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Essay Planning. LO: To be able to plan a comparative essay on war poetry . FC: To have a clear argument and constant comparison in your essay. Starter: Read the following about ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ :
Essay Planning LO: To be able to plan a comparative essay on war poetry. FC: To have a clear argument and constant comparison in your essay. Starter: Read the following about ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ : In this sonnet, Owen writes about his feelings for the young men who have been needlessly butchered in battle. The themes of death and religion are prevalent as the poet reflects on how the casualties / victims of war are formally remembered (or not!) in a conventional funeral ceremony. Summarise this in your own words.
Read the Question Compare the presentation of conflict in ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ by Tennyson and ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’. Timed Pair Share – Shoulder Partner (1 minute each) What does the word ‘compare’ mean? List synonyms for the word ‘conflict’. 3) List connectives which you can use to draw comparisons between the two poems. E.g.Similarly in…
Analytical Markers Table Round Robin Your table has 2 minutes to write down as many synonyms for ‘show’ that you could use in your essay.
Practice PEA ‘What passing-bells for these that die as cattle?’ Planning: What two techniques are utilised here? What image is created? What is Owen describing? Individual Task: Write a PEA using this quote in response to the question, ‘How does Owen convey war?’ MUST: Directly answer the question MUST: Have language focus SHOULD: Refer to Owen’s intentions
Focus on Conflict Stand and Share How is conflict evident in the two poems? What types of conflict are evident?
Table Work Read through the structure of the essay in the table provided to help you focus your essay planning.
Group Work Work in your groups to plan the first three sections of the essay. Look at how the poets use key techniques – similes, metaphors etc to convey meaning. Please pick out key quotes and contextualise them – why are they used? Keep focused on the poet’s aim or intention.