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Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI)

The LIBRARY of CONGRESS. Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI). Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) Program DPOE Baseline Workshop. DPOE Mission. The LIBRARY of CONGRESS.

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Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The LIBRARY of CONGRESS Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI) Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) Program DPOE Baseline Workshop

  2. DPOE Mission The LIBRARY of CONGRESS To foster national outreach and education to encourage individuals and organizations to actively preserve their digital content, building on a collaborative network of instructors, contributors, and institutional partners.

  3. Digital Preservation Outreach and Education The LIBRARY of CONGRESS www.digitalpreservation.gov/education Digital Preservation Outreach & Education

  4. Digital Preservation Outreach and Education The LIBRARY of CONGRESS Levels of Training: DPOE Pyramid 2010 Digital Preservation Outreach & Education

  5. Digital Preservation Outreach and Education The LIBRARY of CONGRESS Level of Instructors • Topical – knowledgeable about a specific topic • Utility – able to present on multiple topics • Anchor – able to organize and manage event and lead presenter, able to develop curriculum Digital Preservation Outreach & Education

  6. Digital Preservation Outreach and Education The LIBRARY of CONGRESS Desired Outcomes • Encourage good practice • Raise awareness • Develop a national network with a mix of all roles • Bring basic training to wherever it needs to be • Collaborate with training providers • Build, evolve, strengthen accessible curriculum • Promote shared community events using calendar Digital Preservation Outreach & Education

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