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Annual Conference

Join Managing Director Brian Todd at this hLA Conference, the Sponsor since 2010, for an 'Interesting' 12 Months with a focus on demographic distribution and defining geographic areas. Explore themes like 'Quantum of Retention & Spectre of Attrition', offer separate Lottery Themes, and enjoy special promotions like the 'Four Seasons' draw. Learn to track supporter base, recruitment, retention, and attrition along with top-up donations. Visit www.donorflex.com for more. Enjoy the Conference Accompanying notes for detailed insights.

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Annual Conference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Annual Conference September 12th – 13th 2018

  2. Brian Todd – Managing Director hLA Conference Sponsor since 2010

  3. ‘Interesting’ 12 Months!

  4. Impact - Data Management!

  5. Set Targets and Take Aim!

  6. The Lottery Train just keeps on rolling!

  7. For Your Eyes Only! • Focus on your demographic distribution of support – define your geographic areas. (example – Birmingham might look like this)

  8. The Quantum of Retention & Spectre of Attrition‘Never Say Never Again’

  9. SPECIAL AGENTS?ThunderballCasino RoyaleMoonraker

  10. Lottery Specials • Offer ‘Additional separate Lottery Themes’ over and above the ‘Weekly Draw’, ‘Roll-overs’ & ‘Super draws’ • For example, a Quarterly ‘Four Seasons’ draw at £5.00 per play with prizes of seasonal sponsored gifts ~ ‘Burst of Spring’, ‘Summer Breeze’, ‘Autumn Glory’ & ‘Christmas Cracker’ which could include a social invitation to lottery draw gathering with musical entertainment from local school’s.

  11. The World is Not Enough! Lottery Stake plus ‘Keep the Change’

  12. Thankyou for listeningwww.donorflex.com Enjoy the Conference

  13. Accompanying notes • (a) how they define, monitor and evaluate the physical distribution of their supporter base by setting up postcode based Area compositions • (b) How they track and monitor recruitment, retention and attrition • (c) Occasional special draw promotions, for example Seasonal themes • (d) Planned and potentially gift aided top-up donations (e.g. monthly £4.34 to £5.00). We call it ‘Keep the Change’!.

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