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hoarse. Definition: scratchy, rough, “It’s I! The BIG BILLY GOAT GRUFF!” said the billy goat, who had an ugly hoarse voice of his own. greedy. Definitions: selfish, wants too many things “Very well, be off with you!” said the greedy troll. . Disguise. Definitions: hidden, with a mask

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Presentation Transcript

  1. hoarse Definition: scratchy, rough, “It’s I! The BIG BILLY GOAT GRUFF!” said the billy goat, who had an ugly hoarse voice of his own.

  2. greedy Definitions: selfish, wants too many things “Very well, be off with you!” said the greedy troll.

  3. Disguise Definitions: hidden, with a mask He thought it was a great disguise, but no one else did.

  4. capture Definitions: catch, grab hold of, trap How great to be free, but what a shame that the big fellow had been captured.

  5. stunning Definitions: beautiful or breath-taking Above the dancer it said, “Stunning New Juliet.”

  6. wove Definitions: connected together or stitched together. “Grace wove a wicked web as Anansi the Spider.”

  7. fade Definitions: lighten, weaken, disappear slowly. “ ”

  8. Lost and found Definitions: a place where things go when you lose them “ ”

  9. Fearless Definitions: brave, unafraid, courageous, daring “ ”

  10. Stray Definitions: homeless, lost, wandering “ ”

  11. Story Time 11:50-12:05 SWBAT name parts of the book, directionality SWBAT acquire new vocabulary through listening to a variety of texts on a daily basis SWBAT retell important facts from a text SWBAT identify the beginning and end of a story Read Aloud Book: The Wednesday Surprise 1st read Activate Prior Knowledge There is a surprise! What do you imagine it could be? (predictions) Build Background Conversation Starter: This book is about a girl and her grandma. Tell me about your grandma. Concentrate on Vocabulary Vocabulary: friend, mother, father, grandmother, wildflowers, birthday, magazine, surprise Describe strategy- Connections (text to life) Explain how it helps readers- make connections to life and always trying to find out more Read book- Prompt students to use strategy and give practice time • Open-Ended Question(s) : What is like you and the characters in the book? Do you have a special relationship with the character? Discuss unfamiliar words and what they mean. Turn and Talk: What is the same and different about your family and the family in the book?

  12. Surprise Definitions: shock, astonish, amaze, stun “ ”

  13. Imagination Definitions: make believe, envision, visualize “ ”

  14. Story Time 11:50-12:05 SWBAT name parts of the book, directionality SWBAT acquire new vocabulary through listening to a variety of texts on a daily basis SWBAT retell important facts from a text SWBAT identify the beginning and end of a story Read Aloud Book: Aunt Flossie’s Hats Activate Prior Knowledge Build Background Conversation Starter: Yummy crab cakes! What is your favorite food? Why? Concentrate on Vocabulary Describe strategy- Connections Explain how it helps readers- Great readers think about how they are like the people or things that happen in the book. Read book- Prompt students to use strategy and give practice time • Open-Ended Question(s) : What is the same about your family and the family in the book? Where is the book take place? Setting? Discuss unfamiliar words and what they mean. Turn and Talk: They talk about the past in the book, what is story that you can share from your past?

  15. crab cakes Definitions: pieces of crab, breadcrumbs and spices molded into a cake and cooked

  16. Clattering Definitions: clang, rattle, bang “ ”

  17. Story Time 11:50-12:05 SWBAT name parts of the book, directionality SWBAT acquire new vocabulary through listening to a variety of texts on a daily basis SWBAT retell important facts from a text SWBAT identify the beginning and end of a story Read Aloud Book: BigMama’s Activate Prior Knowledge Build Background Conversation Starter: What do you imagine the book will be about? (text features using pictures in the front and not reading the title) Concentrate on Vocabulary Vocabulary: conductor, tracks, sewing machine, country, washstand, outhouse, chicken coop, syrup, tractor, Describe strategy- Questioning and Connections Explain how it helps readers- make connections to life and always trying to find out more Read book- Prompt students to use strategy and give practice time • Open-Ended Question(s) :Who are the characters? What culture are they from? Do you do just like the Characters in this book? Discuss unfamiliar words and what they mean. Turn and Talk: Where were they? What happened in the book? What was the family like?

  18. Outhouse Definitions: where people used to use the bathroom a long time ago “ ”

  19. Conductor Definitions: the person who drives the train “ ”

  20. equator Definitions: homeless, lost, wandering “ ”

  21. Constellation Definitions: “ ”

  22. electricity Definitions: power, energy, voltage “ ”

  23. cocoon Definitions: a silky envelope spun by an insect which is a covering for them while they transform “ ”

  24. nibble Definitions: to take small bites, chew, gnaw “ ”

  25. gnashed Definitions: clench, grind, grate “ ”

  26. private Definitions: personal, secretive, confidential “ ”

  27. investigate Definitions: examine, look into, inspect “ ”

  28. swell Definitions: bulge, puff up, enlarge, inflate “ ”

  29. bulldozer Definitions: a machine that is used to pick up large pieces in order to build or destroy “ ”

  30. hen Definitions: a female chicken “ ”

  31. succeed Definitions: to achieve, turn out well

  32. slump Definitions: slouch, bend, hunch, sag

  33. startle Definitions: surprise, shock, frighten, alarm

  34. shadow Definitions: outline, silhouette, shade

  35. Magnificent Definitions: superb, wonderful, brilliant

  36. Thaw Definitions: melt, defrost, soften

  37. Float Definitions: soar, drift, glide, hover

  38. Chicle Definitions: part of chewing gum from the bark of an evergreen tree found in Mexico and Central America

  39. Swoop Definitions: leap, dive, fly down, lunge, plunge

  40. Flock Definitions: a group of animals, herd, gathering of animals

  41. appendix Definitions: a tube that develops when you are in mommy’s tummy but it is not useful anymore, some people have their appendix taken out when it causes pain

  42. solemn Definitions: to be serious, sad, formal

  43. nervous Definitions: to be anxious or worried, to be tense

  44. delighted Definitions: to be overjoyed, charmed, or pleased

  45. Enchanting Definitions: charming, captivating, delightful

  46. nonsense Definitions: crazy, not true, baloney

  47. bedazzled Definitions: amazed, confused, impressed

  48. showered Definitions: burst, overwhelmed, a lot of

  49. soiled Definitions: dirty, grubby, mucky

  50. Sigh Definitions: exhale noisily, moan, groan

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