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ICT in Estonian education. Tallinn 2011. Estonia. Tallinn. Estonia is a country with high Internet freedom .
ICT inEstonianeducation Tallinn 2011
Estonia is a country with high Internet freedom • According to US-based organisation Freedom House, Estonia has taken the first place on Internet freedom among the countries studied. Internet Freedom was studied in three categories: access, content and violation of the user rights. • The country’s report says the number of the Internet and mobile phone users in Estonia has risen steadily over the past 15 years and in 2009, 72 percent of the population used the Internet regularly.According to Freedom House Estonians use many possibilities the Internet has to offer and it particularly highlighted that 83 percent of the population uses the Internet to communicate with the banks, which is the second highest result in the European Union.In addition, it was highlighted that the Estonian Public Broadcasting publishes its own programs free of charge and sites such as YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Orkut and many other international portals are popular.The report underlines that the restrictions on the Internet content in Estonia is among the world smallest. However, it added that due to strict privacy laws in Estonia, the content is sometimes removed – this concerns mostly the commentaries.It is also mentioned that from 2010 people were banned from unlicensed gambling sites. Freedom House estimates that the large number of Internet users gives the Estonian government unique opportunities, for example the President has his own Youtube channel.
TigerLeapProgram • Tiger Leap Program was launched in February 1996 by Estonian President LennartMeri to adjust theeducation system to the needs of rapidly evolving information society by equipping schools withmodern information and communication technology, linking schools to internet, providing ICTeducation to teachers, promoting development of teaching/learning software, etc.
TheNewCurriculum • January, 2010 – Thecurriculum(separateforthebasic and gymnasiumschoollevel) approvedbytheGovernmentof Estonia. • June, 2010 – Thenew Basic School and GymnasiumSchoolAct passed by Riigikogu (Parliament) . • January, 2011 – TheGovernmentapprovesthecurriculumamendedaccordingtothenewact.
Basic ValuesoftheCurriculum • Basic values are emphasizingthegeneralhumanvalues : • honesty, • care, • respectoflife, • justice, integrity, • dignitytowardsoneself and others • and socialvalues: • freedom, • democracy, • respectofnativelanguage and culture, • patriotism, • multiculturalism , • tolerance, • environmentalsustainability, • legality, • solidarity, • responsibility and • genderequality.
Basic ValuesoftheCurriculum • Basic values are emphasizingthegeneralhumanvalues : • honesty, • care, • respectoflife, • justice, integrity, • dignitytowardsoneself and others • and socialvalues: • freedom, • democracy, • respectofnativelanguage and culture, • patriotism, • multiculturalism , • tolerance, • environmentalsustainability, • legality, • solidarity, • responsibility and • genderequality.
GymnasiumSchoolOrganisationofStudies Optional courses in the areas and subjects prescribed in the National Curriculum Language and literature 4 Foreignlanguages 6 Mathematicsschoolsenable 14 broadmathematicscourses Naturestudies 8 Socialstiudies 7 Physicaltraining 2 Religion 2 Nationaldefence 2 Economics and business 2 Basisofresearchwork 1
Toolsfordevelopingfinancialliteracyinschools • Gameenvironment`Moneyland`translatedintoEstonian on theinitiativeof Sampo Bank : http://www.rahamaa.ee/ • Competitionforstudymaterials “RichLife” organizedbySwedbank at the end of 2010. • Dolcetae-textbook at http://www.dolceta.eu/eesti/Mod7/
Teachers`NetGate • Teachers’ NetGate (www.koolielu.ee) containing thousands of study materials as well asthe possibility to communicate for teachers was created. Teachers’ NetGate (Koolielu)is also a member European Schoolnet network.
Storageofeducationalmaterial The purpose of Miksikewww.miksike.ee is to provide a virtual teaching assistance service.WorksheetsforPrimary/Elementaryschoolalsoavailableinenglishhttp://lefo.net/
Theessenceofe-school • E-school is a solution that allows parents (and students) to see schoolinformationi.egrades, missedclasses, homeassignmentsetc. concerningtheir child over the Internet. It also improves parents’communicationwith teachers via different Forums.
"It is no longer what you remember, but how well you can search." 21 CENTURY SCHOOL NEEDS NEW APPROACHES
Schooloftheinformationsociety • Approaches to learning are changing: as a complement to individual work, team work is valued; in setting the goals for learning and evaluating learning, more and more considerationis given to the needs of pupils; open tasks and real-life problems are replacing abstractknowledge; authentic context, discussions, self-evaluation by pupils and ability to analyse arebecomingimportant.
Virtuallearning • The learning environment is expanding, and education is moving beyond the limits of theclassroom, books and schoolhouse, into the virtual environment. An important position in the development of pupils and in lifelong learning will be occupied by virtual learningcommunities, communities on the Internet with similar interests. All this requires broad-minded application of ICT in school and in curricula.
ConsumerProtectionBoard • SituatesoppositetoGovernmentHouseof Estonia and clousetoParliament • Oneofmyworktaskas a chiefspecialististoeducateaspupilsasteachers so theycanactlikewiseconsumers
DVD “Rabbit Juss learnssmartconsuming” • Juss` and Jass`washingday • Rabbit Juss learnstoavoidrisks on internet • Rabbit Juss studiestraveloffers • Rabbit Juss goes on holiday • Juss`andJass´shoppingspree • Juss play a shopkeeper • Juss goesshopping
How does the CD reach the children? • Distributedin all Estonian - and Russian - speakingkindergartens and schools (ca 1300 CDs) March-April, 2011 • Cartoonscanbewatched at: http://www.tarbijakaitseamet.ee/index.php?id=13180 and inYouTube
Didyouknow? • Skype basic code was written by Estonians Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu and Jaan Tallinn. • Estonia has become the first country to use internet voting in parliamentary elections.
Thankyouforyourattention! Helena HansenConsumerProtectionBoardof Estonia ConsumerPolicy and PublicRelationsDepartmentRahukohtu 2, 10130 Tallinn, Estonia+372 620 1709www.tarbijakaitseamet.ee helena.hansen@tarbijakaitseamet.ee