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2018 Construction Projects $98 M

Develop a process to expedite project timelines, addressing system failure and chronic capacity issues, to meet the City's goals. Includes open market and Prime Contractor Development Program contracts.

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2018 Construction Projects $98 M

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  1. Doug Jones, PE Doug.Jones@portlandoregon.gov 503-823-7199Bureau of Environmental Services April 17, 2018 2018 Construction Projects$98 M NICK FISH, COMMISSIONER MICHAEL JORDAN, DIRECTOR

  2. Sanitary/Storm Pipeline

  3. Sanitary/Storm Pipeline

  4. Wastewater Treatment Facility

  5. Pump Stations & Collection System Monitoring

  6. Stream Restoration

  7. Price Agreement for Urgent Rehabilitation of Sanitary & Storm Sewers – (PAURSS) Purpose - Develop a process that shortens the time it currently takes for a project to move from Project Identification to issuance of Notice to Proceed (NTP). The Contract is awarded as a low bid project. Meet the City’s D/M/W/ESB Goals. Project Type: Maintenance Capital Contracts (MCC) projects will be high risk of system failure, low cost for remediation. Small Urgent Capacity projects will address chronic capacity related conditions (e.g. flooding, basement sewer backups, etc.). Urgent projects schedules are anticipated to last one year from identification to construction completion.

  8. Price Agreement for Urgent Rehabilitation of Sanitary & Storm Sewers – (PAURSS) This year there will be 2 contracts awarded: Open Market Contractor. Prime Contractor Development Program (PCDP). BES is allowed to award up to $6,000,000/yr. Open market contractor - $3,000,000. PCDP- $1,500,000. Ordinance becomes effective March 2018. Revised Package Complete April 2018. Construction Review. Procurement Review. Advertise: May - August 2018. Contract: NTP – September 2018.


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