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Mathematics, Reading and RtI Specialists. Working with administration, teachers, students, curriculum and data to ensure success for our students and our school. Mathematics, Reading and RtI Specialists. Mathematics, Reading and RtI Specialists.
Working with administration, teachers, students, curriculum and data to ensure success for our students and our school. Mathematics, Reading and RtI Specialists
Mathematics, Reading and RtI Specialists • Working with administration, teachers, students, curriculum and data to ensure success for our students and our school.
Our role at Nazareth Area Middle School is to: vServe as a resource to assist and co-teach with the implementation of research-based strategies in content areas.
vTo evaluate the written, taught and tested curriculum. vAssist teachers in assessing your child’s knowledge gained while a student at NAMS.
vHelp with collection and interpretation of data associated with standard assessments to enrich the educational opportunities provided to your children to prepare them for higher education and for future learning.
vProvide for enrichment and remediation to increase proficiency in the academic standards. vACADEMIC SUPPORT in math and reading may be available on after school and/or during activity period. Academic support can be requested by the student or teacher and may be provided by either subject teacher or specialist.
vPlease pay special attention to the dates of the 4Sight and PSSA tests. Your child’s attendance is necessary on those days to monitor progress. Transcripts STEM scholarships
vThere are many resources available at Nazareth Area Middle School. If you notice your child experiencing difficulties, please contact his/her team.
Thank you for joining us here. We look forward to working with you during your child’s years at the middle school.