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Welcome to the Algebra Zone

Welcome to the Algebra Zone. Ms. Vu. Scavenger Hunt. Directions Team with five other students (teams of 6) Write one new thing you have just learned about each of the members in your group Search for as many items as possible on the list before time runs out. Ms. Vu's Website.

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Welcome to the Algebra Zone

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the Algebra Zone

  2. Ms. Vu

  3. Scavenger Hunt Directions • Team with five other students (teams of 6) • Write one new thing you have just learned about each of the members in your group • Search for as many items as possible on the list before time runs out

  4. Ms. Vu's Website • http://www.wsd.k12.ca.us/websites/home_page.asp?tid=597

  5. Jupitergrades http://www.jupitergrades.net

  6. Email Each student should have his/her own email address

  7. Classroom Norms

  8. SLANT isten it up sk/answer rack od/note

  9. CLAS ocial ssessment anguage ontent

  10. ZAP You better start your IP. Ms. Vu will put you in ZAP if you don’t do your work. ZAP means more time at school with Ms. Vu! She and I will be best friends. What’s ZAP?

  11. Notes 1 foldable for each textbook chapter Chapter title on the front flaps Name, date, and block is written on the back top right hand corner

  12. Number Pyramid Direction • Add the two boxes at the bottom to get the number directly above • Ex. 17 ? 12 5 10

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