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E-Commerce Site Navigation: How do Virtual Assistants Help Improve It?

Enhance your eCommerce store's efficiency with product store management services, streamlining navigation, and overall operations through virtual assistants. Addressing issues such as high bounce rates and poor site navigation, expert assistance is essential for assessing and rectifying design flaws. Whether you choose Shopify, BigCommerce, or Magento, the assessment and optimization process remains consistent, and tailored to platform specifics. Trust virtual assistants to elevate your online store's functionality and user experience.

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E-Commerce Site Navigation: How do Virtual Assistants Help Improve It?

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  1. E-Commerce Site Navigation: How do Virtual Assistants Help Improve It? Undoubtedly, good and user-friendly navigation holds the utmost importance for your eCommerce success. Remember, the easier people find your products in the store, the more you will be selling them. As per some statistics, it is proven that good site navigation can boost your conversion rates by around 18.5% and also reduce the bounce rate. Eventually, having proper site navigation will ensure your SEO goals are met, as your page will rank higher. But, it takes a lot of effort and consideration to streamline the navigation, for which you can hire eCommerce store management virtual assistants to help you with the purpose. The eCommerce store management assistants will look after all the minute changes that are essential for the theme to improve the navigation of your site and make it user-friendly. If you are new to the eCommerce world and aren’t very aware of how crucial user-friendly site navigation can be, this article is for you. Read along till the end to find out the importance of good site navigation and how online store management helps you attain it. Why is User-Friendly eCommerce Site Navigation important? Quality site navigation is literally the skeleton of any website. When you decide on getting a new online store, navigation is one of the most crucial parts to count on. For you to

  2. understand this thoroughly, navigation consists of various links that redirect the users to dedicated store sections. Proper site navigation enables the customers to know how to use your site and find the things they are looking for easily. It elaborates on the structure of the site and is expected to be as clean as possible. With good site navigation, you can expect the users to be on your website for a long time, which will also help you improve the conversion rates and SEO outcomes. In What Ways Does the eCommerce Store Management VAs Help Improve the Site Navigation? When you hire eCommerce product store management services, you assign a lot of responsible tasks to the VAs, and you expect productivity in return. Keeping that in mind, the VAs use their skills and expertise in order to improve the site functions and attributes for streamlining the navigation complexities. It doesn’t matter whether you seek Shopify, BigCommerce or Magento store management services; the end outcome should be easy navigation alongside streamlined overall operation. Keeping that in mind, some of the ways using which the eCommerce store management VAs help you improve the user-friendliness of your site navigation are: 1. Holding Onto the Things that Work Well It is the dream of almost every eCommerce business owner to win a strong position within the market competition. But that can’t be achieved with improper navigation. An eCommerce store management assistant is aware of what most users expect, considering that they will be altering your theme. The aim is to keep up with the things that work without experimenting much with variations. As you know, the mass audience expects eCommerce sites to have a horizontal menu on the top of the page, with a vertical menu on the left side of the web pages. If you intend to try anything else beyond this navigation design, it will most likely confuse the users and make it difficult for them to find the products they want. The eCommerce virtual assistant will stick to such actions to give you great results. 2. Making Use of Text Links The next thing that the virtual assistant would look after is using the text links. Buttons do indeed grab the eyes of users easily, but it is still advised for you to use plain text links for the navigation part. The first and most important reason is using text links will allow the search engines to understand your site and rank it better. The second reason is that the buttons load very slowly, which hampers the overall user experience and reduces accessibility. When you hire eCommerce product store

  3. management services, the experts shall help you optimize all the navigation buttons on your sites and replace them with text links for easy navigation. 3. Reducing the Clutter Across the Site One evident purpose of hiring eCommerce product store management services is to free up the unwanted clutter from the site that’s hampering the navigation. You might have seen eCommerce stores with a plethora of links on the left side of the menu. When there are so many options to highlight in the navigation, the users tend to skim through them all and miss out on the important ones. Therefore, eCommerce virtual assistants will do the needful to organize the product sub-categories into fewer main categories to make the list more user-friendly. With minimized clutter across the site, it will be easier for the customers to look around the store and easily find the products they are looking for. 4. Removing Ads From Above the Search Results or Product Lists If you have been placing the internal ads, whether in text or graphic form, above the search results or product lists, it might just confuse the visitors and will lead them to believe that the ad is related to the search results or the product list, which is termed as misguiding. Therefore, an eCommerce virtual assistant will make sure to remove those ads and find some better places to implement them. If the ad’s context is too relatable to the product list or search results, they can be placed, but not on the top of them. It is one of the most important aspects of ensuring easy navigation, and you can easily attain this optimisation by hiring product store management services. Conclusion Hiring eCommerce product store management services is a winning move for you to streamline not just navigation but all-round operations of your online store. May it be inventory management or optimizing platform-wise features, virtual assistants can help you attain them all. So, if you feel like your eCommerce store is reporting high bounce rates, poor site navigation might be a factor. So, in order to prevent the same, you need the help of experts to assess the site and pick the design flaws in it. Irrespective of whether you look out for Shopify, BigCommerce or Magento store management services, the assessment and optimisation process will be the same for all, with little variations depending on what diverse platforms have to offer.

  4. Contact Us Name: EcomVA Mobile Number: +1(607)524-4040 Email id: info@ecomva.com Address: 37200 Paseo Padre Pkwy #421Fremont, CA 94536, USA Website:- https://www.ecomva.com/

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