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Fundacion de cooperacion cientifica Ciencias y Tecnologias para la Aeronautica y el Espacio

Fundacion de cooperacion cientifica Ciencias y Tecnologias para la Aeronautica y el Espacio. Queretaro – 22 de octubre 2009. Agenda. Una Fundacion en Toulouse, Francia Una Fundacion para la Aeronautica y el Espacio 16 proyectos cientificos e industriales desde 2007

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Fundacion de cooperacion cientifica Ciencias y Tecnologias para la Aeronautica y el Espacio

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  1. Fundacion de cooperacion cientificaCiencias y Tecnologias para la Aeronautica y el Espacio Queretaro – 22 de octubre 2009

  2. Agenda • Una Fundacion en Toulouse, Francia • Una Fundacion para la Aeronautica y el Espacio • 16 proyectos cientificos e industriales desde 2007 • Una reflexion para los 10 proximos anos • De Toulouse a Queretaro, intereses comunes

  3. Agenda • Una Fundacion en Toulouse, Francia • Une Fundacion para la Aeronautica y el Espacio • 16 proyectos desde 2007 • Una reflexion para los 10 proximos anos • De Toulouse a Queretaro, intereses comunes

  4. Una FCS en Toulouse

  5. Agenda • Una Fundacion en Toulouse, Francia • Una Fundacion para la Aeronautica y el Espacio • 16 proyectos desde 2007 • Una reflexion para los 10 proximos anos • De Toulouse a Queretaro, intereses comunes

  6. RTRA STAE RTRA STAE hoy… •      7 fundadores •      una red de 25 laboratorios •      800 investigadores Misioness • 13 RTRA decididos en abril 2006 por la Ley de programacion de investigacion • Desarrollar el mas alto nivel cientifico – reunir – favorecer puentes entre la investigacion publica e industria • En Midi-Pyrénées – Technologies pour l’aéronautique et l’espace

  7. Modos de trabajo • Sostener proyectos cooperativos : endowment et recursos humanos (33 post-docs, senior scientists e ingenierios de 14 nationalidades) • Grupos de réflexion (60 personas entre cuales 15 de industria) • Dos grandes equipos: calcul intensivo (200 Teraflops) y microcaracterisacion

  8. Tambien (en frances)… • Activités d’animation scientifique • Réunion des laboratoires ressources (6ème le 19 octobre 2010) • Des séminaires vers les industriels partenaires • Les petits-déjeuners du RTRA (prochain le 2 novembre sur le calcul intensif) • Projet développer les séminaires de chercheurs sénior invités, résultats projets, soutien à des séminaires internationaux (Workshop franco-chinois, séminaire international sur l’optimisation non-linéaire et le contrôle…) • Développement d’un réseau international, notamment pour recrutements scientifiques sur projets

  9. Agenda • Una Fundacion en Toulouse, Francia • Una Fundacion para la Aeronautica y el Espacio • 16 proyectos desde 2007 • Una reflexion para los 10 proximos anos • De Toulouse a Queretero, intereses comunes

  10. Proyectos I • Défis aéronautiques • ARCS : Assemblage – Revêtement – Corrosion – Stabilité des structures • EMMAV : Electroactive Morphing for Micro-AirVehicles  • ITAAC : Impact du transport aérien sur l’atmosphère et le climat • OSYCAF : Optimisation d’un système couplé fluide-structure représentant une aile flexible dans un écoulement transsonique

  11. EMMAV • EMMAV is a multi-disciplinary project which aims at promoting new intelligent electroactivematerials as applied to micro- and nano- air vehicles (MAV & NAV). The use of new modelling approaches in fluid-structure interaction and of new experimental approaches, has been retained to build a micro-air vehicle demonstrator controlled by electroactive devices. The principal objective of the project is the optimisation of micro air vehicles performances in realistic environment, by means of electroactive morphing concepts. The new challenges of micro- and nano-air vehicles require, at an upstream research phase, the electroactive concept for an optimum design and control. This project aims at associating complementary scientific skills to design and develop Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) demonstrators including a mini-UAV equipped with piezo-actuators to perform optimal wing morphing to increase aerodynamic effiency and energy consumption performances. Furthermore, electroactive morphing surfaces will be used to achieve the flight control of a nano-air vehicle. Electroactive morphing will be applied to nanorotors to increase the figure of merit through adaptive cyclic blade twisting. UAV demonstrators will be designed on the basis of fluid structure modelling and of advanced experiments, both taking into account the properties of electroactive materials.

  12. ITAAC • Aircraft emissions have an impact on atmospheric chemistry and on the radiative balance of the atmosphere. For example, contrails formed by condensation of water vapour onto exhaust aerosols and soot particles trigger the formation of cirrus clouds. Emissions of nitrogen oxides perturb the natural chemical cycles and lead to ozone production or destruction depending on local air mass composition and insulation. These ozone perturbations along with the emissions of CO2, water vapour and ice particles formation, soot particles, sulphuric aerosols from the burning keroseneform an additional contribution to the green house forcing. The most recent evaluations of those effects show the existence of a amplification factor of about 2 to 3 for green house potential factor from aircraft emission: a molecule of CO2 emitted from a jet airplane is a factor of 2-3 more efficient for green house forcing than a similar molecule emitted at ground level. However, those evaluations are uncertain because of the existence of large non-linearities and indirect effects between physical processes, and the imbrications of the various scales from the near aircraft to the global scale. The aim of the ITAAC project is to decrease the uncertainties attached to those evaluations by performing detailed simulations of the emission impact from the small to the global planetary scales. In addition, the project will elaborate a cost matrix relating emission characteristics to atmospheric effects with emphasis on industrial design and traffic management.

  13. OSYCAF • This project aims at developing a collaborative and distributed multidisciplinaryoptimization methodology in the context of aeronautics. It involves 4 major players fromToulouse (Cerfacs, Onera, ISAE, UPS) that work on and share many disciplinary scientificobjectives such as computational fluid dynamics, mathematical algorithms, optimizationand structural mechanics. The present research activity will focus on the optimization of acoupled system describing the fluid-structure behavior and interaction of a flexible wing in a transonic flow. Besides all compulsory technical aspects investigated in each discipline during this project such as metamodels, algorithms handling noisy gradients…, all the partners expect an improved comprehension of the way to manage multidisciplinary optimizations in a framework of a segmented working environment.

  14. Proyectos II • Observation et fonctionnement du système Terre • CYMENT : Cycle de l’eau et de la matière dans les bassins versants • ACCLIMAT : Adaptation au Changement CLIMatique de l’Agglomération Toulousaine • POGEQA : Plateforme d’Observation GEostationnaire pour la mesure de la Qualité de l’Air

  15. CYMENT • CYMENT is a three years projets which goal is the development of a demonstrator devoted to the combined used of space observations and modelling for land hydrology monitoring, from regional to global scale and time scales ranging from a few days to several years. In the recent years, remote sensing techniques have been used to monitor components of the water balance of large rivers basins as well as river water quality. By complementing scarce in situ observations and hydrological modelling, space observations have the potential to improve significantly our understanding of hydrological processes at work in river basins and their relationship with climate varialibilty and socio-economic life. The objectives of this project which gathers together nine partners whose expertises range from remote sensing applied to land hydrology to hydrological modelling at different spatio-temporal scales are : (1) promote the applications of existing remote sensing techniques (radiometry, altimetry, gravimetry, multispectral imagery, etc.) from existing space missions – in general not dedicated to land hydrology-, as well as of near future missions (e.g. SMOS.) to problems in hydrology, (2) compute space-based hydrological products (soil moisture, surface water levels and extent, vertically integrated soil water mass, snow depth, water quality, etc.), (3) use in synergy data from different sensors to derive new products (e.g. surface water volumes, underground waters), (4) evaluate space-based hydrological products through comparisons with in situ observations when possible, (5) develop a set of modelling tools available to the project, in addition to existing land hydrology models already used by the partners, (6) compare spaced-based hydrological products and model outputs, and – when appropriate - assimilate space-based hydrological products into the models (global/regional climate models, regional water-management models, etc.), (7) provide examples of applications on a few " test " river basins , (8) develop a data base of space-based hydrological products and model outputs, as well as a GIS in the " test " basins, (9) express the requirements for future space-borne hydrology missions or sensors, and (10) work in collaboration with external partners to prepare future pre-operational systems for land waters monitoring (as currently done in meteorology and oceanography).

  16. POGEQA • POGEQA aims at setting the stage for a future geostationary remote-sensing instrument dedicated to the monitoring of Air Quality over Europe, with a focus on ozone and carbon monoxide. Three complementary activities will demonstrate the synergetic use of satellite and surface data and define optimal mission parameters for a future instrument in geostationary orbit. Firstly, existing space-borne instruments (in polar orbit) will be considered and assimilated in a sophisticated assimilation system (MOCAGE-PALM).Then, a geostationary observation simulator (GOS) will be built in order to perform OSSEs (Observation Simulated System Experiments) and to define optimal mission characteristics. These numerical experiments, though representing a very small fraction of the cost compared to the development of a real test instrument, will allow to justify quantitatively the requirements (geometry, sensitivity, errors,…). Differents aspects of an exploitation of such an instrument in real operational conditions (clouds, observations with representativeness errors, radiances…) will also be considered.

  17. Proyectos III • Systèmes embarqués • ROSACE - RObots et Systèmes Auto-adaptatifs Communiquants Embarqués • SYMIAE - Systèmes Miniaturisés Intelligents pour l’Aéronautique et l’Espace

  18. ROSACE • The ROSACE project aims at studying and developing means to design, specify, implement and deploy a set of mobile autonomous communicating and cooperating robots with well-established properties particularly in terms of safety, self-healability, ability to achieve a set of missions and self-adaptation in a dynamic environment.The project is focused on the associated software (models, algorithms and systems). We propose to address in a systematic and convergent approach the robotics software levels and the specific constraints imposed to the middleware level corresponding to the real-time embedded systems as well as network and inter-communication level management.ROSACE will bring together a strong research consortium composed of research teams from three laboratories (CERT-ONERA, IRIT and LAAS-CNRS,) for making real progress in this area : an active and central object - namely a fleet of cooperative robots - is critical for keeping the difficult and ambitious scientific and technical work well grounded in relevant realities and well focused on actual needs.The consortium competences will be extended through the intervention of high-level scientists at the best international level who will be invited to contribute to this endeavour. Besides, we will also open a number of very attractive post-doc positions in order to enforce the local teams essentially on issues that require very focused and high qualification in order to tackle challenging questions.

  19. SYMIAE • This project aims to explore the potentialities of heterogeneous integration between RF MEMS technologies with advanced silicon based Integrated circuits (65nm CMOS) to develop smart architectures that will be involved in many aeronautic and space applications as advanced instrumentation, high bit rate communications or high resolution imaging.This will be achieved through the development of innovative architectures in the millimeterwave range and the project will propose to develop broadband smart antennas using RF MEMS devices and circuits-ultimate silicon based transceiver in the 100 Ghz range and the heterogeneous integration to produce a miniaturized smart module. At material level, research will be done to develop piezoelectric actuators that will be introduced into the smart antenna architectures. At process level, research will be carried out to optimize the technological processes with respect to the mechanical strain and to the dielectric charging that are two main issues limiting the RF MEMS potential today.At circuit level, for one hand, the project will concentrate on the development of RF MEMS building bocks and on a reconfigurable antenna array in the 100 Ghz range featuring high reliability behaviour. On the other hand the project will address the design of a 100 Ghz silicon based transceiver. Finally at system level, the project will propose to assess the heterogeneous integration of RF MEMS with integrated circuit to realize a smart miniaturized system.

  20. Proyectos IV • Simulation et modélisation • PLASMAX : Modélisation des interactions microondes/plasma pour applications aérospatiales • ADTAO Assimilation de Données Système couplé Terre-Atmosphère-Océan • MAELIA Multi-Agents for Environmental Norms Impact Assessment

  21. PLASMAX • Modelling of plasma / microwave interactions for aerospace applicationsThe interactions of cold plasmas with microwaves play an important role for the operation of various equipments in aerospace environment: for example, the power handling of antennas at high altitudes is limited by breakdown mechanisms, which are quite well documented for continuous wave operation, but not for short pulses. Antennas for spacecraft are also influenced by new ionic propulsion environments. On the other hand, controlled density plasma could allow for adapting the behaviour of new microwave devices leading to improved functionalities.Design and performance prediction of such equipments rely on accurate and validated models taking into account the various aspects of plasma/microwave interactions, many of them being presently unavailable.The merging into this project of experienced teams working in microwave devices, electromagnetism, space environment, plasma physics, numerical solutions for the equations of fluids or particles, electromagnetism, and their coupling, with the added value of selected experts, will create conditions for a breakthrough towards many new applications.

  22. MAELIA • The MAELIA project consists in modeling the socio-environmental impacts of norms designing the management and governance of renewable natural resources (RNR) and of the environment. These norms (co-network of social and legal rules and of organizations) are the main expression of the public policy targets and aspirations of social groups. They shape the inescapable tool of their actual enforcement in the search for a sustainable development, but also the first cause of their success or failure. In order to evaluate the direct / indirect and expected / unexpected impacts of such norms on a territory where RNR are at the sametime submitted to concurring exploitations and dependant on bio-geochemical and physical variability, the platform will couple stylized hydrological, geochemical and (land and aquatic) ecosystem dynamics submitted to various climate forcing scenarios. It will be endowed with agents representing individuals and (public and private) organizations, being users of RNR (socio-economic layer) or being involved in the resource management or in the process of environmental decision-making (multi-level governance, legal and political layer). These artificial agents, distributed over functional evolving networks, will present some cognitivecapabilities for interpreting formalized social and legal rules and maximize the diversification of their interactions with other agents or with the RNR. The platform will be designed so to allow full interoperability with other specialized modules developed by other partners in different context (ecosystems, economics, SIG, etc.)..

  23. ADTAO • This project involves several partners in Toulouse who are internationally recognized experts inenvironmental modelling, data assimilation and applied mathematics: " Laboratoire de DynamiqueTerrestre et Planétaire " of the " Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées " (space research), the " GéodésieSpatiale " Team of CNES (geodesy), Météo-France (meteorology), CERFACS (mathematicalalgorithms and oceanography), IRIT (computer science) and IMT (applied mathematics). Thesepartners share a common objective: to design the next generation of operational data assimilationsystems by improving the representation of model errors in large, multi-scale and highly nonlineardynamical systems. The project will result in improved descriptions of the components of thecoupled solid Earth-Atmosphere-Ocean system, with far-reaching benefits to society throughenhancements in the reliability and accuracy of operational forecasts of important weather andclimate phenomena (extreme events, El Nino, climate change …).In addition, the project includes a second set of partners who seek to further the development ofmulti-scale error modelling for data assimilation in the fields of air traffic control (DSNA),computational fluid dynamics (IMFT) and chemical engineering (LGC).

  24. Proyectos V • Capteurs et instrumentation • I2MC - Instrumentation Multicapteurs pour les Matériaux et structures Composites • MAISOE - Microlaboratoires d’analyses in situ pour des observatoires environnementaux • FDAI-UV - Imageur Diffractif de Fresnel -Validation sol dans l’UV • CASA - CApteurs Spatiaux pour L’Astrophysique

  25. I2MC • Mastering the fabrication and use of composite materials for structural elements is a major challenge for the nextgenerations of terrestrial, maritime and aerial vehicles. Their performances are already quite remarkable (lightness,rigidity) but it is appropriate to ensure a manufacturing free from defect, and to monitor the fatigue effects. The originality of the project is to propose an embedded instrumentation of the material by very miniaturized silicon and piezo chips (of a few square millimetres, and a few hundred microns thick, and multi sensory (temperature, constraint, electrical properties). It should be noted that the preliminary attempts, started since 2007, after two years of state of the art analysis, are quite encouraging regarding the capacity of a chip to be integrated into an environment of fibres and epoxy resin and to remain compatible. Hence, the objective of the project is to design and manufacture specific chips, to integrate them into the composite material during the fabrication process, and to show that they can be used to characterize the quality of the process, and to be ready for a long term evaluation of fatigue effects. Test vehicles will be used in the first part of the project, before treating more significant demonstrator tests driven by industrial partners gathered in an Advisory Board. To realize this work program, a pluri-disciplinary consortium has been gathered and an effort of organization was engaged between the Midi-Pyrénées, Aquitaine (France) and Quebec (Canada), by gathering teams very concerned by this subject and in close connection to the industrial world.

  26. MAISOE • Mastering the fabrication and use of composite materials for structural elements is a major challenge for the nextgenerations of terrestrial, maritime and aerial vehicles. Their performances are already quite remarkable (lightness, rigidity) but it is appropriate to ensure a manufacturing free from defect, and to monitor the fatigue effects. The originality of the project is to propose an embedded instrumentation of the material by very miniaturized silicon and piezo chips (of a few square millimetres, and a few hundred microns thick, and multi sensory (temperature, constraint, electrical properties). It should be noted that the preliminary attempts, started since 2007, after two years of state of the art analysis, are quite encouraging regarding the capacity of a chip to be integrated into an environment of fibres and epoxy resin and to remain compatible. Hence, the objective of the project is to design and manufacture specific chips, to integrate them into the composite material during the fabrication process, and to show that they can be used to characterize the quality of the process, and to be ready for a long term evaluation of fatigue effects. Test vehicles will be used in the first part of the project, before treating more significant demonstrator tests driven by industrial partners gathered in an Advisory Board. To realize this work program, a pluri-disciplinary consortium has been gathered and an effort of organization was engaged between the Midi-Pyrénées, Aquitaine (France) and Quebec (Canada), by gathering teams very concerned by this subject and in close connection to the industrial world.

  27. CASA • The exploration of the solar system and the study of the distant universe are mainly based on in situ particle measurements and remote photon detection. Detectors, mostly used to convert momentum into measurable electric charges, are closely linked to their analog electronics and together form astrophysical “sensor heads”. For the design, construction and test of these sensors many different specialties are needed: nuclear and solid state physics, electronics as well as general physics.Combining these fields, this proposal is aiming to realize sensor heads for IR and X, γ astronomy and for the spectrometry of particles in the solar system. Several studies of different single sensor heads will be first achieved, driven by the scientific objectives of the measurements. The following step includes in this three-years proposal will be to multiply the pixels in order to obtain images and/or extremely precise energy [and mass] resolution for photons [particles]. Integrated multichannels electronics (ASICs) will be developed to fulfill these tasks.While the short term target of the proposal is to develop new sensors heads for astrophysics, in the long-term we wish to accumulate know-how and to transform this three-years effort into a stable structure allowing the design of new devices for space missions by regrouping the expertise of CESR, LOSE-ENSEEIHT, AIME, DESP-ONERA, with the support of CNES, CNRS, University and with a strong cooperation with the industry.

  28. Agenda • Una Fundacion en Toulouse, Francia • Una Fundacion para la Aeronautica y el Espacio • 16 proyectos desde 2008 • Una reflexion para los 10 proximos anos • De Toulouse a Queretero, intereses comunes

  29. Grupos de prospectiva Objectivos: • Puntos fuertes • Irrigacion de los campos de interes desconocidos • Identificar nuevas pistas

  30. 1ères conclusions - groupe 1 • Défis aéronautiques (animateur : Laurent RASMONT) • Matériaux composites • Propulsion du futur (aéronefs) • Approche facteurs humains pour la sécurité du transport aérien • Outils de couplage pour codes de simulation  (voir aussi simulation et modélisation ci-dessus) • Plasma pour l’aéronautique et le spatial • Aéroacoustique • Matériaux métalliques • Interaction fluide structure électroactive (en liaison avec EMMAV, ndlr) • Impact environnemental de l’aviation (en liaison avec ITAAC)

  31. 1ères conclusions - Groupe 2 • Observation et fonctionnement du système Terre (animateur : Jean-Luc REDELSPERGER) • Changements environnementaux aux échelles régionales et décennales • Etudes intégrées en géosciences des régions tropicales • Transfert de la matière des continents aux océans : approches intégrées

  32. 1ères conclusions - Groupe 3 • Systèmes embarqués (animateur : Alain ALBARELLO) • Gestion de réseaux et de systèmes • Architecture embarquée haute performance • Systèmes embarqués et énergie • Autonomie des systèmes embarqués • Architectures reconfigurables, méthodologies d’exploration de l’espace de conception et architectures RF de réception en radio logicielle • Systèmes à décllenchement par le temps (time triggered architecture) • Traitement du signal pour la simulation et la modélisation en radio logicielle • Ingénierie des systèmes embarqués • Réseaux de capteurs sans fil

  33. 1ères conclusions - Groupe 4 • Capteurs et instrumentation (animateur : Maurice COMTAT) • Capteurs chimiques • Matériaux et traitement de surface pour les capteurs • Détection physique • Systèmes • Structures multimatériaux instrumentés

  34. 1ères conclusions - Groupe 5 • Simulation et modélisation (animateur : Pierre DEGOND) • Assimilation de données, contrôle, optimisation de grande taille, erreurs de modèle, knowledge management • Fiabilité, certification, sensibilité, quantification des incertitudes, stochastique • Couplages multi-physique, optimisation multi-disciplinaire, modèles réduits, multi-agents • Algorithmes, méthodes numériques, architectures, parallélisme massif • Multi-échelles, interactions, couplage simulation/modélisation

  35. 1ères conclusions - Groupe 6 • Technologies émergentes (animateur : Yvan SEGUI) • Energie : Propulsion - Nouvelles sources d’énergie - Organes convertisseurs d’énergie, Nouveaux modes de transport de l’énergie - Stockage de l’énergie • Aspects environnementaux : cycle de vie - impact environnemental - conception de procédés de traitement de fluides • Technologie et Application des plasmas en Aéronautique et espace : Propulsion plasma - Contrôle d’écoulement - Combustion assistée par plasma - Traitements des surfaces, des fibres ou des poudres - Dépôts de couches minces - Dépollution, décontamination

  36. Agenda • Una Fundacion en Toulouse, Francia • Una Fundacion para la Aeronautica y el Espacio • 16 proyectos desde 2008 • Una reflexion para los 10 proximos anos • De Toulouse a Queretero, intereses comunes

  37. Conclusion • Carta de intencion… • UNAQ y STAE • Nuevos industriales • Nuevas aplicaciones

  38. http://www.fondation-stae.net

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