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Principales Hitos. Election of Acting Chair Dr . Ianelli was unanimously elected as SWG Acting Chair . Discussion of Participant Reports
Principales Hitos Election of Acting Chair • Dr.Ianelli was unanimously elected as SWG Acting Chair. Discussion of Participant Reports • The Peruvian delegation presented a diplomatic note concerning various issues in some reports as related to its national maritime jurisdiction. The Chilean delegation presented a diplomatic note in response. The Chilean delegation presented a note verbal requesting that Birdlife amend some of the graphics in their information paper provided to the SWG
Documentos • SWG-11 Documents SWG-11-01 Draft Agendas for the Science Working Group and Sub-Groups (rev 1) SWG-11-02 Proposed schedule of meetings SWG-11-03 DraftDocumentList SWG-11-04 China 2012 ReportSWG-11-05 Korea2012 Report SWG-11-06 ChineseTaipei 2012 Report SWG-11-07 Chile 2012 Report SWG-11-08 Peru 2012 Report (rev 1) SWG-11-08a Peru 2012 2nd NationalReport SWG-11-09 DraftScienceWorkingGroupResearchProgramme SWG-11-10 Australia 2012 Report
Documentos • SWG-11-JM Documents SWG-11-JM-01 Jack MackerelBiological Reference Points (rev 1) SWG-11-JM-02 Comments and SuggestionsregardingtheParameters SWG-11-JM-03 Characteristics of thePeruvian Stock SWG-11-JM-04 InsightonPopulationStructure SWG-11-JM-05 Working Plan - Chilean Jack MackerelAgeEstimation SWG-11-JM-06 Jack Mackerel CPUE in Centre-southern Chile SWG-11-JM-07 Jack MackerelMaturity off theChileanCoast SWG-11-JM-08 Standardization of CPUE forChilean Jack MackerelfromtheChineseTrawlFleet (update) SWG-11-JM-09 Reference Point Estimation SWG-11-JM-10 F Limit Reference Points SWG-11-JM-11 RussianPopulationGeneticStudies of Jack Mackerel in the South Pacific
Temas discutidos en el JMSG • Jack Mackerel Maturity Studies (SWG-11-JM-07). • Reference Points SWG-11-JM-01, 09, 10 • Stock Structure studies (SWG-11-JM-04, JM-03). Some members proposed to evaluate running separate models for the “Far North” region separately from the remaining area west of the Chilean coast
Temas discutidos en el JMSG 4. Otolithworkshop report. The main activity would be to circulate a sample of otolith images among participating experts and conclude with a workshop. The Chilean delegation volunteered to coordinate the work
Jack Mackerel Stock Assessments • A substantial amount of time was spent updating and revising data inputs for the Joint Jack Mackerel (JJM) stock assessment model • As before, the four fleets used in the JM assessments are: • Fleet 1: Chilean northern area within EEZ purse-seine fishery. • Fleet 2: Chilean southern area within EEZ and high seas purse seine fishery. • Fleet 3: Far northern area fishery, inside and outside the Peruvian EEZ and inside the Ecuadorian EEZ. • Fleet 4: International fleet high seas trawl fishery off the Chilean EEZ.
Jack Mackerel Stock Assessments • During the meeting, Peruvian scientists presented new results from their work standardizing fishery CPUE and hydro-acoustic survey results. The standardized acoustic index takes into account the variability of the area covered by the Peruvian surveys between years. The applicability of this index within the assessment model was discussed at length by the WG and it concluded that time was too short to adequately review the analysis (a presentation was made but no working document was presented).
Advice • Relative to stock status, the assessments presented indicate an increasing stock since 2010 but still at very low levels ranging between 8% and 17% of estimated unfished levels. • Projection results under the assumption of recent average recruitment at the levels estimated for the recent period (2000–2012) indicate that fishing mortality should be maintained at or below 2012 levels to improve the likelihood of spawning biomass increasing. This results in catches for 2013 on the order of 410kt or lower. Fishing mortalities in the next 10 years at or below current (2012) levels are projected to have a high probability of resulting in spawning stock increases under most projections.
Identification of short term research and assessment requirements • Stock structure studies. Research is in progress on several aspects of jack mackerel stock structure. The proposed simulation studies within a Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) framework will help to fill the gap between uncertainty in stock structure and management measures. • Age determination. The proposed work programme on age determination based on circulation of images is cost effective and could bring important insights into the current uncertainty. The collaboration of Peru would be fundamental due to the age validation work in the northern area of jack mackerel distribution.
Identification of short term research and assessment requirements • Acoustic survey standardization. Standardization of survey design and potential habitat modeling should be consider, especially for jack mackerel surveys, where the target fish is highly mobile and not necessarily present every year in the same place and in the same period. These activities should be developed under the supervision of the ICES FAST working group, for ensuring the highest scientific level of the research. • It was suggested that the recording of data on non-fish bycatch, specifically including seabirds, was desirable in terms of understanding the wider ecosystem relations of the fishery.