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Efficient Randomized Broadcasting in Sparse Random Networks. Robert Elsässer joint work with Petra Berenbrink and Tom Friedetzky. Overview. Models und definitions Random phone call model (address-oblivious case) Power of “four different choices”
Efficient Randomized Broadcasting in Sparse Random Networks Robert Elsässer jointworkwith Petra Berenbrinkand Tom Friedetzky
Overview • Models und definitions • Random phone call model (address-oblivious case) • Power of “four different choices” • Oblivious vs. “almost” oblivious broadcasting • Conclusion and further research
Models and Definitions • Let G=(V,E) be a connected undirected graph of size n • V – set of nodes in G • E – set of edges in G • Broadcasting Problem • A node of G has a message M • How many steps and message transmissions are needed to spread the message to all nodes of G using local communications only?
Deterministic vs. Randomized Algorithms • Deterministic Algorithms • Very fast (if the structure of the graph is known) • Cannot efficiently handle node and/or edge failures, or topological changes in the network • Randomized Algorithms • Robust against node and/or edge failures • Cope with topological changes • Runtime/number of message transmissions?
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Step 1 push pull
Related Work • W.h.p., O(log n) push iterations are enough in complete graphs and random graphs (of certain density) of size n [Frieze&Grimmett-DAM’85, Pittel-SIAM J. Appl. Math’87, Feige et al.-RS&A‘90] • W.h.p., O(log n) push iterations are enough in Hypercubes, Star graphs, and certain Cayley graphs [Feige et al.-RS&A’90, E.&Sauerwald-WG’05, E.&Sauerwald-STACS‘07] • W.h.p., O(D) push iterations are enough in bounded degree graphs of diameter D[Feige et al.-RS&A‘90] • W.h.p., O(n log log n) transmissions are enough in complete graphs of size n (push&pull) [Karp et al.-FOCS’00]
Random Regular Graph - Model • Gn,d=(V,E), a graph is chosen uniformly at random from the space of all d-regular graphs. • Random regular graphs with (sub-)logarithmic degree are of interest in the context of P2P networks: • Overlay networks • Good expansion and connectivity properties, small diameter…
Random Phone Call Model – History • Random phone call model in complete graphs: • Θ(n log log n) message transmissions, w.h.p. [Karp et al., FOCS`00] • Random phone call model in random graphs: • In Gn,p graphs with p > log2n / n: • Θ (log n) time steps • Θ (n (log log n + log n / log (pn))) message transmissions [E., SPAA`06] • Modified random phone call model in random graphs: • If p > log2n / n, then a modified random phone call algorithm exists: • Θ (log n) time steps • Θ (n log log n) message transmissions [E.&Sauerwald, SODA`08]
Communication Complexity • If |I(t)| < n/2, then |I(t+1)| - |I(t)| = Ω(|I(t)|) • If |I(t)| < n - n/d,then |H(t+1)| = Ω(|H(t)|2/n) • If |H(t)| < n/d, then |H(t+1)| = Ω(|H(t)|/d) Θ(n log n/log d) transmissions Gn,d
Four Choices Model • A piece of information is placed on one of the nodes at time 0. • In each succeeding step, any node: • chooses four different neighbors, uniformly at random, • informed nodes may push the message, and • informed nodes may perform pull transmissions to the neighbors which have chosen this node in the current step
Four Choices Algorithm (d > (log log n)2) • For O(log n) steps, all informed nodes push M exactly once, directly after they receive the message • In the following O(log log n) steps, all informed nodes push M in all these steps • In the following O(log log n) steps all informed nodes perform push&pull transmissions of M
Four Choices Algorithm (d = O((log log n)2)) • For O(log n) steps, all informed nodes push M exactly once, directly after they receive the message • In the following O(log log n) steps, all informed nodes push M in all these steps • In the next step all informed nodes perform a single pull transmission • In the following O(log n) steps all nodes informed in phases 3 or 4 push M
Four Choices Model on Gn,d • Termination mechanism: • In any Gn,d graph a four choices algorithm exists with • runtime: O(log n), • # message transmissions: O(n log logn). • Communication overhead decreases significantly. • These results are asymptotically optimal
Message Transmissions – Different Choices • Onechoice (withprobability1-n-1): • Running time: O(log n) • # messagetransmissions: Θ(n log n / log d) • Twochoices (withprobability1-o(1)): • Running time: O(log n) • # messagetransmissions: Θ(n (log n / log d)1/2) • Threechoices (withprobability1-n-Ω(1)): • Running time: O(log n) • # messagetransmissions: O(n log logn)
„Almost“ Oblivious Algorithm • A pieceofinformationisplaced on oneofthenodesat time 0. • In eachsucceedingstept, anynode: • choosesoneneighbor, uniformlyatrandom, amongthenodes not chosen in stepst-1, t-2, andt-3. Then, • informednodesmay push theinformation • informednodesmayperform pull transmissionstotheneighborswhichhavechosenthisnode in thecurrentstep
Power of Memory • Termination mechanism: • In any Gn,dgraph there is an almost oblivious algorithm with • running time: O(log n), • # message transmissions: O(n log logn). • Communication complexity decreases significantly compared to oblivious algorithms. • These results are asymptotically optimal (even if the nodes are allowed to remember all the previous steps).
Conclusion • Random phone call model in random regular graphs • Power of “four choices” in randomized broadcasting • Oblivious vs. almost oblivious algorithms • Further graph classes • Random power law graphs with dmin = Ω(log logn) • Power ofmemory in certainclassesofexpanders • Runtime vs. # message transmissions?
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