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National Database for Epidemiological Surveillance in Agriculture

Implementation of a national database for monitoring harmful organisms and parasites in agriculture, aiming to reduce pesticide use by 50% within 10 years. The system involves 10 different information systems for observation data collection and sharing through the AgroObs message platform. It provides interoperability between systems, standardized reporting, and shared referentials for agronomical observations. The platform offers technical documentation, referential downloads, message testing, APIs, and adaptable governance for continuous improvement.

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National Database for Epidemiological Surveillance in Agriculture

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stéphane ARCHE – Ministry of Agriculture / Directorate for food / FRANCEBruno PREPIN – AGRO EDI Europe

  2. Background - A measure was launched in 2008 and was intergrated in the « Ecophyto 2012 » government plan : the aim is to reduce pesticides use by 50% within 10 years - Implemented by the Ministry for Agriculture in collaboration with business partners, within the framework of observation networks that covers the whole territory and its farming industries. - Aim : biological and epidemiological monitoring of the territory with publication of the vegetal health Bulletin - more than 8000 observed plots - more than 2700 observers on site - more than 1500 published vegetal health Bulletins

  3. EPIPHYTSI in epidemiological surveillance Details: - Implementation of a national database aiming to collect observation data on harmful organism and parasites. - This database aggregates all observations made within the framework of the epidemiological surveillance by observation networks, no matters which information system is used for the observation capture 10 different SI to this day : Vigiculture / VgObs / Latitude / Afidol / Gaïa / Epicure / Agriobs / Campanet / Outil CA 82 / Phytozéro

  4. EPIPHYTSI in epidemiological surveillance An interoperability demand • Interoperability between SI is provided by an exchange message of observation data (AgroObs) and a basis of referentials shared by all systems. • Message and referentials are done by the « Observation » workgroup hosted by Agro EDI Europe Main referentials : • Farming/qualifier/destination/organ/vegetative profile • Living organisms/category/sub-category/stage of development • BBCH stage of growth • Protocols of observation

  5. EPIPHYTSI en épidémiosurveillance

  6. EPIPHYT SI components The EDI system is based on: • A standardized AgroObs message (implementation of XSDs) • Referentials shared by SI - A dedicated EDI platform on which can be found: - the whole technical documentation - downloading of shared referentials - test of messages - APIs - An adapted governance allowing to always let the system evoluates with all actors collaboration

  7. La plate-forme EDI

  8. La plate-forme EDI

  9. AgroObs Message Agronomical Observation Report

  10. Objectives • Nowadays, many kind of networks are doing crop observations in order to provide wider view advices about crop pests and diseases to the farmers. • Dealing with the complexity of the crop production, these reports are generating a huge amount of data in many formats which could be standardized. • The European regulation requires to members States to set up a network of epidemiological monitoring of crops, in order to improve the advice to the farmers and to prevent the massive use of pesticides. • The aims are : • To monitor the crops in place in order to detect early insects, pests and/or diseases that may have negative impact on harvested produce. • To provide more accurate advice to the farmers • To reduce chemical crop inputs (to cut costs and to reduce environmental print) • The message « agronomical observation report » will be used to transfer raw datas from the field to any kind of parties (Ministry of agriculture, Private companies etc.) 13/02/2012

  11. 13/02/2012

  12. AgroObs Message was included in UN/CEFACT CCL11B 13/02/2012

  13. AEE WEB services

  14. www.agroedieurope.fr • Agro EDI Europe Référentials • All up to date and online referential codes • Downloadable in Excel format • Or in xml format via the direct connection system with API • XML UN/CEFACT messages validation • Impartial judge • Binary answer : Valid or Non-valid • Used as a reference • Educationnal • Support for developpers • Explains errors • Limited access 13/02/2012

  15. Codes dictionnarythrough the extranet • Through our member page on www.agroedieurope.fr 13/02/2012

  16. API access « Application Programming Interface »

  17. L’API Agro EDI Europe Sur http://api.agroedieurope.fr Requête « donne moi la dernière version des codes maladies » + APIKey Réponse 13/02/2012

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