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The IDR road map. Bangkok Regional Workshop. July 17-18 ,2014. Wanted: a new data revolution.
The IDR road map Bangkok Regional Workshop July 17-18 ,2014
Wanted: a new data revolution “A true data revolution would draw on existing and new sources of data to fully integrate statistics into decision making, promote open access to, and use of, data and ensure increased support for statistical systems.” Anew global partnership: eradicate poverty and transform economies through sustainable development: The Report of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, 30 May 2013, Chapter 4
Road Map 1
Road Map 1
Road Map To truly inform a data revolution, the message must be clear, strong, and lead to real change. Statistics are needed to support the post 2015 development agenda, not just to monitor progress, but also to help identify actions and to manage interventions. Outside of the statistical community few people are aware of what needs to be in place if we are to collect and compile reliable and trustworthy statistics.
Road Map The Road Map for a Data Revolution will seek to tell this story: Good statistics require strong and effective infrastructure. Most statistics, especially those important to the development effort, are public goods that are financed by governments.
Road Map While some statistics may need to be collected at the regional or global level, by far the majority are – and should continue to be – collected by national governments. There is an important opportunity, however, to make use of new sources of data especially those related to the use of new technology.
Road Map Increasing global inter-connectedness and the impact of other factors, including climate change, mean that users are looking for statistics that are as close to real time as possible. At the same time, because the policy focus is more and more on specific groups of people, the data need to be disaggregated. Meeting this demand will require new approaches, and household surveys will not always be cost effective. Increasingly the focus should change from just collecting more and more data, to putting much more attention on making better use of the data we already have, making sure that they can be analysed and used and that they reach the people who need them.
Road Map – the contents It is suggested that the Report could be arranged in six chapters as follows. Chapter 1.Why a data revolution is needed. A restatement of the importance of good data and good statistics for the post 2015 development agenda Chapter 2.What is already in place and the starting point for the data revolution. Based on material from the country studies and other documents Chapter 3.The relationship between national statistical systems and the need to monitor development progress at the regional and global levels. Based on material from the country studies and other sources this chapter will review the status of this relationship, identify why it does not always work effectively and propose some possible fixes.
Road Map Chapter 4.What the data revolution needs to achieve, how demand is likely to change and what the main challenges will be. Chapter 5.What needs to be done, including new innovations and new approaches. An outline of the data revolution using material from the country studies and the innovations studies. Chapter 6.How it could be done. Putting the revolution into effect and setting out what it will cost.
Road Map A data revolution must unlock the power of data, getting the right data, to the right people, at the right time, in the right format.