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M2/11/13; M1/30/12 ; F2/4/11; M2/1/10 ; T2/3/09; M 2/11/08; T-W 1/30-31/07; H 2/2/06; H 2/15/05. Progressive Presidents: Teddy Roosevelt & Taft ( Ch. 22.5; pp. 637-643 ) Q: What role should the president play in political & economic issues? Explain. I . Progressive Presidents.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. M2/11/13; M1/30/12; F2/4/11; M2/1/10; T2/3/09; M 2/11/08; T-W 1/30-31/07; H 2/2/06; H 2/15/05 Progressive Presidents: Teddy Roosevelt & Taft (Ch. 22.5; pp. 637-643) Q: What role should the president play in political & economic issues? Explain.

  2. I. Progressive Presidents • Teddy Roosevelt – active President – Rep. • William Howard Taft – Rep. • Woodrow Wilson – Dem.

  3. II. Teddy Roosevelt A. Business Regulation • “trust busting” • good vs. bad trusts • Northern Sec. – RR’s • Elkins Act & Hepburn Act • strengthened ICC • hurt RR’s monopoly • Dept. Commerce & Labor – 1903 • split in 1913 • Bureau of Corp. • forerunner of FTC – Wilson 1914

  4. II. Teddy Roosevelt (cont.) B. Labor Relations • UMW strike • “public good” • management & labor invited C. Consumer Protection • Upton Sinclair – The Jungle • Meat Inspection Act • Pure Food & Drug Act • FDA

  5. II. Teddy Roosevelt (cont.) D. Conservation • preservation vs. conservation • nat’l park system • Gifford Pinchot • US Forest Service (1905) • Sierra Club E. Race Relations • Booker T. Washington • Atlanta Compromise (1895) • friendly w/ TR • Brownsville Incident (1905)

  6. III. William Howard Taft • TR’s self-picked successor • trustbuster – indiscriminate • attacked all • Standard Oil & Amer. Tobacco Co. – TR’s “good trusts” • little press – esp. compared to TR • less charismatic • became conservative • relations w/ Speaker Joe Cannon • supported Payne-Aldrich tariff • leads to split in Rep. Party

  7. IV. Election of 1912 • 4 major candidates • split in Rep. Party – Taft & TR • 1. Taft – Rep. • party nominee (cons.) • 2. TR – Prog. Party (“Bull Moose”) (ins.) • “New Nationalism” • more gov’t reg. • 3. Wilson – Dem. • VA/NJ • “New Freedom” • 4. Debs – Socialist

  8. IV. Election of 1912 (cont.) • Wilson – Dem • 42% pop./435 electoral • TR – Prog./Bull Moose • 27% pop./88 electoral • strongest 3rd party results ever • Taft – Rep. • 23% pop./8 electoral • Debs – Socialist • 6% pop./0 electoral • 69% for Prog. Reforms!!!

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