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STATUS OF JNNURM IN KMA. Sri. P.K. Pradhan, IAS Principal Secretary Urban Development & Municipal Affairs Department Govt. of West Bengal. 21 st February 2007. 1. JNNURM Launched on 3-12-2005.

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  1. STATUS OF JNNURM IN KMA Sri. P.K. Pradhan, IAS Principal Secretary Urban Development & Municipal Affairs Department Govt. of West Bengal 21st February 2007 1

  2. JNNURM Launched on 3-12-2005 The mission aims to encourage Reforms and fast track planned development of identified cities. Focus is on efficiency in Urban Infrastructure and service delivery mechanism, community participation and accountability of ULBs / parastatal agencies towards citizens. 2

  3. Objectives • Planned development • Integrated development of infrastructure • Linkages between asset creation & management • Ensuring adequate investment of funds • Scaling up delivery of services and emphasis on universal access • Renewal of inner city areas • Basic services to the urban poor Duration of the Mission :7 Years from 2005-06 Mission Strategies • 20 - 25 year perspectives - with 5 yearly updates • City Development Plan (CDP), a pre-requisite • Requirement of Detailed Project Report (DPR) 3

  4. Sub-mission - I : Urban Infrastructure And Governance • Admissible Components • Urban Renewal • Water Supply (including Desalination & Sewerage) • Solid Waste Management • Storm Water Drains • Urban Transport • Parking spaces on Public Private Partnership basis • Development of heritage areas • Preservation of water bodies • Financing Pattern • 35% : Govt. of India Grant • 15% : State Govt. Grant • 50% : Institutional Finance or other sources : Contribution from Implementing Agency /ULB / State Govt. / MPLAD / MLALAD fund etc. 4

  5. Sub-mission - II : Basic Services to the Urban Poor (BSUP) • Admissible Components • Integrated development of slums • Development / improvement / maintenance of basic services to the urban poor • 7-point charter including affordable housing, security of tenure, water supply, sanitation, and convergence with existing schemes of health, education and social security and dovetailing of budgetary provisions under respective sector programs • Financing Pattern • 50% : Govt of India Grant • 50% : State / ULB / Parastatal share including beneficiary contribution • In case of Housing, minimum beneficiary contribution - 12% • For SC / ST & other weaker sections – 10% 5

  6. AGENDA: URBAN REFORMS Objective : To make the ULBs financially sound through improved Urban Governance so that they can access capital market • Two categories of Reforms : • Mandatory reforms • Optional reforms • Two sets of Reforms : • At ULB level • At State level 6

  7. Mandatory Reforms at ULB Level • Accounting Reform • e-Governance, using IT, GIS, MIS • Property Tax Reform : To achieve 85% collection by end of 7th year • Levy of User Charges : • Water Supply & Other Services : To achieve full recovery of O&M by end of 7th year • Earmarking of budgets by ULBS for basic services to the urban poor • Services to the Urban Poor 7

  8. Mandatory Reforms at State Level • Implementation of 74th Amendment of Constitution • Repeal of Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act • Rent Control Reforms • Stamp Duty rationalisation to bring it down to 5% • Enactment of New Laws • Public Disclosures Law to ensure preparation of medium term fiscal plan of ULBs /Parastatals and release of quarterly performance information to all stakeholders • Community participation Law to institutionalise citizen participation and introducing the concept of Area Sabha • Assigning ULBS with City Planning functions 8

  9. Optional Reform Agenda at State & ULB Level • Revision of Bylaws to streamline the approval process for building construction, development of site etc. • Simplification of legal and procedural frameworks for conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural purpose • Introduction of property title certification systems in ULBs • Earmarking at least 20–25% developed land for EWS / LIG • Introduction of computerised process of registration of land and property • Building by-laws revision for rain water harvesting • By-laws on re-use of water • Encouraging Public Private Partnership • Any two optional reforms to be implemented together by State & ULBS in each year 9

  10. Memorandum of Agreement • Tripartite agreement among GoI, through MoUD/ MoH & UPA, State Government and ULB to be signed for accessing funds under JNNURM • Requirements for signing MoA • CDP to be accepted by GoI • Laying down a time schedule for implementing the Reform Agenda consisting of reforms to be undertaken by : • Urban Local Bodies • State Government • The Progress of reforms as per agreed MOA shall be monitored by GOI 10

  11. Present Status of Progress • State Level Steering Committee (SLSC) under the Chairmanship of MIC, MA & UD constituted KMDA designated as SLNA for JNNURM • CDP for KMA approved by GoI subject to some modifications • Modified CDP under examination of GoI • MOA has been signed with GoI • 4 meetings of SLSC held • 11 projects involving Rs. 950 Crores were approved by GoI under Sub-Mission-I • 25 projects involving Rs. 615 Crores were approved under Sub-Mission – II 11

  12. Approved Projects at a glance Sub-Mission I : Urban Infrastructure & Governance Amounts in Rs. Crore 12

  13. Approved Projects at a glance Sub-Mission II: Basic Services to Urban Poor • No. of Schemes approved : 25 • No. of Dwelling Units : 33,336 • Project Cost : Rs. 615.65 Crore • GoI Share : Rs. 304.10 Crore • GoWB Share : Rs. 196.58 Crore • ULB / * Beneficiaries : Rs. 114.77 Crore * Beneficiaries will contribute 20% of cost of Housing 13

  14. Various Aspects of Implementation of Schemes • For housing under BSUP, Beneficiary shall contribute 20% of cost • Beneficiary list & details of the infrastructure work to be displayed by the ULBs & apprised to ward committees / citizens • MED /KMDA shall provide technical support to the ULBs • Involving State / Central Govt. organisations, Joint sector companies for construction of house being explored • Capacity of ULBs needs strengthening • Progress under JNNURM shall be placed before KMPC from time to time 14

  15. Thank you

  16. Sub Mission-I : Urban Infrastructure and Governance DPRs approved by Govt of India Amounts in Rs. Crore

  17. Sub Mission-I : Urban Infrastructure and Governance (contd.) DPRs approved by Govt of India (contd.) Amounts in Rs. Crore

  18. Sub Mission-II : BSUP DPRs approved by Govt of India Amounts in Rs. Crore

  19. Sub Mission-II : BSUP (Contd.) DPRs approved by Govt of India (Contd.) Amounts in Rs. Crore

  20. Sub Mission-II : BSUP (Contd.) DPRs approved by Govt of India (Contd.) Amounts in Rs. Crore

  21. Sub Mission-I : Urban Infrastructure and Governance DPRs UNDER EVALUATION / SUBMISSION TO GoI Amounts in Rs. Crore

  22. Sub Mission-II : BSUP DPRs UNDER EVALUATION / SUBMISSION TO GoI Amounts in Rs. Crore

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