video program will be pre tested among 30 farmers from a non sample tambon in the Sanpatong District, Chiang Mai.
Finalizing the Video Program
The reaction from the pre test farmers, like clarification about terminologies, will be incorporat in the video program by the video specialist consultant.
19. Experimental Design
The respondents in this study will be farmers from nine tambons of Sanapatong District,
Multi stage random sampling will be utilized in the selection of the sample respondents. The following steps will be undertaken:
1.Five out of eleven tambons will be chosed randomly.
2.A list of farmer will be obtained from the Kamnans (Tambon Leader ) of each tambon and from the list will be chosed 150 respondents (30 person per Tambon) by lottery.
3.Farmer respondents will be pre informing of the interviews. The 50 farmers per tambon will berandomly distributed as follow: 10 farmers for the Control group, 10 farmers for Experimental group 1, and 10 farmer for Experimental group 2.
20. Data Gathering Instruments
The data gathering instruments used will be :
1.The three versions of the video program; video tape recorders,
video cassette recorder, video cassette recorder and video camera.
The Questionnaires will be pre test with 30 farmers who are not including in this study. This will be employed determine the understandability, validity, and appropriateness of the items to elicit the desire information. Revisions , deletions and modifications will be made accordingly to results of the pre test before the instrument will be finalized.
The researcher will be checked face validity of the instrument using face validity by looking at the items in terms of the objectives of the study.
Reliability of formula - 20 (Garrett, 1965 : 341) . The program script will be tested using 50 farmers in another village who are not included as respondents in this study.
21. Part I. This part will be used to generate data on the socio economic variables (age, sex, educational attainment, family size, income, distance from urban center, farming system used, and the frequency of contact with extension agents.
Part II. Pre - test and post test .
This consists of the 13 steps in cleft grafting of mangoes namely:
1.Select the section with the right stage of maturity (Scion selected was greenish brown) .
2.Used a scion of 1 cm. diameter.
3.Cut the scion which is approximately 1 -1 .5 inches in length.
4.Slashed the end of the scion (V- shape) foe proper insertion in length.
5.The scion cut was straight and smooth.
6.The length of the scion for insertion was approximately one inch.
7.Sectioned a healthy stock at the right stage of maturity (stocks used were approximately 2 year old).
8.Cut the stock horizontally with a pair of secateurs at approximately 4 -5 inches above the ground level.
9.Cut the stock vertically at center.
10. The vertical cut was approximately 1 -1.5 inches deep.
11.Inserted the scion to the stock in place and fatedly
12. Wrapped tightly with plastic form the bottom to the top of the stock covering the whole point of contact between it and the scion.
13. Made a knot at the end of the plastic to fasten it securely.
24. 2.3 Part III. Evaluation of the Video Production
The effectiveness of the video production program will determine using the following rating scale (as appropriate) :
3.26 4.00 = Very orderly / very good / very long / very velar / very fast / very harmonious / very continuous
2.51 3.25 = Orderly / good / long / clear / fast / harmonious / continuous
1.76 2.50 = Moderately orderly / moderately good/ moderately long / moderately clear / moderately fast / moderately harmonious / moderately continuous
1.00 1.75 = Not orderly / poor / short / slow / fast / not clear / not harmonious / not continuous
25. Data Gathering Procedure
Control Group
The researcher familiarized the sample farmers on the administration of the interview schedule and testing. They will be informed of the objectives and the importance of the study. The research assistants will be oriented on the art of interviewing so that they can gather accurate data from the respondents. After the orientation, the researcher will be requested the respondents to answer part 1 of questionnaire on socio economic factors .
26. The pre test will be performed immediately after the respondents finished answering part 1 of the questionnaire. The skills of the respondents will be determined by means of a pre test using the 13 steps in cleft grafting of mangoes ( Checklist ) ; 1 for every correct performance and 0 for an incorrect answer.
27. The researcher will be prepared the mango stock, the mango scions, materials used in cleft grafting such as knife, secateurs, and plastic tape before requesting them to do cleft grafting. The mean of the pre test are 0 because the respondents are not able to do it.
The process will be done in one tambon after the other within a period of 10 days.
After 10 days, the same people farmers of the control group will be exposed to the video program in the house of the tambon leader (Kumnun). The video will be shown at night.
After the respondents exposure to the video program, the researcher will be prepared the mango stocks, the mango scions and same materials used in the pre test process. The researcher will be requested them to perform cleft grafting immediately following the steps that they have seen in the video program.
28. While the sample respondents will be done the steps in cleft grafting, the specialist consultant (pomology specialist) rate the performance using the 13 steps require. The researcher and the research assistants will be administered the post test which will be checked by the pomologys specialist using checklist and recording the time. The result of the post test will be taken as a manifestation of skills learned by the farmers. The learning skills of the respondents will be scored 1 for every correct answer and 0 of the respondents will be are scored 1 for every correct answer and I for and incorrect one.
The evaluation of the effectiveness of the video production program will be done by the same respondents after they perform the steps in cleft grafting.
The data obtained will be numerically coded in the coding sheet as a basis for data analyses using computer facilities.
The same procedure will be done in the Experimental groups 1 and 2 .
29. Data Analysis
All statistical analyses will be performed through the computer facilities at the Computer Center, Chiang Mai University. Analysis and interpretation of the data will be made base on the research objectives by using the following:
1. Descriptive statistics such as frequency counts , percentage , ranking , arithmetic mean and standard deviation will be used to describe and analyze the profile of the contact farmers.
2.T-test will be used to test differences of farmers learning skills before and after they are expose to the video program.
3..F-test will be used to test the significance of the mean score of farmer
learning skills, and to test the significance of the mean score of the
effectiveness of the video program.
4.Least Significance Difference (LSD) will be used to test the significance
difference of mean values farmers learning skills.
5.To evaluate the farmers after they saw the video program, the researcher will be used the check list of pre - test and post test results.
The level of significance for all tests will be fixed at 0.05 as the minimum basis for the decision in the rejection/acceptance of the hypotheses testing in the study.
30. Literature Cited
Damrongpol , S. 1984 . Development and Education Phychology. : Run Sing PlublishingCompany , Bangkok , Thailand.
Gunn , J.M. 1984 . Social Aspects of Television .McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. USA.
Rogers, E.M. and F.F. Shoemaker . 1971. Communication of innovation. Second Edition. The McMillan Co., New York , Collier- McMillan Ltd., London.
Tolman, E.C. 1958 . Behavior and Psychological Man : Essay in Motivation and Learning .Berkley : University of California Press, USA.
May, M.A. 1966. The role of student response in learning from the new educational media.Washington : U.S. office of Education Contact No. OE-5016 006
Hoban,E.F.,Jr. and Ormer , E.B. Van . 1950. Instructional film research, Naval special devices, Post Washington, N.Y. USA.
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