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The Giant Panda: Endangered Species Project ‘09. Tess Curran Block E June 11 th 2009. http://4.bp.blogspot.com. Classification. Scientist who discovered pandas, Pere David Armand believed the panda to be a bear, but others took a look, and the question began… (Source 1).
The Giant Panda: Endangered Species Project ‘09 Tess Curran Block E June 11th 2009 http://4.bp.blogspot.com
Classification Scientist who discovered pandas, Pere David Armand believed the panda to be a bear, but others took a look, and the question began… (Source 1) http://tigertailfoods.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/red_panda_close_up.jpg http://www.icis.com/blogs/asian-chemical-connections/black-bear.jpg Bear? Or Red Panda?
Final Decision, Debate Ongoing • Kingdom: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Class: Mammalia • Order: Carnivora • Family: Ursidae • Genus: Ailuropoda • Species: A. Melanoleuca (Source 5)
Weight and Stats • 63-75” long • Males are 187-275 pounds, Females 154-220 pounds (Source 8) • Delayed Implantation (Source 1) • Cubs move at 6 months, leave mother at 18 months (Source 8) WWF, http://www.worldwildlife.org/species/photography/index.html http://www.beijingholidays.net/
Diet • 99% is bamboo (Source 12) • Originally ate meat- 33 ft long intestines v. 160 ft long • As a result, 20-30% of nutrients in bamboo is absorbed, so pandas must spend 14 hours a day eating (Source 7) • Can sometimes eat - Birds, rodents, carrion meat (Source 2) -Bark, wild parsnips, willow leaves, irises (Source 1) WWF, http://www.worldwildlife.org/species/photography/index.html
Adaptations • Large, flat teeth for grinding bamboo • Extra molar, rounded cheek bones • Solid lining extending through mouth, esophagus, and stomach (Source 4) • Developed thumb (extended wrist bone) Source 2 • Sharp claws, flexible- back paws point inward, making it slow but adept climber (Source 1) http://www.skullsunlimited.com/graphics/bc-29-lg.jpg WWF, http://www.worldwildlife.org/species/photography/index.html
Habitat • Forests of central china (Source 9) • Must include: -Thick bushes for shelter -Hollow fir trees for dens -Close to water- will ignore ½ mile away (Source 1) ◦Solitary animals- saves energy for foraging ◦Will go to lower elevations in winter for warmer climate (Source 8) http://www.hawh.cn/admin/upload_file/img/ http://indritours.com/upload/images/newslet_panda_02.jpg
Interaction • Seek each other out in the mating season, occasionally throughout the year. Share forests with these animals: (Source 3) http://www.freewebs.com/iansferret/W1.JPGhttp://bss.sfsu.edu/holzman/courseshttp://www.breederretriever.com/blog http://www.operationcharm.org/ http://www.quantum-conservation.org/
Why?? Main points • China’s large population forces peasants into higher elevations. (Source 8) • Deforestation and logging. (Source 11) • Fragmentation leads to inbreeding and less mating (Source 8). • Bamboo dies every 40-80 yrs. 10% of the population died in 1970’s (Source 11). • Pandas give birth to only one cub every other year (Source 5). • Breeding in captivitiy is difficult- pandas are prone to mental problems. (Source 5) • Female ovulation only 1-2 days each year. Females are ‘picky’ with whom they mate (source 5). • Artificial insemination is difficult- Zookeepers are reluctant to loan pandas out from zoos for research (Source 1). http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/PEK282838.htm
Hunting- one pelt can go for a peasant’s entire life savings. • 140 illegal skins were found in past years- almost 10% (source 8). • Natural disasters- Biologists are still not sure about direct impact, but… • Earthquake May 12,2006 destroyed 8% of the habitat and the Wolong Nature Reserve (source 10). • Parasites can prevent panda growth and prevent from breeding (Source 1). • Nature reserves weren't managed properly. • Money shortages and under training. (Source 6). • 1983-’87, 30 panda cubs were taken from the wild (Source 6). WWF, http://www.worldwildlife.org/species/photography/index.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive