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JYFL ION COOLER AND BUNCHER. The JYFL IGISOL facility. High Voltage. Cyclotron beam. Ion guide. Separator magnet. Beam switchyard. Ion Beam Cooler. 90 bend. High Voltage. Penning Trap. 2 m. 0. 1. Cooler layout. Ion beam cooler. Central beam line. Cooler beam line.
The JYFL IGISOL facility High Voltage Cyclotron beam Ion guide Separator magnet Beam switchyard Ion Beam Cooler 90 bend High Voltage Penning Trap 2 m 0 1
Cooler layout Ion beam cooler Central beam line Cooler beam line Beam switchyard
Energy spread Collinear laser spectroscopy setup Off-line Barium beam dEFWHM < 4 eV 20 MHz doppler broadening Beam intensity cut off vs. bias voltage. Intensive beams (129Xe, few nA) dEFWHM = 1.5 eV On-line beams 105 ions/s dEFWHM = 0.7 eV Off-line 129Xe+
Delay time IGISOL delay time ~ms Without axial field: diffusion, space charge Depends on: - Einj - dEinj - pHe Without axial field up to hundreds of ms Shorter by axial electric field (down to ms region) Longer beam bunching
ii iii iv i
Transmission - 29 MeV proton induced fission of 238U - Normal ion guide pressure 250 mbar - Skimmer voltage varied - A = 112 IGISOL beam (mostly 112Rh) - Beta count rate in two Si-detector setups, before and after the cooler - Transmission > 60 %
Potential along z - axis +70 V (collect) 0 V (release) +2 V +1 V +0.5 V Z -1V Bunching - Separator beam on t = 0 - 1000 ms - Cooler end plate voltage down t = 3300-4000 ms
LCR IONS LASER Delayed Ion-photon coincidence method Bunched beam method Photons gated on the ion bunch Singles photons Counts Photons gated on the ion bunch Ion Beam Energy Tuning (eV)
174Hf ttrap = 0.5 s Gate1 = 15 ms Gate1 = 30 ms Gate1 = 75 ms Hf 15(1) ms Ti 10(1) ms (with <10 000 ions/bunch) Bunch width - Mass and Space charge effects
P. Campbell et al. Hypf. Int. 127 (2000) On-line photon efficiency in collinear laser spectroscopy (ion survival) Without the buncher - Metastable population - IGISOL pressure With the buncher - Off-line efficiencies hold metastables reduced - No IGISOL pressure effects (below fig. pIG=450 mbar)