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TG QM Arlington: GIG User Support Coordination Plan

TG QM Arlington: GIG User Support Coordination Plan. Sergiu Sanielevici, GIG Area Director for User Support Coordination sergiu@psc.edu. GIG User Support Coordination Tasks.

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TG QM Arlington: GIG User Support Coordination Plan

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  1. TG QM Arlington: GIG User Support Coordination Plan Sergiu Sanielevici, GIG Area Director for User Support Coordination sergiu@psc.edu

  2. GIG User Support Coordination Tasks During Q2 2007, we have built upon our highly successful user support strategy to define and begin executing the following tasks for Project Years 3 to 5: • User Champion Coordination • Assign and coordinate contact teams for each xRAC user group • Ensure and coordinate cross-site user support • Develop and support cross-site workflows • Coordinate integration of Track 2 systems into TeraGrid Extreme Scalability RAT Recommends New Working Group

  3. GIG User Support Coordination Tasks (2) • ASTA Program Coordination • Coordinate outreach to applicants and preparations for xRAC review of ASP requests • Coordinate development of work plans for recommended projects • Coordinate execution and reporting • Coordinate User Requirements Gathering • Conduct annual user surveys • Extract user needs from contact team interactions • Provide primary analysis of usage and feedback patterns

  4. User Facing Projects Updates and Planning

  5. Accomplishments • Documentation • CTSS V4 Documentation Rollout • CTSS/MDS Registry Application • http://www.teragrid.org/userinfo/software/ctss.php • Website • Visualization content integrated under User Support • Secured commercial hosting provider to provide additional redundancy to website and mail lists • Starting to publish more operational metrics • http://www.teragrid.org/about/opinfo.html • TeraGrid Knowledge Base • Over 33,000 hits into the KB just in the 2nd Quarter • Started integration in user portal

  6. Accomplishments (cont.) • User Portal • New Allocations & Training Area • POPS integration started • Interactive Remote Visualization & Vis Gateway Integration (https://viz.teragrid.org:8443/gridsphere)

  7. Future Plans • TeraGrid-Wide (TGUP) Automated Password Resets • Goal: Quick and easy password resets of the TeraGrid-Wide password automatically via User Portal. • Current situation: • User must contact help desk and have initial TeraGrid paperwork for default password • If user does not have initial paperwork, user must wait to receive paperwork with default password • Convenient password resets without human intervention • Reduce burden on operation staff by eliminating portal password reset requests • Users can rely on TeraGrid-Wide password to authenticate to all RP systems

  8. Future Plans • Internet Framework Evaluation • Goal: Increase TeraGrid’s web presence via the User Portal, Web Site and Gateways to enable a more uniform look and feel, while facilitating user personalization & customization. • Evaluating framework APIs similar to MyYahoo, iGoogle, Netvibes • Capabilities to customize and personalize user views using various widgets, RSS feeds, calendar, news, etc. based on user preference. • Web site, TeraGrid User Portal, Science Gateways can all benefit by using the same web framework and developing to a single uniform API • Leverage network of developers. RPs, Gateways, and Users can contribute ‘widgets’ to a public repository that users can plug into their custom view of the TeraGrid web site/user portal/gateways.

  9. Future Plans • POPS Integration • Goal: Seamless integrate of POPS into the User Portal • Once user authenticates to TeraGrid User Portal they can connect transparently to POPS within the user portal • No additional authentication required • Auto-population of form fields to make it easier to fill out allocation requests • File Manager • Goal: Interactive file management capabilities in the User Portal • User will have the ability to upload, download, and transfer files between TeraGrid systems

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