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Chapter 2: Law of Agency

Agents and Agency Defined. Types of AgentsGeneral agentSpecial agentPower of attorney. How Agencies Are Created. Express agencyImplied agencyOstensible agenciesAgency by estoppelAgency by ratificationDual agency. Proof of Agency . Authority of AgentsExpress authorityImplied authorityDele

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Chapter 2: Law of Agency

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Chapter 2: Law of Agency Lecture Outline

    2. Agents and Agency Defined Types of Agents General agent Special agent Power of attorney

    3. How Agencies Are Created Express agency Implied agency Ostensible agencies Agency by estoppel Agency by ratification Dual agency Discuss Californias dual agency and compare it with facilitator idea, as well as designated agency where one agent within an office is the sellers agent and another agent in the same office is the buyers agent. Neither facilitator nor designated agency can be used in California. Go over the agency disclosure form in class. Suggest discussion of L. Byron Culver case.Discuss Californias dual agency and compare it with facilitator idea, as well as designated agency where one agent within an office is the sellers agent and another agent in the same office is the buyers agent. Neither facilitator nor designated agency can be used in California. Go over the agency disclosure form in class. Suggest discussion of L. Byron Culver case.

    4. Proof of Agency Authority of Agents Express authority Implied authority Delegation of agents authority

    5. Duties of an Agent Fiduciary duties Full disclosure Due care Loyalty Honesty Integrity Obedience Agents duty Discuss Roberts v. Lomanto case. Discuss Furla v. Jon Douglas Co. case. Discuss Roberts v. Lomanto case. Discuss Furla v. Jon Douglas Co. case.

    6. Liability of Agents Liability of Principals Breach of Agency Termination of Agency Agency coupled with an interest

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