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Explore the establishment of a regional skills eco-system in Gothenburg, focusing on VET characteristics, governance, funding sources, and challenges faced. Discover collaboration opportunities among 13 municipalities for high-quality education catering to local labor market needs.
VET Governance and Funding in the Gothenburg region Fredrik Zeybrandt, director ofeducation, Gothenburg Region EuropeanVocationalSkillsWeek 2019-10-17
Outline The Gothenburg Region – establishmentof a regional skillseco-system Funding Governance – decision making Improving the Gothenburg skillseco-system and itschallenges
VET characteristics Sweden and in the Gothenburg region Municipalitiesresponsible for education (290) Municipalitiesoftentoo small to establishwellfunctioning VET Education – co-operation and collaborationneeded Gothenburg region: 13 municipalities (1 million inhabitants) co-operating on VET in order to to establishhigh-qualityeducation for the needsoflocal, regional and national labour market Goodresults: Broad varietyofcoursescloselylinked to specificskillsneeded in the region.
VET characteristics in Sweden and in the Gothenburg region • Automotive and transport industry • Chemistry and materials industry • Construction industry • Maritimeindustry • Social welfare • Hospitalityindustry Administration; Construction machinery; pharmacy; Automation Techniques; Automatedproduction; Bakery and confectionery; Bar, wine and hospitality; Concrete worker; The booking Opera; Bus professional drivers; RetailSales; CAD training - building; CAD training - productdevelopment; Café / Kallkök; CCNA Cisco Discovery package; CertifiedDiSC coach; CNC operator; The new food; Design; Dietetics and dieteticcooking, eveningcourse; Distribution Electrician; keepers; Operation and energytechnologies; Operating and maintenancetechnicians; Operational, ventilation and refrigeration; Technicianproperty; Self-employment; Self-employmentwithlanguage support; Self-employedwith the horse; E-commerce; E-commerce and Web design; Finance and accountingassistant; EIectrician; Electrician - automation; El completion; Electrician "4th year"; ElectrifiedVehicleTechnology; Energy / Technician; Event Techniques; Building Technologies; BuildingTechniques; Property Host; at airport; VehicleTrainmechanic; VehicleMechanic truck; VehicleMechanicwithlanguage support (SFI / SAS); VehicleMechanicpassenger; GroundVehicleDamage Repairer; Breakfast Host / personnel be; disability; Sale; Flooring; Graphic Arts; InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and entrepreneurship; Guide; Ekobruk; Lift Techniques; The hotel and event host; HotelEmployees; Farrier; Java programming and developmentofapplications, part-timeeducation; Cook additionaltraining; Chef targeting special diets, diet food and ready meals; Cook withlanguage support; Cook and cold buffet; Cook the catering; Construction vehicle; Inventory management and logistics; Alarm / SecurityTechnician; Alarm Installer / electricaltechnician; Truck Professional drivers; Food and sales; cleaning; LPA Kitchen; MaritimeEngineering; Machine operator - construction; Machine operator - construction; MachineMechanic; Sailor; Media production; Environment Host; motorman; Bricklayer; Paintereducation; Mealassistant; Furniture and interiorjoinery; Upholstery; New enterprise; Nutrition; Nursing -Undersköterska different specializations; Personal assistantlanguage support; tiler; Sheetmetal and welding; Process engineering - technicalproduction; Project Management; Psychiatry; Receptionist; Restaurant - Chef and waiter; Server Administration in Microsoft and Linux environment; Signal Techniques; Silversmide; Cuttingprocessing; Social media, additionaltraining; Studio F graphicproduction and self-employment…etc
Funding Combination of municipal and governmentfunding • Funding from eachmunicipality, based on mutualagreement • Governmentfundingapplicationeveryyear • Roughly VET 6000 students (EQF level 4) Funding from European Social Fund, for example: • ”in-betweens-education”; a combination betweenuppersecondaryschool and adult education • Improvingqualityofstudy and careerguidance • Improvingqualityofeducation for immigrants
Governance Decisionmaking: whodecideswhateducation is needed and how is it governed? Formally a decision by municipalities Informally an agreementbetween directors ofeducation and betweenpolitical board of the Gotheburg region Trust based on long-term relations between VET stakeholderssuch as municipalities, chambersofcomerce, Public employment service, unions etc – the skillseco-system
Governance – in a skillsecosystem VET education Directors of education The Gothenburg Region The Regional Competence council Stats/analysis Etc Chemical Maritime Automotive
Governance – in a skillsecosystem VET education Directors of education The Gothenburg Region The Regional Competence council Stats/analysis Etc Chemical Maritime Automotive
Governance – in a skillsecosystem VET education The regional competence council Mutual arena for VET development Different stakeholderslinked to the labour market and regional industry Directors of education The Gothenburg Region The Regional Competence Council Stats/analysis Etc Chemical Maritime Automotive
Opportunities for the future VET for immigrants. Wehavegoodresults - but it must improve Shortageofskills in all sectors – and youth’sinterest in VET is lowcompared to ther parts ofEurope Skillsmatching and life-long learning as the technologicalshift and transition is a fact Gothenburg region is highlydependant on international business and exchange – collaboration in different areas needed and is consideredmutuallyverybeneficial – the CoVEconcept is a reallygoodinitiative