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Ethical Dilemma: A High School Confrontation

Navigate a moral dilemma at LHS: stand by, break up the fight, side with a friend, or show toughness. What will you choose? Explore the foreign policy spectrum to understand global relations.

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Ethical Dilemma: A High School Confrontation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What Will You Do? Read this scenario: Choose from these four options and write a brief response saying what you would do: 1. Turn away and leave because the fight does not concern you and getting involved will only mean trouble. 2. Convince a couple of friends to help you separate the two students before they hurt each other. 3. Get into the fight on your friend’s side and punch out the former friend who owes you money since he (she) deserves it. 4. Punch out both students to show the rest of the school who is the toughest kid on campus. • One day at LHS (in the Commons) you notice a huge ring of students jostling and pushing. As you get closer, you hear some of the students yelling “Fight!” Like the rest, you want to see what’s happening. Finally finding a vantage point, you see two students threatening one another. One is a good friend; the other is a former friend and current enemy who owes you money. What will you do?

  2. Some Basic Terms • foreign policy = the rules one country follows in its relationship with other countries (Opposite is domestic policy = policy a country takes to events happening within its borders • diplomacy = the art of interacting with other countries (related words: diplomat, diplomatic)

  3. Foreign Policy Spectrum(From minimum to maximum involvement) • Isolationism= the policy of staying out of the affairs of other nations (from the word “isolate”) The “loner” • Collective security = the policy of working with other countries to influence world affairs The “team player” • Internationalism = the policy of intervening in other countries’ affairs to promote important national interests and/or safeguard national security The “world policeman”

  4. Foreign Policy Spectrum(From minimum to maximum involvement) • Imperialism = the policy of extending a country’s power by acquiring territory around the globe or taking advantage of other nations to serve national interests The “world bully” (Imperialism comes from the word “empire”) • expansionism= the policy of expanding a country’s territory


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