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Lookout Mountain Comprehensive Plan Community Growth Survey

Participate in our survey to help shape the future of Lookout Mountain! Share your thoughts on various topics such as general issues, natural, historic, and cultural resources, and transportation. Your feedback is crucial for our city's development.

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Lookout Mountain Comprehensive Plan Community Growth Survey

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lookout Mountain Comprehensive Plan Community Growth Survey

  2. Overview • Survey Purpose • How to Take the Survey • Administration of the Survey • Follow-Up Discussion

  3. Survey Subject Area: The Entire City

  4. How to Take the Survey • Survey participant information • The survey form duplicates questions projected on the screen • Mark your choices on the survey form • Provide additional information where applicable • There are no right or wrong answers

  5. Survey Issue Categories • General • Natural, Historic & Cultural Resources • Transportation D. Residential Development / Areas E. Commercial Development / Areas • Civic / Institutional Issues • Additional Comments Let’s begin the survey!

  6. Survey Respondent Information A. How long have you lived in Lookout Mountain? __ 0-3 years __4-9 years __10+ years __ I am not a resident B. Where is your work location? __ Lookout Mountain, GA (home) __Lookout Mountain, GA (work place) __ Chattanooga Metro Area __Lookout Mountain, TN __Elsewhere in the Region (please note): _________________________ C. Where do you most often shop and dine? __ Lookout Mountain, GA __Lookout Mountain, TN __ Chattanooga Metro Area __Elsewhere in the Region __Atlanta __Other (please note):____________

  7. Survey Respondent Information D. What is your gender? __ Male __Female E. What is your age range? __ 17 or below __18-24 __25-30 __31-40 __41-50 __51-60 __ 61-70 __71-80 __81 or over

  8. Survey Issue Category: A. General

  9. Issue A: General A-1 Why do you choose to live in Lookout Mountain? (please check all that apply / skip if not applicable) __ I grew up here __ Rec./Youth Programs __ Strong sense of place __ Neighborhoods __ Overall quality of life __ Safety __ Schools __ Natural resources __ Little commercial development and traffic __ Other (please explain): ____________________

  10. Issue A: General A-2 What future trends would prompt you to move from Lookout Mountain? (please check all that apply / skip if not applicable) __ Too much development (what type)?: __________ __ Development lacking high quality / character __ Traffic congestion __ Loss of schools / churches __ Degradation of the natural environment __ Lack of desired businesses / amenities __ Other (please explain): _______________________

  11. Issue A: General A-3 How important is the character and aesthetic quality of Lookout Mountain? (please check only one) __ Very important __ Somewhat important __ Neutral __ Somewhat unimportant __ Very unimportant

  12. Issue A: General A-4 Which of the following terms reflects your preferred character / identity for Lookout Mountain? (please check all that apply) __ “Green” / natural __ Great neighborhoods __ Rustic __ Sense of place __ Refined / sophisticated __ Small town feel __ Historic __ Family friendly __ Modern / progressive __ Quiet and laid back __ Other (please specify): ______________________

  13. Survey Issue Category: B. Natural, Historic & Cultural Resources

  14. Issue B: Natural, Historic & Cultural Resources B-1 How important are Lookout Mountain’s natural, historic and cultural resources? (please check only one) __ Very important __ Somewhat important __ Neutral __ Somewhat unimportant __ Very unimportant

  15. Issue B: Natural, Historic & Cultural Resources B-2 With respect to Lookout Mountain’s natural resources, which are important to protect? (please check all that apply) __ Steep slopes __ Forest / tree cover __ Watershed __ Rock formations __ Streams __ Viewsheds __ Views of the night sky __ Endangered plant / animal species and habitats

  16. Issue B: Natural, Historic & Cultural Resources B-3 With respect to Lookout Mountain’s historic and cultural resources, which are important to protect? (please check all that apply) __ Native American archeological sites __ Civil War sites __ Fairyland __ Historic neighborhoods (over 50 years old) __ Individual historic buildings (over 50 years old) __ Tourism sites (Rock City, historic lodging, etc.)

  17. Survey Issue Category: C. Transportation

  18. Issue C: Transportation C-1 Which of the following concepts should this Comprehensive Plan explore? (please check all that apply) __ Straightening tight curves __ Widening roads and/or adding lanes __ Improving road intersections __ Decreasing speeding __ Developing new roads and/or connecting roads __ Improving roads for pedestrians, cyclists, etc.

  19. Issue C: Transportation C-2 Which of the following road improve-ments are needed? (please check all that apply) __ Addition of sidewalks __ Addition of crosswalks __ Addition of bicycle lanes __ Addition of human-scaled lighting __ Addition of more street trees __ Removal of utility poles / burial of overhead lines __ Other (please specify): ______________________

  20. Issue C: Transportation C-3 Do you use the City’s existing greenway system (pathway for pedestrians to walk, jog, cycle, roller blade, etc.) (please check only one) __ Frequently __ Occasionally __ Rarely __ Never If “Rarely” or “Never,” why? (please specify below): ________________________________

  21. Issue C: Transportation C-4 How important is the expansion of the City’s existing greenway system (pathway for pedestrians to walk, jog, cycle, roller blade, etc.) (please check only one) __ Very important __ Somewhat important __ Not sure __ Somewhat unimportant __ Very unimportant

  22. Issue C: Transportation C-5 Should the idea of a shuttle bus system to Chattanooga be revisited? (please check only one) __ Yes __ No __ Not sure

  23. Survey Issue Category: D. Residential Development / Areas

  24. Issue D: Residential Development / Areas D-1 Should existing residential areas be improved by streetscape improvements (sidewalks, street trees, street lights, etc.)? (please check only one) __ Yes __ No __ Not sure Example Proposed Example Existing

  25. Issue D: Residential Development / Areas D-2 Should ordinances be pursued to control the following types of issues in neighborhoods? (please check all that apply) __ Prohibit parking vehicles in front lawns __ Minimum maintenance of lawns and landscaping __ Prohibit abandoned vehicles on properties __ Prohibit parking motor homes and boats on streets and in driveways

  26. Issue D: Residential Development / Areas D-3 The City currently has one single-family residential zoning category for new development requiring lots at least 35,000 sq. ft. in area (.8 acres). Should additional single-family zoning categories be created to allow for a wider range of densities and housing types? (please check all that apply) __ We need at least one (1) smaller lot zone __ We need at least one (1) larger lot zone __ We should keep residential zoning as it is

  27. Issue D: Residential Development / Areas D-4 Open Space Development (OSD) zoning is an approach that allows lots to be smaller than otherwise permitted, but with a compensating requirement for preserved open space, resulting in the same density. Should this concept be considered for Lookout Mountain? (please check only one) __ Yes __ No __ Not sure Conventional Zoning OSD Zoning

  28. Issue D: Residential Development / Areas D-5 Is housing affordability a significant problem for Lookout Mountain? (please check one) __ Very Significant __ Somewhat Significant __ Not sure __ Somewhat Insignificant __ Very Insignificant

  29. Issue D: Residential Development / Areas D-6 Does Lookout Mountain need a greater variety of housing types beyond the predominant single-family houses? If so, what types should be provided? (please check all that apply / skip if not applicable) __ Apartments __ Condominiums __ Townhouses __ Retirement community __ Duplexes __ Triplexes / quads __ Accessory units to single-family houses (attached or detached “granny/nanny flats”)

  30. Issue D: Residential Development / Areas D-7 Which of the following multi-family residential structures, if any, would be appropriate in Lookout Mountain based upon their appearance? (please check all that apply) ___#1 ___#2 ___#3

  31. Issue D: Residential Development / Areas D-8 Which of the following multi-family residential structures, if any, would be appropriate in Lookout Mountain based upon their appearance? (please check all that apply) ___#4 ___#5 ___#6

  32. Issue D: Residential Development / Areas D-9 Which of the following multi-family residential structures, if any, would be appropriate in Lookout Mountain based upon their appearance? (please check all that apply) ___#7 ___#8 ___#9

  33. Issue D: Residential Development / Areas D-10 Which of the following multi-family residential structures, if any, would be appropriate in Lookout Mountain based upon their appearance? (please check all that apply) ___#10 ___#11 ___#12

  34. Issue D: Residential Development / Areas D-11 When not located behind the house and out of view from the street, should garages of new houses in Lookout Mountain be recessed behind their front facade? (please check one) __ Yes __ No __ Not Sure Conventional garage Recessed garage

  35. Survey Issue Category: E. Commercial Development / Areas

  36. Issue E: Commercial Development / Areas E-1 The City recently went through a Town Center planning process. Should any future commercial and mixed use development occur outside of the proposed Town Center? (please check one) __ Yes __ No __ Not Sure Proposed Town Center

  37. Issue E: Commercial Development / Areas E-2 If future commercial and mixed use development occurs outside of the proposed Town Center, should its physical character be consistent with that of the proposed Town Center? (please check one) __ Yes __ No __ Not Sure Proposed Town Center Character

  38. Issue E: Commercial Development / Areas E-3 Which of the following business types would you like to see in Lookout Mountain, regardless of their location? (please check one for each option) Very Somewhat Not Business TypeImportantImportantImportant A. Grocery Store ____ ____ ____ B. High-End Restaurant ____ ____ ____ C. Casual Restaurant ____ ____ ____ D. Gym / health club ____ ____ ____ E. Specialty Retail ____ ____ ____ F. Personal Services ____ ____ ____

  39. Issue E: Commercial Development / Areas E-4 Should additional tourist attractions be developed to leverage the existing tourism generated by Rock City? (please check one) __ Yes __ No __ Not Sure If “Yes,” what type? (please note): ________________________________

  40. Issue E: Commercial Development / Areas E-5 Should additional lodging be developed to complement the existing lodging in Lookout Mountain? (please check one) __ Yes __ No __ Not Sure

  41. Survey Issue Category: F. Civic / Institutional Issues

  42. Issue F: Civic / Institutional Issues F-1 Which of the following recreational facilities would you like to see in Lookout Mountain? (please check one for each option) Very Somewhat Not Recreation FacilityImportantImportantImportant A. Greenways / Trails ____ ____ ____ B. Passive Open Space ____ ____ ____ C. Playgrounds ____ ____ ____ D. Playing Courts / Fields____ ____ ____ E. Swimming ____ ____ ____ F. Other: ________________ ____ ____ ____ Please expand here on “D”: __________________________

  43. Issue F: Civic / Institutional Issues F-2 Which of the following non-recreational civic / institutional facilities would you like to see in Lookout Mountain? (please check one for each option) Very Somewhat Not Civic FacilityImportantImportantImportant A. Public Library ____ ____ ____ B. Community Center ____ ____ ____ C. Post Office ____ ____ ____ D. Amphitheatre / Bandshell ____ ____ ____ E. Other: ________________ ____ ____ ____

  44. Issue G: Final Optional Question G-1 Please use the space below to expand on one or more of your previous answers and/or to provide additional comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  45. Thank You for Providing Your Input!

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