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Homes becomes a silent backdrop to our entire lives. We seldom acknowledge their importance but we do know that without them, we would be pretty much robbed of our peace and happiness.
Homes becomes a silent backdrop to our entire lives. We seldom acknowledge their importance but we do know that without them, we would be pretty much robbed of our peace and happiness. When homes are so crucial to the quality of life we and our families lead, shouldn’t we pay more attention to what kind of homes are we building for ourselves? You may wonder – up to what extent can you pay attention, and the answer would be to the most granular level possible. You should be starting with the very basic units that actually build your home – the bricks. Bricks have been used for several years and have given mankind some of its most magnificent monuments and structures. That said, many people are now avoiding bricks and shifting to other building materials. There are indeed some unique benefits of bricks: 1. Bricks for construction in India are easily available and transportable; hence, they are relatively cheaper. www.econstructionmart.com 2
2. Bricks give a modern day home an aesthetic feel and help your house stand out from the cohort. Now, if you are wondering how to choose a right brick, here are a few key points to evaluate: 1. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION OF YOUR HOME/CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: www.econstructionmart.com 3
This is by far the most fundamental part to be looked into. You have to determine the geographic conditions of your construction project or home since this will determine whether you can use a brick in the first place or not. There are some regions, for instance the ones which are prone to frequent earthquakes, where bricks are not the best choice of building material. Other factors such as humidity, rainfall and climatic conditions such as temperature are also to be looked into. If this seems like a lot, your local brick dealers and manufacturers will actually be able to help you decide the ideal ones according to your geographic requirements. 2. HANDMADE VS WIRE CUT: This may not seem that important and many people believe that handmade bricks give a more aesthetic look, but in reality, this can change the entire aesthetic layering of your home. Now, people who just want to use bricks while staying on budget use wire cut bricks; these bricks give you a uniform finish and still keep the www.econstructionmart.com 4
‘brick feel’ alive. At the same time, the handmade ones are not that uniform and give you more options to play with customization in terms of size, patterns and colours; at the same time, they can cost a lot more than the machine made ones. 3. MATERIAL USED: Raw materials for brick would actually determine the strength and other physical properties of the brick. There are sand lime bricks, engineering bricks and concrete bricks to choose from. Depending on where you use them and the overall design palate of your home, you can choose the one which fits the best in terms of both aesthetics and utility. www.econstructionmart.com 5