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How To Write A Good Research Proposal

A poorly written research proposal can ruin your grades. A well written research proposal can guarantee your success and it will leave an impact on the adjudication committee about your credibility as a researcher. <br>A research proposal must have all the detailed studies for the readers to analyze the proposed study.<br><br>Impactful Title <br>Title of your research proposal needs to be self-explanatory, so you need to come up with informative and impactful title of your proposal.<br><br>Preparing An Abstract<br>The abstract acts as a summary of the specific topic youu2019re working on. Your proposed solution and objectives should also be included, along with your projected funding requirements.<br><br>Write a Literature Review section<br>Most of the students add a literature review at the beginning of the paper, but most professors want it in the separate section.<br><br>Provide Sufficient References<br>Your references should offer the audience a clear idea in your understanding of the literature.<br><br>The experts are also careful while carrying out the different steps that are necessary to prepare a research paper.<br><br>Source: https://myessayhelp.co.uk/blog/how-to-write-research-proposal/

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How To Write A Good Research Proposal

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