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Sweet Christmas Bread Vánočka. Ingredients. Grated lemon peel. 2 egg yolks. 110 g of powder sugar. 1 pack of vanilla sugar. 0,25 l of warm milk. 500 g of plain flour. 110 g of butter. 1 tea spoon of salt. 30 g of golden raisins. 50 g of almonds. 30 g of yeast. Instructions.
Ingredients Grated lemon peel 2 eggyolks 110 g ofpowdersugar 1 packofvanillasugar 0,25 l ofwarmmilk 500 g ofplainflour 110 g ofbutter 1 teaspoonof salt 30 g ofgoldenraisins 50 g ofalmonds 30 g ofyeast
Instructions 1. Put 1 spoonofplainflour, yeast, 1 teaspoonofsugar, 2 spoonsofwarmwaterinto a bowl. Mix it and leaveitfor 3 minutes. 2. Puteggyolks, butter and sugarinto a mixer bowl and mix it.
Instructions 3. Addflour, warmmilk and yeastmixtureinto a mixer bowl and make the batter. 4. Onceyouhave made thebatter, mix in theraisins and halfofthealmonds.
Instructions 5. Putthebatterinto a bowl and leaveitforapp. 1 hour in a warm place and coveritwith a towel. Afterwards, mix itwith a woodenstirringspoon. Thenleaveitagainfor 1 hour. 6. Putthebatter on thedesk. Divideitinto 2 halves. 7. Dividethefirsthalfinto 3 pieces. Dividethe second halfinto 5 pieces.
Instructions 8. Rolleachbatterpieceinto a rope(30cm long). Braidthethreelargerropeslike in thepicture. Putthebraid on a bakingpaperon a bakingsheet. 9. Brushthe top ofthebraidwitheggwhite.
Instructions 10. Braid 3 smallerpiecesofbatterinto a braid. Place thisbraid on thefirst (larger) braid. Brushthe top witheggwhite. 11. Braidtheremainingpiecesofbatter. Place it to the top ofbread. Leaveitfor a while. Heat theoven (190 degrees).
Instructions 12. Brushthebreadwitheggwhite. Putslicedalmonds on it. 13. Coverthebreadwith a bakingpaper. Putthebreadintotheoven. Bakeitforapp. 45 minutes.
Instructions 14. Dustwithconfectioner‘ssugar. Let coolcompletelybeforeslicing.
EnjoyyourChristmasbread ThesweetChristmasbreadmaybeservedeitherwithhoneyorbutteror jam. Somepeopleeatitwithgarlic.