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Integrated Food Safety Information Network. December 2013 Il- Ung Oh Consumer Risk Prevention Bureau Risk Information Division. Table of Contents. 1. About Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) History & Importance Changes Vision 2. Integrated food safety information network
Integrated Food SafetyInformation Network December 2013 Il-Ung Oh Consumer Risk Prevention Bureau Risk Information Division
Table of Contents • 1. About Ministry of Food andDrug Safety(MFDS) • History& Importance • Changes • Vision • 2. Integrated food safety information network • Status & Need • Action plan • The way forward
History of MFDS 2013 Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (as an independent Ministry) 2010 The KFDA relocated from Seoul to Osong 1998 KFDA was raised to the status of administration under the MHW 1996 Food & Drug Safety Headquarter was established under the MHW 5
Importance of the newly established MFDS Safety First Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) as an administrative control tower of safety management for food and drug Gov’t apply all available resources for eradicating adulterated foods “I will certainly root out the four major social ills, which are sexual violence, school violence, home-wrecking crimes and adulterated foods" (Dec, 2012) 6
Integration of Food Safety Authorities Various Agencies Single Agency(MFDS) Some authority consigned to MAFRA or MOF Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs MFDS, MAFRA & Ministry of Oceans & Fisheries MFDS cooperates with MAFRA and MOF. Consigned authorities can be cross-checked by interagency activities. 7
Organization of MFDS • Total employees: 1,760(579for headquarters, 401 for evaluation agency, and 780for local branches) • Budget for 2013: $ 290.4 million Minister spokesperson Vice minister Audit Office Criminal Investigation Office Inspection Office Bureau for Planning and Coordination Customer Risk Prevention Bureau Food Safety Policy Bureau Food Standard Planning Office Food Nutrition and Dietary Safety Bureau Agro-Livestock and Fishery Products Safety Bureau Pharma- ceutical Safety Bureau Biopharmaceuticals and Herbal Medicine Bureau Medical Device Safety Bureau National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation Food Safety Evaluation Department Drug Evaluation Department Biopharmaceuticals and Herbal Medicine Evaluation Department Medical Device Evaluation Department Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Research Department Toxicological Evaluation and Research Department Seoul Regional FDA Busan Regional FDA Gyeongin Regional FDA Daegu Regional FDA Gwangju Regional FDA Daejeon Regional FDA
Food Safety and Sanitation Management Bureaus (MFDS) • Coordinate international trade and cooperation related to food and drugs • Developesupport policies for consumers of food and drugs • Establish plans for food and drug safety information system Bureau for Planning and Coordination • Collect and evaluate safety information on food and drugs • Develope risk prevention policy • Draw up comprehensive plans for risk communication on food and drugs • Establish and revise laws and regulations for testing food and drugs Risk Prevention Policy Bureau Customer Risk Prevention Bureau • Revise and implement Food Sanitation Law • Coordinate international cooperation on food safety and sanitation • Manage import food safety • Supervise and instruct food businesses • Respond to food safety incidents • Recall hazardous foods Food Safety Policy Bureau Food Safety Bureau
Food Safety and Sanitation Management Bureaus (MFDS) Food Standard Office • Establish and implement standards for foods, livestock products, health functional food products, and food additives • Develope policies for food nutrition & safety and health functional food products • Establish comprehensive plans for safety management of children's dietary life • Food posioning prevention strategies • Draw up strategies for food poisoning prevention • Evaluate the safety of generically modified foods Food Nutrition and Dietary Safety Bureau Nutrition Policy Bureau Agro-Livestock and Fishery Products Safety Bureau • Develope safety management policies for Agro-livestock and fishery products • Establish plans for safety management of the growing stages of crops, livestock, and fisheries • Conduct on-site inspections of food importers Food Standard Planning Office
Food Safety and Sanitation Management Bureaus (NIFDS) Restructured organization: 3 departments,2 centers,and 2 divisions 6 departments,1 center,2 divisions Division of Research Planning and Coordination • Coordinate measures based on findings of researches on foods and drugs • Evaluate food safety (contaminants, microorganisms, pesticide residues, food additives, etc.) • Test and research on generically modified agricultural and livestock products • Conduct R&D for scientific food surveillance system Food Safety Evaluation Department Toxicological Evaluation and Research Department 독성평가 연구부 • Control toxic substances in food and drugs • Test and research on questioned substances and carcinogens in food and drugs
Vision Safe Food & Drugs,Healthy Nation,,Wellbeing of Society 1 2 Ensuring Safety of the people to improve quality of life Consumer-Driven safety management from Farm to Table Purpose 3 4 Realization of Saferand healthier lives of the people Beyond safety, providing assurance to the people Core Strategies consumer participation &‘Safety First’ atmosphere safety management from Farm to Table to eradicate adulterated foods Virtuous cycle btw safety & proliferation • Correlation with public health policy 12
A New Era of Hope Happiness for the People Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) will build foundation for Korea to eradicate adulterated foods and become a globally recognized nation for food and drug safety. MFDS leads government’s goal to open a new era of safe society and happiness for all. . Happiness Health Safety
SharingㆍOpennessㆍUsagebyestablishing unified management system for food safetyand integrating foodsafety information dispersed in different agencies Integrated food safety information network Integrated Administrative System & Information DB Integrated system for administrative task 1 3 2 • Integration of food safety management information system Integrated food safety system Integrated food safety information License info Inspection of imports Supervisionㆍcheck MFDS Standard Information on test results recalls MFDS officers Local gov.’s officers Relevant agencies officers Local gov. Reporting items History trace Administrative measure HACCP, GMP Foodpoisoning occurrence recallsㆍdisposal Joint information sharing system MAFRA Children’s favorite food False and exaggerated advertising Production performance • Share of integrated food safety information among government agencies EAI, web service, etc MAFRA MND MOF MSPA KCS ME MHE Administrative information on food safety management DAPA MJ School meals ME Other MFIE Information Linkage Food safety government portal system License of food industry Crackdown on health crime • Information disclosure to the pubic Quality inspection of livestock Quality inspection of drinking water Industry Organization Public Food industry Associate Child ICTfirm University home keeper Provision of military food suppliers Military meals Information on marine products Electronic customs Disease occurrence GMO / LMO trans-boundary Research institution Consulting Senior citizen
Status &Need (1) Separated food safety information system operated by many different government agencies The administrative process can be delayed because it takes more time to obtain information from other government agencies Administrative quality degrades due to duplicated processes when each agency deals with its own information Official paper Official paper MFDS MAFRA Local government Information on inspection of imported food Information on inspection of livestock quality Information on industry violating food safety Administrative tasks MFDS checks a food distributor and takes action → local government s check the sanitary of the same distributor → the distributor complains about overlapping crackdown, causing ineffective enforcement For unified administrative processes, it is needed to establish integrated operation system for administrative information between the relevant agencies.
Status & Need (2) Lack of appropriate system for information sharing on food policies Shortsighted policy due to lack of information sharing on policies between food safety authorities Inconsistent responses by each agency on food incidents causing public concerns Incident Occurrence …… MFDS Local government NPA Policies initiated and announced Policies initiated and announced Policies initiated and announced Policies initiated and announced Acity announced cadmium was detected in octopuses exceeding the safe limit → fishermen and dealers faced economic losses because of the reduction in consumption → MFDS announced risk assessment indicating that they were safe → there were aggravated public concerns(2010) It is needed to establish a system for facilitating and enhancinginformation sharing among government agencies
Action Plan (1) Establishment of integrated food safety information Integrating food safety administration and policy information among 12 government agencies Establishing integrated food safety administrative system (for government agencies) and food safety portal system (for the public) Eliminating institutional barriers by improving the law and guidelines of relevant authorities Serving as a leading agency in the Framework Act on Food Safety, obtaining each agency’s improvements → Implementing improvements in the relevant agency Integrated food safety information network Ministry of Education MJ MND MSPA(Local government) Information on special crackdown on health crime Military food suppliers School lunch information, License of food industry MAFRA MTIE MHW ME Information on GMO/LMO Information on livestock quality check Disease incidentce Drinking water quality inspection DAPA MFDS MOF Information integrationㆍanalysis KCS Food poisoning, Food safety management Military food suppliers Information on marine products safety Electronic customs (Integrated food Safety system) (Food safety portal system) Jointly used by government agencies Public tailored service Linked to industries
Action Plan (2) Support for budget·manpower·technology Total support Committee for Integrated Food Safety Information Network (BH, Office for government policy coordination) (MSF, MSPA, MS, ICT FP) (Head: MFDS Commissioner) Government-wide joint development through cooperation Organize & operate「Committee for Integrated Food Safety Information Network」(June 2013∼) • * Deciding effective policy, resolving differences among agencies, and supporting for collaborative TF team Organize & operate 「 Collaborative TFteam 」directly participated by employees from relevant agencies (July 2013∼) * Overcoming limitations of integrated project among many government agencies and producing results in early stage Policy consultation Participated by Driector-Generals of relevant agencies DAPA KCS ME ME MFDS MOF MND MTIE MHW MSPA MJ MAFRA Collaborative TFteam
Action Plan (3) Customer-tailored food safety service Providing one-stop service by establishing portal system Providing tailored service to target groups such as consumers, industries, and academia Food safety risk forecast through various communication tools (Internet, SNS, and the press, etc) Integrated food safety information network Media Internet SNS Smartphone Consumer Portal system Domestic & overseas food safety information Distribution information on nonconforming food Information on false· exaggerated advertisements Industry Incident rate of food poisoning Academia Risk prediction
Action Plan (4) Establishment of food safety system under public-private collaboration Providing risk information on time and making preemptive response under private-public collaboration Integrated food safety information network Establishing the foundation for creating a new field of industry by opening information DB Early alert for hazardous food Disclosure of Data Preemptive response Creating new industries ICT fusion(App., etc) Food safety consultant Relevant agency Industry Collaboration Analysis business for food marketing
The way forward (1) Government can implement effective food policy Effective food safety management without barriers among agencies • Real-time management by generally collecting information necessary for administration Present Improvements • Comprehensive decision-making by analyzing statistic data and information on history • Improvement of administrative quality for food safety by jointly sharing information Performance of systematic food policy by sharing food related information ranging from food processing to sales Recall and disposal of India’sfrozen shell contaminated with 5mg/kg cadmium in Taiwan Recall and disposal of India’sfrozen shell contaminated with 5mg/kg cadmium in Taiwan [MFDS] become aware the issue and check real-time traceability information on imported food of MOF through the integrated information network [MFDS] become aware the issue and requested food traceability information to the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries(MOF) [MOF ]checked traceability information on imported food [MOF] shares real-time risk information through the network [MFDS] [MOF] take rapid collaborative responses [MFDS] [MOF] each agency took action after confirming final information (taking 2~3 days)
The way forward (2) Consumers can select safe food Help to choose safe food with hazardous food forecast • Notifying consumers of inspection results including hazardous foods and the list of businesses violating • sanitary law Help to choose safe food providing objective and reliable information Present Improvements - Transforming from industry-centered information including advertisement to consumer-centered information Providing comprehensive information by linking and analyzing related information Checking food labels provided by manufactuerers Checking comprehensive information provided by government Consumers purchase food based on label information, advertisement and experiences Consumers can purchase food based on comprehensive service, in which government provides information including safety statue of each product and manufacturers , nutrition, distribution and past history - Sodium caseinate in instant coffee mix - Highly caffeinated drinks → Both distrust and anxiety over food safety exist → Enable consumers to select safe food
The way forward (3) Food industries can strengthen the competitiveness Establishing rapid and preemptive response system through cooperation between industry and government • Interact with each other by obtaining real-time data and take measures through early alert system for hazardous foods • -Take preemptive action such as strengthened inspection of hazardous food and • suspension of distribution Present Improvements Strengthening the competitiveness and developing project strategy by analyzing and making use of information Collect a mass of information through government, internet, the press, and fields Use tailored information service which the government provides each industry → Lack of systematic management leads to the difficulty in using information → Repeat shortsighted and temporary responses → Systematically manage & analyze data → Take preemptive action including development of alternative materials → Develop new strategies for overseas material purchase, cost-saving and exports * Detecting unintentional hazardous substances such as benzopytene in instant noodle powder and acrylamide in fried food
The way forward (4) Food industry creates new value Creating new jobs by using open information • Information analysts, food safety consultants, and food marketing experts • who analyze and provide information Safety information Government Experts in each field Food information analysis firm Original information Food processing industry Agriculture and livestock industry Manufacturer Distribution industry Food service Integrated food safety network Sanitary grade Food labeling Information analysis Information Use Open information Market demand Overseas purchase Marketing Risk information
The way forward (5) Food industry creates new value Creating a new field of industry by using open information - Integrating with food, ICT, and electronics industry Electronics industry Home, restaurant Government ICTindustry Smart refrigerator Food safety network Integrated food safety information network Purchased food input Food safety information Stored food information Information analysis Open information Providing information Health safety menu Information use Smart refrigerator [Safety storage] Automatically indicates safety and stored food information provided by ICT industry [Health management] Support for purchasing food and managing health through nutrition information on stored food provided by ICT industry
Action Plan 2013 2015 2014 Planning Integrated Network Establishment Risk Forecast • Organize · operate Committee for Integrated Food Safety Information Network • (June~) • Organize· operate a government-wide collaborative TF team • (July∼) • Identify areas for improvement in legislation and systems of relevant agencies(April~) • Plan Information Strategy Plan (ISP) (May~December) Operate the committee Operate the collaborative TF team Improve legislation and systems of relevant agencies Establish integrated food safety information network Operate the committee Operate a division dedicated for integrated information network Continue to apply changes in legislation and systems of relevant agencies Operate early warning for hazardous food Start food safety risk forecast
Thank you for your attention Il-UngOh(ollong@korea.kr) Senior Scientific Officer/Ph.D Risk Information Division Consumer Risk Prevention Bureau Ministry of Food and Drug Safety